Runes are still too rare

Yes sir, you see, you get it, you understand what D2 is.

So don’t do it bro…

Reading stats is fine, and yes it takes time. The ability to recall the knowledge later on without having to reference it again is what would be the important time saver there.

Omega 3 fatty acids are known to improve memory function.

Sticky notes nerd lol! just like we did back in the day! he suri look up runeword w/e for diablo 2 “this is what i found” yayyy


I actually really, really enjoy the feeling before I go to bed of…

“oh man, I gotta squeeze a couple more runs in, I haven’t found much today”…and then every once in a while BAM, that HR or awesome unique/set drops you’ve been waiting for

THAT is the feeling, man. Hitting my head against the wall? can’t say D2 has ever made me feel like that, I love this game even when it’s a bit frustrating struggling to build an Enigma.

you clearly have not played everquest for 10 years

Maybe, depends on what else difference will exist. If both exist and equal, I could roll a dice. My point is, that ranking is so very unimportant for me. The appealing thing is that everyone starts with nothing.

the real trick is allowing us to kill the cow so can i fill my shared stash with wirt legs and let the real grind begin! can cain please reset areas in like 5 or 10 seconds so i dont have to make how ever many games that is? maybe like 7?

Oh, I just saw this.

Well I don’t want to flood too much with tons of vids, but Lav uploaded tons of nude challenge games.

I did something like 300-400 cow level runs on players 7 hell difficulty.
I found 2 JAH, 2 BER, 1 OHM and 1 VEX.
No runes are not too rare.
Just play the game and you will get them.

Yep, and sometimes the opposite will happen, too. I once found Cham, 2Jah, several Ber/Lo/Sur, all in a long run before I found a Vex, then I found 3 Vex within a few days.

RNG is RNG…rune drop rates are fine, though some people have better luck than others.

indeed , if 3 months would be enough to find “everything” that wouldn’t be fun at all.
the longevity of the game would be terribly bad.
It’s a good thing that you have to farm for multiple months and sometime years even simply for a specific item.
That’s why the self loot holy grail is so endearing to me, but that’s my playstyle :stuck_out_tongue:
and that’s why i’am against any kind of drop rate increase , because drop rate increase = decreased longevity for me in term of playtime in the end if i get to my goal too quickly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Since chars no longer expire, I’m considering keeping my first chars, then integrating my BiS ladder gear onto them as time goes on. In the original game, they’d just get nuked after the ladder ended.

“We choose to go to the Moon…We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.”

-John F. Kennedy

I will never forget the day I asked my older brother how he killed things so fast in hell, and he showed me an eBOTD thundermaul.
I was blown away that such a powerful item could exist.

I very much want runes to stay rare.

that! and the feeling! when u finally drop hr after long hunt…if those would drop more offen it would be more like this. meh thats just hr lets move on got too many of those already…

Well maybe if the hunt wasn’t running the same boss or area for 10000. I need some variety, scenery change can be refreshing.

ye also like as u wanted ploot? sorry to say but most of us love to run same areas =D and i think there’s more than couple of areas to run :smiley: