Running multiple instances of D2R on the same computer

Yes that just lets you open multiple battlenet clients, not the game itself.

Who cares? What are we “winning”? Door prizes? Alcohol? I haven’t “won” anything substantial yet by playing the game. lol

The process explorer solution is working for me. Many thanks to those who provided the steps, especially to those who pointed out the lower pane that is toggled from the view menu on the top bar.

Somewhat of a pain to filter through all the other nonsense here, which I suppose I’m adding to with this reply. Oh well.

Bought a 3rd account so I will always have easy /players 3 online. I am winning so hard now.

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LOL that’s a great way of putting it. I always would tilt my head when I’d see someone complaining over that sum of money. It basically boils down to they’re either not working, or they’re… reincarnated from the 1950’s or something.

“$40 is more than my mom gives me in a whole WEEK!”

Will this work in a vmwear player or do I have to stay with hyper v gpu passthrue/partitioning ?
I need to have 2 mouse. One on host pc and 2nd on vm and hyper-v dosnt have a way for me to do that.

Did you ever figer out what this means ? I want to try this.

I guess it does give an advantage in a way to have two copies, but at the same time it’s pretty minimal. I’m only interested in it for MF with more players in the game. Likewise, I know offline characters can do it with a chat command, so I find it weird that you can’t do it with online solo.

Igen. Létezik, csak annyira nem ért hozzá hogy megtalálja. Valószínüleg aki ért hozzá az meg tudja oldani. Azért nem mondják el talán részletesen, mert nem akarja senki hogy ezt sokan használják, mert akkor a blizzard kitalál rá megoldást. Neki az a legjobb, ha veszel több accountot, több géppel. Pénz.
Yes. There is, he just didn’t touch it enough to find it. Probably anyone who touches it can solve it. They may not tell you in detail because no one wants this to be used by many, because then blizzard will come up with a solution for it. It is best for him to buy more accounts with more machines. Money.

Aster no longer works for me after the latest D2R patch. It’ll kick the other account off BNet. It was working great for a few months until the latest update. Anyone else having the and issue or know of a solution?

1 - Start BattleNet App but DO NOT start D2
2 - Switch user account on your computer
3 - Copy the Diablo II folder to a diffent path (C:\DiabloII) for exemple
4 - Start Battlenet App
5 - Change the Game setting to point to that new folder
6 - Start D2
7 - Switch back to you main account on the PC
8 - Start D2
There you go !
You will need to repeat the process of folder redirection every time you restart the PC (but not the folder copy)
The important part is not to start D2 until both Battle Net Apps are configured on different folder path.


I’m dead. :rofl: :joy: thanks for the good kekle

lol just copy game folder, how hard is that?

ahh the lengths sweaties will always go to to perceive an edge on Botnet, you guys are all ezf00d if mandated you play fairly, no more these SEPARATE BO BARBS/CONC TOWN DINS in pvp you t1ttie boys would defo be Q,Q

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if that’s what people are using multiple instances in diablo 2… yikes.

i think most people would rather get an edge in pvm, not pvp. (again, who the hell is even playing pvp anymore)

What language is that?

Personally, I bought two accounts so I can transfer gear and have my main clear of mules. Also to get to P3 when playing with a friend, but hardly seeing a difference in drops honestly.

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what a bad idea. items and Estuff will get sold everytime and is not a problem, account bound is 1 of the most shi**y things about d3, let the ppl trade their stuff the way they want.


Right, you paid to get a +1/players function online that doesn’t exist for players who didn’t pay for it. That’s the definition of pay to win. Any shared online experience has a degree of competition to it whether you acknowledge it or not. People don’t pay hundreds of dollars for items in single player games, or pay others to level for them, for example. So naturally, people will have a problem with someone paying for an edge in a shared online experience like this.

In the grand scheme of things, using multiple accounts is a tiny benefit. From my experience the best way to get loot quick is to just play the game.

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If you have three it’s worth it to load into runs that aren’t over too quickly.

Just having two accounts lets you power level, rush, enchant, etc and have access to 20 more character slots.

Anyone can play on Player 3 on, I’m not paying for any advantage anyone can have without paying. The mobs are harder to kill with only two active players, and the drop chance is slightly increased. If that’s pay to win for you, then anyone buying the game is paying to win.

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