Let Act 3 Mercs use paladin shields?

Since we’re giving the Rogue Amazon bows, I think it isn’t unreasonable for the Iron Wolf mercenary to be able to use Paladin shields.

Even with these shields, I think he’s still going to be the weakest mercenary, but it’s a step in the right direction. Dual spirit would be very helpful to him.


you realize that A3 merc is more like Sorc than pally right ? Pally shield is not appropriate…but Sorc Orbs are


No because there’s no animations that support the sorc orbs.

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Blizz - See what happens when you start letting the cat out of the bag?!?

Wolves are not pallys’ they share nothing in common with them. Pally sheilds should not be a thing.

Wolves are not Sorcs they shouldn’t get orbs.

Wolves can use Spirit, or Hexfire etc.

The only thing they need is a bit more ST so they can use a Spirit shield at a more ‘attainable’ level. Right now you need to hunt down an eth Monarch and add some ST to them in the Shako you give them. Even then they still don’t do enough damage to make it worth getting the gear set up for them.



Iron wolves have nothing to do whit paladins, just because they wield a shield. They are mages, sorcerers. More like let them benefit from +to Sorc skills on items, and give them masteries. And let them block whit that shield allready!!!


This is a bad idea from the perspective of the lore. They are not paladins.
But it is a good idea from the perspective of the meta. Dual spirit and lots of resists would help them fight for a longer time.


I would rather see changes below…

Act 3 Iron Wolf

  • Can now use staffs and orbs
  • Can now use Teleport for added survivability
  • Can now gain +sorceress skill bonuses from gear
    • As Act 1 receives +amazon skill bonuses and Act 5 receives +barbarian skill bonuses, then it makes sense Act 3 should receive +sorceress skill bonuses

Act 3 mercs already receive sorceress skill boni

A +3 Frieball Ormus for example does give +3 fireball even though it says sorceress only

They even recieve skill bonuses in original d2 lod compared to a1/a5 merc

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There is no character model/sprite available for the Iron Wolves to be able to use anything other than a Sword/Shield. Asking for other weapon types is pointless since that won’t happen. The team in charge of this remaster isn’t going to add in new character models or draw new character sprites in the old graphics. That just isn’t going to happen.

that’s dumb. Rogues are a type of Amazon. Paladins and Iron Wolves are completely different things.

Also, why?

There are better ways to buff the Iron Wolf.

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Gives them access to spirit. Currently, they’re unable to natively reach the amount of strength required to equip a Monarch. So you’d either wait until lvl 98 to equip an eth monarch, or give him some strength gear just to be able to use one, which isn’t great in itself.

the easier solution would be to increase their strength… (it literally just takes changing a few numbers in the merc file).

Again, there are better ways to buff the wolf.

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The Iron Wolf can already equip double spirit. I’m aware of the strength requirement issue, but I believe at 92 or 93, it’ll have 146 which is enough for an ethereal Monarch. It’s one solution, otherwise get something with +strength, like a Lionheart, Andy helm or something.

or give him a chance to block. like use that shield he has. that would also buff his surviivability.

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Great so it goes from being completely useless until the early 90s, to being still useless after it gets enough Str for a monarch.

Lionheart has +25 strength, reduces it to lvl72 assuming Maxroll has the correct strength at that level or do you need to have it even earlier? Putting a Fal or Perfect Amethyst in any helmet brings it down to 64

I’d like to put spirit on him at 27.

Okay, fair. You can atleast put 1 spirit on at 25(?) and when you get into hell, another one.

Every sorceress gear? Every + to skill (sroceess only) affix?

Yeaaaah, I have to disagree here. I also don’t think Rogues should get Amazon bows. It, to me, is just an artificial way of making them better, when you could simply buff them with new skills or stats and that would do the trick.