Running multiple instances of D2R on the same computer

I tried it with 2, but can’t launch the different installs through the 2 different launchers. If you launch the game manually it’s offline mode only. Anyone figure out some way to log in when launching the game manually?

Create a virtual machine to run a second one on the same computer, or get 2 computers.

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does it even run in a VM as it needs more hardware access/resources than classic D2 ??
And i dont think its pay to win as you are able to do the same thing with some friend to play D2, but no friend wants to play D2 here and nobody takes this effort.
Tried someone to virtualize using sandboxie instead of VM to run second instance ?

So even with multiple users on a pc switching between then and manually trying to load d2r from a copied instance, it fails instantly and wont work, due to some access issue.

just goto Amazon, select a $200 laptop, click buy…profit!

you need a capable graphics card which is probably not available at cheap laptop.
i think i’ll buy a 1000€ gaming laptop, something i had to do anyway.

Guess what? The no lifer who plays 18 hours per day is paying to win, just with time instead of money.

Blizzard can’t make the playing field exactly level. What OP requested hurts you no more than what people are already doing. Which is not at all. None of this hurts you or your experience.

People with an organized team of no lifers will always have more than you. Deal with it.


i dont exactly what you#re about to say. is this pro 2nd instance or contra?
I think, its not terrible for people to run just a 2nd instance (medianXL explicitly allows it, for example), as people who are organized and have more time have more chances to reach something we dont have. its equal. yes they are probably doing the same anyway…

again: someone tried sandboxie? dont have time atm

Tried it on one PC and it did not work.

why? nothing wrong with it at all

you can’t dislike two different things at the same time


Just use sandboxie or another virtual machine.

Got it working with workstation VM software called Aster.

You will need multiple monitors, two bnet accounts, two copies of the game, and will need to copy your D2R folder. Launch 1st, in 2nd workstation change directory to the copied directory, launch 2nd. Sometimes you have to fiddle with the directory to get it so that launching the 1st doesn’t make the 2nd one say “Playing”.

It’s very annoying having to reassign your kb/mouse back and forth but you can assign a controller to your 2nd instance so it’s sort of bearable. I tried it out for a little bit then quit it as the Aster software is annoying, switching between workstations is annoying, it’s just more trouble than it’s worth.

Would be great if they could just make it so we can run multiples, each instance needs a lock on file resources which is why it is the way it is. I don’t foresee this ever being fixed because whichever dev screwed this up was probably outsourced or has probably moved onto other projects. GG

I’m all against P2W as well, but assuming they don’t use any other tools, just play 2 accs themselves that requires some dedication and skill to make worthwhile (except maybe for BO)
What edge is there in Diablo anyway, they will get insanely expensive items that none needs and everyone wants (for some reason) faster? ^^

This a very funny topic. So If you create various accounts under your name and pay for a digital copy on each the system will not allow you to actually play on the same PC but they are allowing certain websites to go and pay forum golds and get gear.

So, they rather loose profit by not allowing people spending money on their own battlenet so players can actually farm their gear but they are promoting going to third party websites to buy the gear itself.

If a player spends $200 on buying accounts to legally and morally grind their gear, how is that for a business model not to allow that but to allow sites like d2jsp trading gear for an online currency which you can actually pay for.

Perhaps there is something we all need to know behind the scenes between blizzard and d2jsp? Why allowed one and not the other when blizzard is loosing money this way.

It is as simple as allow the play bottom on same PCs with different accounts.


use a 2nd pc eh that should work

I don’t even know who these people think they are “winning” against lol. There’s no ladder, and even if there were there isn’t a chance for most of these morons to get near the top anyway.

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Why should I, they allow multiple clients in wow and other of their games but not here? There is more behind this and its not about botting


I am using 2 accounts and 2 d2r games but they are on seperate pc’s, my 2nd account is for items and buff mules.
I remember years ago you were allowed a total of 4 copies of d2 running on one pc using different windows login, renaming the folders was the way to have them all running at once.
Purchasing a few more d2r games is no different than buying stash storage space in poe.

I’ve considered a second account for this reason. I could care less about ladders, rankings and such.

I’m just an old man chasing lootz.

I spend more time juggling items in my stash and between characters than actually playing the game.

I’ve already vendored stuff I wish I hadn’t.

This game has the loot right, but I sure miss my tabs from POE.