Runes are still too rare

Paladin can run in very easy way most of areas85, he lack boss rush, true for that. But that’s all.
He is way more tanky, have also a very great aoe and damage, and you don’t have to build a second character to make ubers.

Hammerdins are the end all, be all pvm character. You can even run ubers by throwing on dracules and using your lvl 1 smite against them. They excel at clearing chaos and most lvl 85 areas. The only thing you need for a HDIN is Enigma. Everything else is largely optional

It’s possible it can be an alright route. I still feel like a lot of people pick sorc until they get their enigma for Paladin to save them some hassle.

It’s too easy to just get to hell and clear chaos as sorc. teleport to each seal and get 3 free area 85 bosses and Diablo himself. That’s just me though.

So what? We nerf sorc ?
And after hammers ?
And after javazon ? because they litteraly ONE SHOT Hell diablo?
And after necro’s meat shields ?

I never suggested any of that. I was just talking about how sorceress is like the character you start with and everyone else sorta struggles at first. The paladin is not so bad.

And ? What’s the problem if the sorc and hammerdins are the “best” at start?

How about increased droprates the smarter and more handsome you are.
That is very real life like, which I have heard the purists like.
All us Plooters will be swimming in Enigmas!


Seems like you are looking for a problem. I don’t see where I ever said it was a problem. I was simply stating how I see the game, and why I always start sorc even though I am going to try starting as a Lightning Jav Zon this time around.

Let’s do it!!!

I’m not looking for a problem, no. The game is as you said, but for reasons.

People play essencially sorc because of teleport, of course, but also because spell damage is way more stronger early. They always hit, they scale with levels, not with gear like a physical build. And you can attack from ranged distance, so you are safer.
Same for hammerdins, but lack of teleport, but have some advantages sorc does not have.

That’s the meta.

Early javazons are not bad too.

I very much agree with this post. It is common sense. I don’t want to do like everyone else back then and turn to the items’ market online. Ruins the experience, but only way to get high end gears.

No, do not change drop rates. Perhaps this is not the game for you.

You’re saying the only way to get items in D2 is to buy them online?

Outta here w that nonsense. Play the damned game.

Hell, that was really a well explained post.
I always thought high runes drops were way too low. I think I could get them every ladder ONLY because ppl were botting and dupping like there was no tomorrow.
If they can slow down , or let’s dream, stop every form of cheat, it will be almost impossible to get a single high runeword in a whole season time for “normal” dedicated player.
That would be sad, even if runewords are not mandatory, we all want them

when this drops you start leveling up your java and ask evveryone you’ve played with if they have a spare Ber lying around somewhere.

i wonder if it will be allowed in the TOS to use trading websites that have their own currency, which you can buy for real cash. you know, like in the old days

Who told you that I am going to sell them?
Oh, I know, you figured that I wont have room to keep them all… :slight_smile: .

People have rose tinted goggles because the supply chain has been artificially propped up with bot farms all this time. It’s those same players who are selling or buying on jsp constantly claiming drops are fine, while using bots mostly.

I really wanna see an elimination of all bots just to give them an idea of what legitimate play is like with the same drop rates, it would be amusing. Although that will never happen.

People play Single player with PlugY all the time and find plenty of stuff. Bots do make things dirt cheap though.

Single player can easily increase their drop rates with a players 8 command though. This feature is unavailable in multiplayer. You have to follow public games, but at certain hours finding full games is very difficult unless it’s a game full of bots.

as far as I know, runes are best farmed on lower players levels aren’t they?