Runes are still too rare

Entitlement in a video game? Get over yourself.

Lol. Just refund or play a modded version with upped droprates.

I’ve played endless games online games for the last 20 years, and the best ones were always the one where it was very hard to obtain good items. The ones that babied the player ended up in the trash bin.

D3 is a special case, the devs basically said “hell with even having an economy” and just made everything BOA with high drop rates.

I don’t want D2:R to become another ‘special’ case. If Blizzard bows to the casual 2 hours/week gamers, it will become just that.

If I want a quick game to play, I’ll play solitaire, a game of scrabble, monopoly even.

Diablo 2 is a game that one must cumulatively spend a lot of time working to build up their character(s). If one doesn’t have the time needed to play the game to the level they wish to attain, they need to find a less time consuming game to play.

So why are they allowed to have access to all the elite uniques, full inventory of charms, full sets, torch, etc? Just not runes and runewords? Every other item in the game is reasonably attainable, if rare and hard to get and requires some serious grinding / trading. Runes are off by orders of magnitude. Why are runes the one class of items that have such astronomical imbalance of supply/demand, even if the vast majority of runewords are actually worse than their set/unique alternatives? Nobody is breaking the game with a Wrath or Ice bow, or a Destruction phase blade or a Bramble armor or an Eternity. There are only a select few runewords that are both BiS and critical to builds.

I’m up for many changes, but the op rune words should stay rare. Balance the skills, and not having a grief or botd doesn’t make the game more of a chore. Maybe. That lycanders or buriza might actually do ok in hell until you get a full mav set, windforce to get you by until a faith.

Devote your life? don’t be so dramatic. Everyone can get a few high level runewords made within a couple months of only part-time play. hardly your LIFE. :roll_eyes:

JESUS. SOOO DRAMATIC. its not a lifetime or 20 years. its a couple months you lazy schmucks.

Right. Like we should have to play D2:R like it’s a part-time job to get the goods. Sounds pretty dramatic to me.

You are getting the same drop-rates, density, and loot tables as you would if you played LoD right now.

That may not be what you want, but it is what we are getting. You pre-ordered knowing what you were getting. If you weren’t happy with what you pre-ordered, why did you pre-order?

If you wanted easy loot, tons of drops, and little gratification, Blizzard has a game that sounds just like this.

Not really talking about casuals here, I’ll probably play D2R for 1-2 hours day with more on weekends, and going off my past d2 experience I don’t know if I’ll have any lucky getting HRs. Then again I mainly played before 1.13, so maybe they buffed the drop rates enough to make things better.

Playing the game part-time, where did i say like a part time job? Jesus you kids are beyond entitled with the gimme everything now attitude. Go play an arcade game if you want something short.

The numbers are the numbers. They are how the game work. If people claim otherwise, they test it wrong, or they lie. Its simple math. An area with vastly higher mob density and size, maybe 3-5x total, with as much as 50% higher droprate per monster (average probably closer to +25% due to storm casters), and clearable in not much more time, especially given that has been limited on game creation per cdkey/ip for the past few decades- which would be the major obstacle for any “bot testing”. You can’t do 1 minute chaos runs any more than you can do 15 second pindle runs, and we can’t know how D2r is going to handle that aspect either, but it doesn’t change the fact that cow runs definitely take less than 6x the time as chaos runs.

I mean this ain’t complicated. If you want to test it, go time yourself clearing large packs in cow runs and skipping stragglers with a javazon, then time yourself clearing cs glitching and scouting all the drops. If it takes 6x as long, you’ve got frozen fingers.

Wow you really have no clue about items in this game at all, do you? you know what the chances of a 3/20/20 SC are when a capable mob drops a SC? it’s 1:246356 at its lowest rate with a perfect ilvl charm.

You act like runes are this rare item but people can just fill their inventory with gosu charms? so far off reality it’s not even funny.

Sounds like this game just isn’t for some people.

Lucky for them there’s a literal ocean of other games to play.

If you guys think it’s that terrible, if you really think you need to “devote your life”, just move along. Pretty simple.

A bot player talking here obviously. Stop crying, this will revive the game. They should not modify this at all. Neither personal loot !!! Absolutely not.
Items will get their real value back and people will trade ! This is what we want !

I made two legit enigmas within a couple months playing a couple hours here and there, after work.

You guys seriously are very dramatic about the rune drop rate. Great charms are WAY harder to find.

“Oh this game takes awhile to progress through? how about we just shorten it up since i got stuff to do bro. Sorry im not a nerd with no-life. gotta get my swole-on before i hit the club in my moms new ride”

-probably these guys

Been there done that, Chaos is way better for HRs. You’re giving numbers for 1p cow runs like people actually do that for runes, lol…it’s noobish.

lol someone who is anti personal loot and felt the need to start a thread about it is now starting a thread to up drop rates. looks like all the people saying it would be pro personal loot that causes all the increase drop rates threads were very wrong lol.