Running multiple instances of D2R on the same computer

Actually I’ve been multiboxing with this method all week. Works fine for me but ok, your loss if you’re convinced I havent personally tested it…

With process explorer its literally two simple steps too.

In convinced no one simply pressed CTRL + L to open the process handles that keep being highlighted in the first place

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If I say spam is the best tasting meat in the entire world because no other meat has ever tasted better. I haven’t proven anything. All I’ve done is reworded my own unproven statement and then said it’s true because I said it’s true.

Anyone reply to me with their saying it works is doing the exact same thing I just described with the spam. You haven’t proven anything and the only thing you’re doing is keep repeating your own unproven circular argument and saying you proved it because you said you proved it.

it’s like trying to argue that a policy of something only applies because the policy says it does.
There is nothing backing up any facts…Just circular arguments that have nothing supporting them with people using their own unproven statements as a method to argue and not prove anything.

I stopped reading here. I don’t think you understand the concurrency problems involved with multiple instances of the same application accessing and editing the same persistent resources. There’s no way to know how much of the game relies on the assumption that it has a lock on those resources. The rest of your rant is likely garbage.

Try again, but do it the right way.

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You don’t bother reading but still bother pressing the reply button? Probably that’s why your reply doesn’t make any sense but I’m not surprised about this on a gaming forum where people just want to “win” discussions. You know what? You win! I don’t know what prize is but I hope you’re happy. :joy:

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You already said Bnet detected another instance of D2R which means you completely ignored a vital step. You didn’t need to say all that to simply say that you couldn’t follow the directions.


just need someone to figure out how to get sandboxie working for d2r that way you can have 2 queues

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The answer I found to this so far is Windows Hyper-V with paravirtulization. I can run 3 instances on one pc with a rx 590. Main window 1920x1080 medium settings the other two min settings and res 1280x800(the min D2R requirements). Though I am using a 5950x and 32gb of ram with 10gb dedicated to each vm with dynamic usage the max 10gb. My gpu is the bottleneck here cpu usage does not go high at all.

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Good. We don’t need more pay to win.

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FYI, “Process Explorer” does not refer to Windows 10’s default Task Manager Process List. You need to install ProcessExplorer, also written by Microsoft (Google it). Install this and run it, then you will see the options mentioned above.

Also, I can confirm that this does work.

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Thank you very much, man. This solution completely works for me.

Previously, I had to constantly communicate between two Windows users and it was just a disaster (a waste of time, constantly leaving the audio driver from the discord and other inconveniences)

With your decision, I just click on the second window and I can run with the second character, it’s just amazing.

Thanks again man, you make this world a better place)

I use Mouse Without Borders to control multiple pcs on my network with one mouse and keyboard.

It feels like d2r is running on 1 pc (besides the fact that one is 6 years old and struggles to get 60fps)

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When i kill the process, and start 2nd d2r.exe, it exited before character loading page.

this worked perfect thank you so much.

Also for anyone having trouble with process explorer make sure the lower window is visible, took me forever to figure that out. At the top there is the view tab, click it and make sure lower view is enabled. also there is a menu item that says lower view, click that and make sure handles is checked. Now click back on the d2r and you will see all the handles come up in the lower pane. scroll down and find the check for other instances line . close it and thats it!

While i can not confirm or deny this, at least this poster has given some more detailed info. Gl Guys.

It absolutely does work.

Step by step:

right click d2r folder select copy and then paste it. This will make a new folder called diablo 2 ressurected - copy.
Run d2r launcher from one of the folders and go ahead and hit play to open up a d2r instance.
Download process explorer unzip it to any folder.
right click processexplorer and run as administrator
in processexplorer click the view menu tab and select show lower pane, also in the same menu go to lower pane view and make sure handles is selected.
left click on D2R in processexplorer and the lower pane will fill with a bunch of stuff. Find the line that has already been said in this thread.
Right click that line and select close handle.
now go to the copied folder and use the d2r launcher. log into your other account. Hit play and you will now have two seperate d2r instances open with two diff accounts!

Thanks for the guys who told us to do this before. I just added the how to on process explorer.


You can run it on D2R and D3.
I know this as a fact.

@Slippy how stable is it? do they crash any more than a single instance does? How good is your shout barb?

its doesn’t work, when i log with my 2nd account, bnet says the game is already running, even i if killed the process