Runes are still too rare

Tyraels might is way rarer than Zod.

The OP has no idea what he’s talking about.

You’re also correct about the 40life skiller GC.

its actually 100% correct. The argument was HRs. Not Jah or Ber. The top HRs should always be extremely hard to find because they create extremely overpowered gear.

Diablo has never and will never be a competitive game beyond XP farming. Not sure why you keep going on and on like you’ll unlock the secret argument to convince everyone? Its clear 99% of the forum is against you, the Devs are against you and so is reality. They didn’t add ploot or even remove the Next Hit Always Misses bug, but they’ll significantly reduce drop rates for lazy casuals like you? LOL. keep dreaming.

he is anti personal loot and he is asking for increased drop rates not reduced as far as i can tell…

Yep HR starts at Mal, though throughout the game’s existence different cutoffs have been used. For me I just use the simplest, math.

There are 33 runes, 11lr, 11mid, 11HR.

HR droprate is great.

You’ve gotta be sh*tting me… hes AGAINST ploot but FOR increased drop rates? the whole point of being against ploot is the “slippery slope” to increased drop rates!!! LOL WTH :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Agreed. But if i had to choose one way or the other, i might make low-mid runes more rare. I just feel like im always swimming in them so quickly even without much farming. Mid runes anyways. lowest runes probably working as intended.

in my experience if people are asking for 1hr for an item they are looking for vex or better but the term high rune is super confusing because it doesn’t have a set meaning and all of the runes have a different value, it’s basically a bad category and currency name

There goes the whole fake argument that it is Ploot that would lead to increased droprates.
Was always like this of course. The two topics are completely separate. You can be against one and for the other.

I’m all for minor balancing and even stuff like personal loot if it’s balanced with solo farming. I absolutely do not want to make drop rates any easier though. The item hunt is one of the few reasons Diablo 2 is the greatest ARPG of all time to me.

Leave drop rates be. Try running Chaos a couple hundred times. You might come out of it with a few high runes.

I agree David. I think tying the label ‘HR’ to value was a mistake made because of the massive amount of duped runes.

I don’t think people will use the term HR nearly as much in D2R. I suspect they will be very specific.

‘Mal’ ‘Vex’ ‘Ber’ ft

Behold, you think you’ve seen bad RNG, but let me present you my own stats.
Played since 07-08 and have roughly 1500 hours of pure chaos runs combined with solely rune farming. I’ve found 2 Ohm 1 Lo and 1 Vex in total :sweat_smile:
And adding all the other farming I’ve done makes it even worse. Gotta add a couple thousand hours there that didn’t yield any HR’s.
I did however find 1x Tyrales two seasons in a row which was cool

Fake? its the only argument i ever see against ploot. Its a real argument. just not a good one. :joy:

oof these numbers hurt. This is why trading online makes the rarity of HRs perfectly fine. You may not a specific HR in 1500 hours, but you’ll find SOMETHING to trade for them.

Actually your RNG wasn’t bad if it was that long ago.

Patch 1.13 upped the drop rate greatly. Your HRs are actually pretty good from pre-1.13

Nvm disregard this. I read it wrong on mobile. It says ‘since 07-08’. My bad. That’s bad RNG.

That sounds really unlucky or maybe your efficiency is a bit off? Though 2 tyraels is like 2 more than I have ever found. You gotta click on objects often too in chaos. Most of my runes either come from the mana burn guys or objects.

Yeah, maybe I should have clarified that those are my HR’s from since I started playing in 07-08 until today

Yea my bad, bad eyes and mobile :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually - i went back and looked at the OP. I know him but he won’t know me under this name. The post is basically saying HRs are too rare for how important they are to gear we actually use in game as end-game gear - not that they’re just ‘too rare.’ Nobody really cares that Zod isn’t as rare as tyraels might especially when nobody uses it. And looking at it through that lens then there is something to it. I’m not sure it justifies a change though - but no doubt he’s probably thinking of getting to the current PVP meta that exists in D2 where HRs overtime have saturated the economy.

I think I’m mostly unlucky. I’m quite efficient, but I have the weirdest RNG of anyone I know. Get “lots” of these rare drops that are just not useful and very few useful, but less rare ones.

I’d rather them make the ultra rare items on par or slightly better than runewords than have the drop rates increased on runes. It’s sad that you can find junk items that are insanely rare.

We know exactly what he’s saying. We don’t agree in the slightest. :roll_eyes:

Tyraels and templars might are definitely a meme, lol. I remember just leaving items like this on the ground after saying to myself ‘welp, least I found these now’ the first time I found them lol.