Runes are still too rare

Ok, i just skimmed the post. I also think they should be as rare as they are now - even if it means hitting that PVP saturation in terms of availability takes longer. The mid game in D2 is fun.

high rates leads to short game span, the high rates make the supposed hard to find and very rare items loose their excitement, no one would feel that a super epic rare item in this situation a rune, drops often. nothing elusive nothing to work and chase after, if it becomes easy what made it special and exciting dissapears and the game looses it life span. the faster you reach the epitome of the game or reach a certain plateau, the faster the game becomes boring. yes these rates are high. messing with the rates is not the answer for the game, it is a personal thing and if you want the rates to be high so you can get the excitement and the fulfilling feeling faster thats fine, but leave it out of the game. your idea and others have a larger impact than many people realize. when you want to reach the end of your gaming experience with this game you move on, and the changes you leave behind are changes that ruins the game for those you leave behind.

sry wall of text
TL:DR you should really read it but, messing with rates decrease game live span, short life span, bad for players other than you

your the Idiot calling Gul a High run telling ppl to go do Hellforge G-rushes for a maximum of Gul. Goofy Don’t give ppl Bad advice & then attack someone like they’re stupid when your the one giving nub advice, You don’t even know if G-rushes work still.

And yet to others, finding that tyrael might is a goal they have worked towards for literal years.

Have you seen the video where llamasc found one? :rofl:

It’s exciting for sure, but it will mostly just sit in your stash as something to look at.

Compare that to a Griffon’s Eye. Maybe not as rare, but still super rare. When this item drops, you are hyped and super happy because it’s insanely useful.

Oh yeah for sure, I’m not saying Tyrael’s might is good or anything. The rarity itself is what makes finding it such an achievement for some players though.

I’d probably use silks of the victor over tyrael might, to be entirely honest.

That would depend on if your skills scale off of +skills for damage. Tyraels would still be better for a multishot/strafe bowzon than silks, But I’d wear Fortitude over Tyraels any day.

Or enigma, which is apparently “required” to do any kind of end game content, according to some of the folks in this thread.

But yes, I agree.

Tyraels armor is one of those examples where I think this game could really use some balance changes. Shouldn’t something so rare be like…good? I mean they could at least give it +2 skills or something so it’s not totally bad. If you find a Fathom or Griphons it’s amazing, while finding a unique sacred armor is a slap in the face.

That’s a sad reality of Diablo 2. Without an Enigma, every other character is basically worthless compared to Sorceress. There are a few workarounds like teleport charges on wands, but that removes Call to Arms. Still very doable though.

I nearly always just play Sorceress because its so easy to get going. This time I am going to try lightning jav zon with teleport charges until I get enigma. I can only imagine it still being a nightmare though compared to just going sorc.

Also BMPK, in my opinion tyrael’s needs hard damage and not + skills. Though +skills wouldn’t hurt it at all.

In pvp, I would hesitantly agree that teleport might be required. I simply don’t have the experience in that to make an argument.

For pvm, there are plenty of runs you can do quickly without teleport. I used to spam pindle a lot on my barbarian characters. I used frenzy to get around quickly without tele to find places. On a zon you can make a harmony bow for vigor and be decently quick. Even if you only use it as a switch its not really expensive to make one. Teleport is more useful if you are doing pure boss runs or looking for specific locations.

Sure teleport might be better even in the cases I mentioned but it is certainly not required.

I’d hardly call a vigordin useless early ladder. Ive used it just fine, you don’t need a sorc, though it is more efficient for most areas.

From my experience, the more run speed you have, the more desyncs you get online. Maybe it won’t be the case anymore, but in almost all cases, teleport still wins out. The thing is, a Sorc can do Pindle too. They can also do every single other thing in the game. You are always handicapping yourself starting as anything other than sorc.

you can rush to hell and start MFing decently well at level 65 as a sorc. I can’t see any other character being even close to as efficient that quickly and gearless. Sure you can MF as another class, but it’s going to take you 3-5x longer per run. (Meph/Chaos)

Looking at it from the perspective of pure efficiency, you are not wrong. I myself tended to play sorcs early ladder most of the time. But I don’t agree that you must have teleport to be decently good at finding items.

Wrong. Hammerdins are better to farm areas85 and can do easy uber tristram.

I mean, anyone can get lucky. You can just start hell your first time ever playing D2, go to the pit in act 1 and find Tyraels might off a rare monster.

And maybe thats what people plan on doing. Make a melee character and rush Pit. Not sure how difficult that is. A sorc can be doing Chaos with 7 P.Topaz in their chest/helm though and quickly replacing gear.

Thibs, wrong how? You need Enigma to have an easy time doing that. Clearly Hammerdins are the best farmer over time, and you could probably do well with teleport charges, I’d imagine most players struggling to work with those though.

No you don’t need enigma.

You’re not really helpful are you. Anything more than a you are wrong and no you don’t?

Maybe I am wrong, but clearly you are not explaining why?

What is the benefit of starting as a paladin and running 85 areas? Charging to the pit and walking the entirety of the dungeon compared to teleporting as sorc and clearing what is needed?

What the actual …?

Past 1.13 rune drops are perfect. Even in small group selffound communities that don’t bot or trade on jsp it takes around 3 weeks for a player to build up an Enigma which is the most powerful runeword.

If a player gets to trade in pub games or jsp which means throwing away all his whatever useful semi-junk items, it takes a week to get to eni. How is that “too low”?

Of course we’re not speaking about casual players with inefficient farming patterns but even then let’s say it will take them 3x that time (3 weeks with pub trading, 2 months selffound), that still means only 1/3 of the time into the ladder before literally everybody and not just top players will walk around with high level runewords. Do you really feel as if it needs to be even faster?

I’m in favor of enhanced drop rates for me, but the same for everyone else. Let’s get this done, Ferguson.