Runes are still too rare

There are 3 people who will lead the gear hunt, and it has nothing to do with MFing.

  1. those who bot
  2. those who spend their salary on the game
  3. those who have stashed some JSP gold

You don’t get it… It doesn’t matter who “leads” the gear hunt, my man, it doesn’t matter if someone else finds a shako on Tuesday and it takes you until the next Friday to find one. You are thinking of it all wrong.

Although I run LK chests, believe it or not most of the high runes I’ve found are not from those chests. Most of the high runes I’ve found are just from a random monster in The Pits, Mausoleum, Ancient Tunnels, Durance 2, Chaos Sanctuary, WS2/3, Throne Room and various other high level areas.

Killing speed is the only way you can increase the frequency that runes drop. This is one reason WHY I’d love it if item labels were prioritized to show rarer drops first. I hate having to waste time, dig through a massive pile of junk by chugging a ton of mana/health potions from the ground and pick up gold piles just to see if there’s a shiny or two hidden. It’s one reason I’m super glad that autogold has been added to the game which will help with that problem.

Maybe, but I’ve done just fine for years not doing any of those things, and I don’t even play that much. I am able to gear some chars pretty well, even compete in PvP, without doing any of those things.

Is it foolish to think that drop rates wont be increased due to a shorter ladder? I mean 3 Months for most people is not enough time. Honestly 3 months of 3-6 hours a day doing cows or fast Meph runs… People will give up or just play non ladder or bot.

You can. Of course it requires that people use strawmen. Like you do. Lots of people on this forum is spamming them in every single post though, so you should have some opportunities.

That’s the point :slight_smile:

You don’t get smarter, richer, or whatever. And from my side you not even get respect for leading anything in D2:R :wink:

Play the game like you want, don’t stress yourself, there is no hunt, it’s only in your head :brain:

Enough time for what? Ladder is for trying to get to 99, not gearing your chars 100%.

What’s wrong with nonladder? if people struggle to get items, they should absolutely play nonladder.

And botting? anyone who is a cheater, will cheat. I don’t even use maphack and I do just fine finding items. This is a nonsense argument.

Wow okay thanks, so it’s like a farmyard barn in this forum then? Thank you for your priceless advice, I am in your debt.

Not for me, don’t care at all for level 99. Fresh economy is what I :heart:

Ploot fight died (for now) so now it’s drop rate, up next is Haedrig’s gift on every season start to get you to that endgame quicker…watch.

“Everyone rushes to endgame anyway so let’s make it super easy to get there and then the players will get what they want faster, which is that end game grind”.
-some newly promoted blizzivision exec probably

Oh, come on guys, we’re not fighting for it to be D3, we want it to be D2 but can you make it like D3 though? No, not drop rates, just ploot…okay and maybe drop rates cause I need enigma today.

It’s such a meme and the damn game hasn’t even been released yet ffs

Same here. I don’t have the time for the 99 grind. Am I mad about it? Of course not.

A fresh start and fresh economy are what I like.

I think we gotta take into account that most people do not pvp. Yes a 2ber COA is used in certain situations, but on the whole, even if you look at recommeded builds om various websites, you won’t see many COAs, not to mention tyraels.

I mean if there was one thing i would change in regards to runes is to make zod give +1 all skills and cham 10%cd reduction in armor and 10%fcr in weapons.

Most builds won’t benefit greatly from this, as facet -resist will still be better, but at least the runes will be more useful.
COA then would need no adjustment, just investment, and for tyraels, make it spawn with 4 sockets and, with massive investment, it would be best in slot.
Yeah there’s a bit of a powercreep for sure, but not for the average player, and let’s be honest, fully decked out builds already destroy, +1 or +10 all skills don’t matter all that much.

Your gonna have to play an awful a lot to hit 99 in 3 months. Also finding gear in 3 months your prob not going ot find anything. Ill hit it hard the opening weekend unless Luclin is out but a good 20-25 farm and after that ill choose whether or not its worth playing…

Just FYI the best possible rune drop from a Hell quest Forge is Gul. And lower than Gul (down to Hel rune as the lowest) is more common.

Farming Countess would yield better results with Lo being the highest possible drop, and Ist being the highest drop that is commonly seen. Not to mention a countess clear can take a few minutes, and solo rushing much much longer.

Pretty much yeah. So many people have no arguments so they just attack the people they disagree with, throwing around lies.

Different people have different opinions. The people who consider Timed Allocation a good QoL addition to D2R might also be very much against increasing rune droprates.
And vice versa.

So you will be playing non ladder being it will be fresh economy?

I find the struggle to be the fun, :D. 3 months is plenty of time to find some good stuff. Will you have everything? no! that’s what makes the grind fun.

there is not time question, that is a quality of time you spent on it, if you spent reading the stats of items, you havent time to farm, build a solid farm system an follow it. you dont need more to grow on this industry

i do not enjoy hitting my head against the wall over and over until it stops hurting.