Running multiple instances of D2R on the same computer

The only workaround I’ve found is to have multiple windows accounts and run each instance of D2R in a separate account. Presumably VMs will work as well still, as they did with original D2, but I haven’t gotten around to setting one up yet to test it.

Has anyone tried enabling the setting under ‘Advanced Features’ in the App that says: Allow multiple instances of

how is it pay to win? have you tried using 2 characters at the same time? even if it is a enchanter/BOer, it still is a total PITA to get him leveled and geared to where he needs to be. you aren’t going to be using them at the same time while you do your baal and chaos runs… silly comment. with your logic, would a person who can afford a nice PC & internet connection be paying to win versus someone with crappy PC and interwebz??

i wouldn’t mind being able to have multiple instances of d2r running without using VM. I have a separate PC next to me but I don’t want to use a separate mouse and keyboard lol.


Did you read the comments

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I did actually and somehow missed seeing it already mentioned.

Still need a workaround for this. Playing on slow laptop is killing me.

If I try to allow multiple instances of launcher and log in to 2 different accounts with 2 different launchers open, when I click the play diablo 2 resurrected button in 1, it says Playing in both and I can’t click the button again in either – so this doesn’t seem to work as a way to play 2 at the same time.

You can literally go to JSP or any 3rd party site and buy whatever item you want in the game.

And here you are, worried about someone loading up a BO barb to buff his party.

Ya’ll some weird kids man.


That doesn’t work at all.

I dont understand why Blizzard dont support this?

In D3 I can run 4 at the same time…But not for D2R? Just lol.

There loss I wont buy multiple copies to rush myself.


on a very famous page i won’t name, people have actually managed to open multiple instances, but taking waypoints instantly crashes the game. I use a laptop and i connect to the laptop via Remote Desktop. There is a weird delay in the RD-Client, but you can mule, rush, lvl and trade on the second client. Wouldn’t be a solution for a Torch-Team though, where one instance would teleport to the bosses and the other kills

I have the same, 2 seperate battle net accounts and bought D2R twice for self rushing/ BO, enchant, muling, filling game for more drops, etc. All using no other software, manually done.

In D2R I can’t get it to work, so I decided I will get a laptop for running my second copy…

If Blizzard did just allow running multiple D2R on one pc, people like me would buy multiple copies. Now i will limit it to 2 copies of D2R and buy a laptop, just to get it to work. That is definately not a QOL compared to D2, where we could do it. So in my case Blizzard
loses sale of 2 copies I would otherwise buy additionally.

I have no doubt the item selling stores use some software to run multiple copies with bots and are not affected by this measure. It is like the game limit per hour and and locking out legit players all over again. Somehow it always seems Blizzard wants to punish people that love and support the franchise by putting in measures that hinder or limit users, but not the item selling shops :frowning:


I tried with a VM and it didn’t work.
I gave it:

  • 8 GB SDRAM
  • 3 GB Video Memory
  • 60 GB space for game

I updated the game with bnet launcher but get “video error can’t initialize.”

I added total 6 GB Video Memory and same error.

I gave up!

I wish Blizzard would allow us to play multiple copies of D2R like we can in WoW, D3 and other of their games.


That is only to allow multiple instance’s of the Desktop Battlenet launcher, not the game.

I tried this and it doesn’t work for me. It still says running on the BNet app of the other account. So I run 1 copy on my laptop and the other copy on my desktop.

It sure would be nice to not have to do it this way.

It’s the logic of this new generation man. They are like 22-26, living with their folks and complaining about “the rich people” while refusing to work. Because $40 is somehow a significant amount of money to them. Not that they ever pay for anything to begin with. They just know it’s more than a Latte and less than an iPhone.


You could get a kvm switch.


So did we ever figure this out? I tried running 2 users on my PC with 2 copies and it doesn’t work. Thanks.

I have tried this but it still puts them both under the same launcher. I have 2 copies, 2 users on PC and using 2 separate bnet accounts…yet it keeps them under same how? lol

Do you have only one copy of the game installed? Or do you have two different installments and save directories for the game?