Rogue isn't Amazon. Identity matters

Last I checked, act 2 mercs are not Paladin, but they have Auras….so


No it really isn’t. Giving a Merc an Amazon bow is not breaking the game in any meaningful way. Anything that encourages the use of not Act 2 mercs is a win.

So what about item description. Will it say (Amazon and Rogue only)?
Also as others mentioned every normal bow is now useless? How is it good thing?

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agreed 100%

20 characters

You could also disable +amazon skills" to her but allow the rogue to utilize +bow and cross bow skills using an amazon bow… because fire and cold arrow come from the bow and cross bow skill tree…

Really dont see the need for this discussion at all. Since the rouges use amazon skills anyway it only makes sense that they kan use the + to skills from amazon gear too. As far as the druid goes he dont use barb skills so ofc he should not get any benefits from +to barb skills. Besides the +2-3 to skills from a GMB or another amazon bow is not going to make or break anything anyway its just a quality of life improvement that means u can use the bow for more than one thing

And act 3 merc uses Sorc skills but he can’t use sorc equipment. Act 2 merc uses both Amazon and Paladin skills. And other classes can get access to various skills from runewords and uniques but they still can’t use class specific items. Barbarian can shapeshift into Werewolf. I’d treat skills and items separately on this matter. Otherwise there’s no point in existence of class specific items at all if we continue on this way of thinking.

Imagine act 2 merc with javelins and pally shield, would that be a buff or nerf?

Hell, even Mephisto and Izual uses Sorc skills. Are they sorceresses? :rofl:

they also have Jab, but they aren’t amazons either.

what are you arguing for?

i dont see the point in this discussion. its a merc why do u even cry about a simple Qol improvement??? its not like its going to have any sort of huge impact on the merc at all. Ofc u cant use class specific gear on your own char but this discussion is ridiculous. Act 1 merc has always been associated with amazon and uses amazon skills as part of her own skills (not obtained from gear) which none of the other classes do so it only makes sense that she can use them and they cant

I’m not a fan of finding obscure things in the lore to justify a move.

Lets look at the actual effect of this: for normal, rare, and unique bows (barring the Amazon unique bows, Cliffkiller, Magewrath, Eaglehorn, and Blastbark) this change will make virtually no difference in the power of the Rouge. This change will only make a difference when you start making runewords out of the bows. 85% of all the current bows will not add any additional damage/value for the Rouge, it really only adds value to end game bows. Now you can have a +3 skills Faith rather than a basic one. Using a Witchwild will not be any better than it currently is. This is where I have a problem with it.

Rouges are just nowhere close to A2 mercs and IMO they need to be made better from the bottom up rather than only really benefiting the ‘crafted’ bows.

For you it’s small QoL change and I get it. When I think about it I see a game breaking change of core game mechanic and idea behind it. No matter if Rogue and Amazon have similar origin and skills (so do other mercenaries and monsters, demons of the game) they are still separate classes. Item description clearly says Amazon only and I stick with it. If it stays like this it possibly makes entire mechanic pointless to exist.

Well u just stick to ur guns :slight_smile: dont think u will find much support from the community though since there is nothing game breaking in this change except some minor Qol improvements. Anyway im done feeding the Troll

Well, Rogues are clearly maidens who are quite matriarchal, they also have ceremonial stuff (they’re a monastic order lol).

So I personally don’t see it as such a big deal

maybe he has some thing similar to ocd which prevent him to think reasonnably
(dunno which name that disorder would go by as i lack medical knowledge)

1.Lore was shown
2.clearly been explain that it dont make a huge difference and doesn’t change gameplay at all…other than the flag “amazon only” is kinda change

so that can only be something like that

in regard to that other dude being upset that it will shadow 2 others bow…you know that normal,nightmare and most other elite bow ain’t gonna see play either right ?..what does 2 options being now less desired added to a pile of like 13-16 others which are entirely unwanted ?..i think comestic might fix your issue with that if they add that in a soon patch

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You can already see here what dumb effects are coming from this change. All I’m asking is to keep core game mechanic as it is.

what exactly are you right about? Because everyone shot down that other thread you quoted.