Runes are still too rare

Oh yes, luck is the target now, let’s destroy it and turn this game into complete boredom, add ploot too and many won’t need sleeping pills anymore.

I’m just going off of historical data. The trend is has been for them to gradually overtake blizz games. Maybe they’ll have better anti-cheat this time. If a paid subscription mmo can’t moderate it’s game properly though I have great doubts on their abilities in this remaster.

This just isn’t true, botters do not “overtake” anything, If you are talking about on the realms right now, well the game is 21 years old. In your head you have built up botters to be something they just are not. They are cheaters, yes, but they are not a two million strong force, they are just people with far too much time on their hands and an inability to play fair, and people with those two traits make up a tiny minority of the D2R playerbase, at least for the first two years and maybe longer.

Your argument seems to be that botters exist, therefore ungate everything, destroy everything, give me everything. I just don’t get it.

That isn’t my argument at all and now you’re putting words in my mouth. You’re knowingly misrepresenting the game by lying and saying botting is almost non existent. In order to properly analyze something you can’t omit the facts of the situation. They are huge business that infests blizzard games.

I’m saying that only a minority if players use bots, which is true and no I am not putting words in your mouth, you likely agree with OP that “runes are too rare” and as such, you have decided that the best way you can get your hands on lots of HR’s is to try to build a case that botting is everything, botters are everywhere all the time.

Why don’t you just let the botting obsession go? Because if it is such a big deal to you, you might want to look for a different game? Diablo III has ploot and very high loot drop rates, it is perfect for what you want.

I think botting can be easily detected, but just looking at the playtime and exp and worth of inventory - different topic :wink:
I also think that blizzard will put much more effort into anti-cheat measures for D2:R than it is the case for old D2. I’m still optimistc that the goal is a zero-bot environment.

Boutus you are definitely a troll telling me to go play D3. I said I don’t care if they do or don’t change the rates, and pointed out that the current rates are only enjoyed because of bot networks. If an animal took a dump in your house and you mentioned it smelled like crap, would that mean you’re obsessed or just pointing out the facts?

Diablo 3 might be a better game for you to play as you seem to refer to it so much.

runes are straight up not too rare… not at all.

Well no because I would just clean it up, I wouldn’t then demand that cleaning materials are still too rare and should be increased in the shops and stores.

I don’t remember making any such demand.

Also I’m glad you decided to clean up all the bots in my analogy.

:rofl: made my day :+1:

Blizzard put in a LOT of anti-cheat tools for the original D2. It was still overrun by botters. Its really not easy to detect them- if you put in methods to detect automated play, people put in countermeasures to hide their bots. Bots tend to have random delays between each input, they can limit their teleport distances, add random wait times between games, create games with random names, even type in-game like humans. For every measure to stop them, there’s a way to thwart it.

Indeed, the way Blizzard found most effective was to create a process that ran silently on your computer and directly spied on other programs you are running- a piece of spyware called Warden. It would collect that data without directly banning people for it, and then in big banwaves with no warning Blizzard would retroactively ban people who had been detected running public bot programs. So the botters couldn’t adapt to it in advance, or know exactly what was coming. But even that had obvious limitations- developers could create their bots with randomized hashes and slight deviations in each compilation to make the processes different, and private bots that Blizzard couldn’t find in public could never be detected this way.

In the end, botters will win in the long run. That’s not something easily avoided. The more attention and manpower Blizzard can devote to it at launch, the harsher the penalties for those caught (losing a $40 cdkey permanently), the more they can stave off botting, for a time. But eventually, it becomes widespread again.

I agree in many points and that it is very difficult to decide from looking at only a few games whether it is man or machine. But there are things a bot cannot hide in the long run. It cannot turn off the exp gain, it cannot hide online times, it cannot hide the found items. This can all be easily automatically tracked and if it sums up to something that is significantly more than a human profile, you can add the account to the suspicious list and look closer.
Yes, if the bot is so inefficient that it is equal or worse than a human, it will not be found that quickly, but then it also does not have that huge impact on the economy. Let’s see - I’m still optimistic that D2:R be nearly free from those.

This also makes the game longevity because you have to work hard to find what you need. If this disappears, what’s the point of grinding. Isn’t that part of the experience? things take time, one should not get everything served on the lap.

I can be honest that I have only found HRs a few times in all the years I have played Diablo II. Maybe I was searching for Runes in the wrong place? But I’m not complaining. Because I know that finding good things is a big part of what makes Diablo II a better game.

I was more concerned with finding gear and not HRs, but if you know where to grind for HRs then it is not a big problem.

I’m happy Diablo II is not like Diablo III.
“Items raining down from the sky”
This will take away a lot of the fun.

If it becomes easy for you to find the things you need, this will cause the game to get boring and die out faster.

I disagree because drop rate is somewhere I trace the line of changes

If you want more runes you should be advocating for rune&gem stacking

By having that mechanic, gems and runes aren’t a pain in the butt to collect anymore, making it easier to get upgrade recipe ingredients

So just by allowing this simple mechanic you don’t need to change the loot drop but it has the same effect just by changing players habits of loot

Let’s say you find the equivalent of 1Vex rune per week in random runes you pick up most likely leaving bellow lem on the ground, now with rune&gem stacking you are not restricted to what you can pick and pick up everything, you now make 2vex worth of runes per week with cube recipe

Lol. Which top sets can’t pindle drop oh wise one?

This dude calls himself the best rusher ever and doesn’t know the simple basics of who can drop what, why you shouldn’t compare rune rates off bosses to elite uniques from bosses, etc.

This is noob talk. See you in the Moor…oh wait, you don’t PvP and you want the game to be EZ mode…I guess see you on your single player stream jumping up and down when you find an Ist rune on a modded SP game.

Yeah with your limited game knowledge, we believe this.

You’re the “fastest Classic rusher ever” where were you last ladder when my buddy was 1st on ladder and I was top sorc? Give me a damn break…maybe you’re one of the 3 players on Asia server and you think you’re “da best”? lmao.

well let me look, last ladder on day 1 when I hit level 70 I had 286,862k experience while the next player up was Lady Catx, level 63 with 159,981k xp, and below that was 134m, 131m, 128m, 123m. Didn’t quite double the next up, but I sure tried

Wait do you play on West? they were way behind, same with europe. Our team was already 80 when west and Eu weren’t at 75 yet.

I play east, and I was a mile ahead of everyone else. As I stated, I was classic rushing. I’m sure you were free to play catch-up and pass me while I was crushing, I don’t need to level up beyond 70