Runes are still too rare

Alexa play “in the garage by Weezer”

And the great thing about it is… you don’t have to farm if you don’t want to.

You can clear all of a5 hell in rares. I’ve done it before.

Hell I might try some of the challenge runs ive been seeing people do. LLama was doing some hardcore no town access challenge runs a while back that looked interesting.

Yeah, more area diversity should definitely be one of the upcoming patch changes.
Optional obviously.

Yeah. As much as I criticize D2 for being too easy, it is also positive that you don’t need the best gear. Better gear only improves efficiency rather than allow further progression.
That makes the game both more interesting, by allowing for more diversity, and makes the low droprates completely fine, and more fun to find those rare items.

Optimal design would be to have content that could better challenge players both in the best items and in rares, but outside of that, D2s low difficulty is a strength in many ways.

I don’t get why people seem to think they need the high end runewords, the literal best gear in the game, to be able to play. You don’t. You might want that gear, and if so it makes a really nice goal to play towards while you run the same content over and over.

You don’t need enigma, or any other runeword that trivializes the content.

Edit: as for harder content, as long as it does not make finding loot easier (some folks suggested a new uber trist style event that always drops a high rune, hell no to that) and does not add new game breaking gear I’d be all for it.

Yeah, imo, and not saying D2R should do this, only talking “good design”, there could be a 4th difficulty after Hell. Exact same items, exact same droprates, as an optional challenge mode.
A place you go to test your awesome build and gear, if you want to.

I don’t think having an entirely new difficulty like that would be a good idea. I would rather see smaller things that have a lesser impact, like more uber trist style fights.

If you make an entire new difficulty, people will expect to be able to clear it. Then when they realize they can’t without the best gear in the game, they start demanding better drop rates even harder.

Wouldn’t they then expect the same for those fights?

In the end it is up to the devs to not give in to such demands about higher droprates. If they have decided this content is purely for challenging yourself.

I guess, but I know a lot of players didn’t realize uber trist even existed back in the day. I doubt it would be seen as something that should be cleared by everyone like an entirely new difficulty would be.

And I don’t get why people think the pvm content of this game was ever meant to be hard. I can literally win the game with a summon necro and vendor bought items, and then run the pit 500 times. It’s not hard, it just takes a bunch of time.

PVP is the real endgame, and YES you DO need Enigma to pvp on most characters.

Its sad Berserk will never see its natural end.

I don’t remember claiming D2 is particularly difficult.

I don’t really care for pvp myself, but I imagine if few people have Enigma it will not be as required as you seem to think. Against sorcs, sure.

You know what pvp will be like if hardly anyone has enigma? It will literally be dominated by sorcs, bowazons with slow/knockback, pallies with charge, and necros cheesing people with bone prison. Druids and barbs will have almost no viability as everyone will just kite them. Good luck fighting a necro with no teleport, he’ll just cast IM on you and spam bone prison and you die if you try to break out. Teleport is the great equalizer

Well, Fair enough. As I said pvp was never really my goal in the game.

I still don’t think high end runewords should be easier to make though. If you need tele so badly for pvp, items with tele charges exist and are much easier to get than enigma.

Fair, but I remember it costing a ridiculous amount of gold per tele charge. You’d have to farm up like 2M gold to duel for an hour lol.

Yes, also Hell Soulstone quest exists. This generally yields a decent rune. Last season I spent a couple weeks making an Enigma. It was a combination of hell runs, trading as well as just plvling a couple chars for soul stone quests. Took effort but goal was set and achieved.

I think it would probably be easier to just reset stores and buy teleport staffs that way than repairing.

You can also refill charges with repair cube recipe.

But that is a valid point, charges are quite ridiculously expensive to repair. Almost think that should be looked into, actually.

Yep Enigma is essential for many PvP chars, but luckily Enigma isn’t some absurd cost like Last Wish.

JahBer will be a bit of a grind, but I’ll have one before too long.

With shared stash I’ll only ever need one enigma now, so drop rates are fine as is.

Actually that’s a very legit point I hadn’t thought of. With shared stash we effectively only need one enigma, one CTA, one Hoto etc and we can share them across all of our chars. Still a grind, but not as awful as needing multiples across different characters.

I dunno about you but i’m going to share them with my friends as well. Far easier to get them when the hole squad is working towards them, less boring when you can play more than one character, all you need to do is lvl up one and mule

They’re not. Rune drop rates were buffed a few years back. The rarest gear is i think more rare than a high rune maybe with the exception of Zod.

Finding a +40 life skill gc im sure is way rarer than finding a high rune.