Rogue isn't Amazon. Identity matters

I get it you want to give us more possibilities and it’s fine but lore and identity also matters. I’d reconsider allowing Rogues to use Amazon gear simply because they are different classes coming from different part of the Sanctuary. They were playable in Diablo 1 and will be in Diablo 4. If Rogue can use Amazon gear it breaks the idea of class specific items. This is too big change for this game and Diablo series overall.


I actually agree with this. It honestly doesn’t affect them THAT much to be able to use Amazon bows anyway other than very slight damage boosts.

Maybe have mercenary specific items in the game? That would be interesting.



I say let her use amazon skills but not amazon equipment

I think overall let oskill benefit from class skills bonuses… yes we’ll have some 30 BO CTAs but it’s gonna be substandard

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I agree as well, I think they should not get Amazon Bows. I would much rather see some damage increases from the skills in themselves or more damage/AR with Dex.

They are not Amazons, this change just makes all normal bow bases useless for runewords.

I say this as someone who always uses Rouges on my Zealot. Your breaking the ‘fantasy’.


Agree. Shouldnt be able to use them - dont think they would make much of an impact anyway but destroy lore

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a bow is a bow

Javelins would be a different case as its a different type of mastery

also it dont exactly change how the rogue behave

edit: at the very least…the rogue has a much highter mastery of the bow than the assassin,necro,barb,pally,druid,sorc since bows are rogues main weapon


The rogue belongs to the sisterhood of the sightless eye, which branches from the an Amazon dissident, Askari, according to diablo wiki


Lore aside, letting the Rogue use Amazon bows is a good change, it will let people who want to make high end runewords in their bows, use them on both the Rogue merc and their amazon character instead of having one for each. I think this is worth it on it’s own. If we’re going to follow any logic, I think it would make sense for a ranged unit to pick up a bow and use it, regardless if that unit would be able to make full use of the “hidden magical qualities” of the amazon skill imbued in the bow. Remove the skill if you want, but let the bow be used by both.


from a lore perspective you actually can make an argument for them using it:

The Sisterhood branches from the Askari. Originally a group of Amazon dissidents, they stole an Askari artifact called the Sightless Eye and fled to Eastgate Keep in Khanduras.[6] Here, they established their own unique style of martial training, focusing on bows.


Well then a druid needs to be able to wear a barb helm and barbs can wear a pelt

how bout not going into something thats not even comparable ? anyway druid would not use Barb helms and Barb would not use Druid helm if it even were a thing due to skill class specific on them

A1 Rogue Merc like dont rly see any play and thats not changing the type of weapon she use…a bow is a bow…the Rogue alway had Ice and Fire arrows skills(Amazon skills)…giving them access to all bow is an acceptable thing

ofc could also buff the raw skill dmg which would be the same and not change anything(even increasing the base skill lvl by +3 would amount to like the same as a Grand Matron Bow except trivial way to get the power up

Hydra Bow 10-68 dmg
Grand Matron 14-72 + 1-3 bow skills

edit: at least provide a reason why your againts a buff to A1 merc when she’s in need of it to compete with A2 merc

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Agree that she needs the damage buff, but the move to give her Amazon bows is another move that kills off the usefulness of ‘old’ gear. All gear is now being streamlined into just a few things. Basic bows, especially runeword bases are dead now. They will all be Amazon bows, so whats the point of the classic weapons?

I would much rather leave them with the old bows and give them a buff to their skills inherently. Don’t make it reliant on finding an Amazon bow. If they make it an inherent buff than the Rouge benefits no matter what bow it’s on. This change means they only benefit when you make the already strong runewords. Basic Rouges without the Runeword bows will not be that great, you have a spiking of power that revolves around the runeword bows.

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Honestly, them having access to Amazon Bows makes sense given they are inspired by the Amazons of old. Some people have already mentioned more of the specifics above, but there are also some quotes in game.
Kashya says:
“When I was very young, Akara told me tales of the Amazons’ fearlessness in battle and of their skills with spears and bows. I like to think we Rogues have much in common with you Amazons.”
They use Amazon Skills and given their background, probably learned combat taught by Amazons, giving them knowledge on how to use Amazonian weaponry as well. It isn’t far-fetched at all. Rogues, in this game, are basically a sub-class of Amazon. All rogues could be considered Amazons at least in some capacity, but not all Amazons are rogues, yknow? I think them getting Amazon Bows is absolutely fine. In fact, I think that this should have been a thing earlier and they should have access to Crossbows as well. It would make sense and open up the possibility of more builds.


I was against this for a while, but lore wise it makes sense, and a bow is just a tool, who ever knows how to use one can use all. And now that they benefint from +to amazon skills from items, it’s an even better idea. But going on the same line of thought, A2 merc could benefit from +to paladin skills from items, and A3 from sorceress skills. Sadly it would make A2 merc the best option again, and A3 merc couldn’t benefit from Trangs 2p set bonus. Never the less A2 merc are paladins and A3 merc are sorcs basicly, so the option is still open.

I was reffering to the lore. Since druids and barbarians share the same origin.
Because people here argue that rogues branches from a group of amazons .

Therefore i said if a rogue can wield an amazon bow than a druid should be able to wear a barbarian helm.

Since druids and barbarians share the same origin.
Because people here argue that rogues branches from a group of amazons .

the druids branched off the barbarians while the nephelim were still alive. Bul Kathos and Fiacla-Géar. that was long before even the sin wars. and those startet around at year -1806.
when talking about the sisters of the slightless eye branching off, we are talking of
amazons stealing the slightless eye and entering the abandoned eastgate keep. If i recall correctly, that must have happend after 1060. D2 start at around 1263. besides the huge timeframe, the rogues specialised in an amazon trait. i have no evidence for the druids doing so. Fiacla-Géar branched off because he did not agree with bul kathos barbarian training/principles. why should druids then be able to use gear that barbarians use and vice versa.


No idea what you talking about - i am by far not that deep in lore.

Guess you out-argued me there.

probably. i read the books as a kid. but to put it in simpler words: the heritage between druids and barbs is genetical line, but not skillset/culture. the rogues has a subset of skills incorporated. plus that the bigger time difference plays a role.


I think i love you now XD