Request: Make Sunder Charms Available for Non-Ladder

To the D2R devs: There may be players who, for one reason or another, will not be in a position to make a new ladder character to level up and play to endgame. Please make the new sunder charms available to non-ladder characters too.


I think the general idea why they aren’t yet available in local single player and non-ladder is because they’re wanting more long-term testing done with them with ladder season 2, so they can tweak them if need be before considering bringing them to local single player and possibly non-ladder. There are no guarantees they will make them available for non-ladder, as they may decide to keep sundering charms ladder only and local single player only items.

Keep in mind if you do participate in the ladder and acquire sundering charms, they will carry over to non-ladder once the ladder ends.

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They will - after season 2 is over

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Like the runewords from season one?


Trade. That’s the reason for playing on bnet

No. The reason is to prevent cheating and play with others. You should be able to find your stuff yourself in the game mode you selected to play.


Keep that trash charm out of NL forever. Thanks.

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I was really looking forward to atleast the runewords as new content, but I cant for life of me understand why us none ladder players will never get new content. This is really sad and makes me want to stop playing :frowning:


Their Ladder has failed ALREADY as expected with already killer exploit. It even launched with absolute zero queues that enough tells you everything.

Now can we have ploot, player x command, better drop rates, terrorized zones for all areas and more updates such as suggested by CharlesJT?

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Yep. I was very disappointed.

Hell yeah please not a single sunder in non ladder. They were made to help casuals progress easier when they start from scratch. Non ladder is still to easy in the long term and will be absolute boring with sunder charms. What again is the good thing about teleport on 8 frames all day and one shot everything? Ist just boring…

When will Ladder Season 2 end?

Honestly everything in season needs to be available in non-season. No one has time to find their gear again in that game mode. The dozen masochists who engage in it are as annoying as the other dozen who play hardcore and argue that their way of playing is superior.


Id love all of those

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Lader season 2 should end early February if everything stays on track, unlike season one. For everyone who is upset about the new Sunder charms being ladder only, I wouldn’t worry that much about it. At that point there will be plently of them available in non-ladder. I have a mule character at this point whose whole private stash and inventory are just Sunder charms, and I am not alone in that situation, I am sure. The reality is they are as common as dirt and worth just about as much on ladder at the moment. Once the second season of ladder ends, they will be available in non-ladder and there should be plenty to go around.

Now, I know there will be some players who are worried that they might sell at inflated prices. After all the season 1 rune words on non ladder are going for a real premium at the moment and I can understand that. After all, any of the good ones require at least a vex rune to make and supply and demand kicks in pretty agressively after that point. People were not building a bunch of spares to trade in non ladder after all. That being said, I don’t see the sunder charms having the same issue given the abundance of them.

If you are worried about it, then the answer is pretty simple. You need to play ladder season 2 and trade for the ones you want before the season is over. Now, I know what some of you are going to say about the time commitment. You only have a limited number of hours in a week to game and you don’t want to start a new character on ladder from scratch and claw your way all the way to farming terror zones on hell. Well, you don’t have to. The reality on Traderie right now are that the sunder charms are selling dirt cheap. Basically, if you don’t mind having -80 to the resistance on the charm you can buy any of them for a couple of perfect gems or a few ral runes.

So, all you have to do is build a new character on Ladder. Get them to around level 14 or 15. Then go run the tower on normal maybe a dozen times. By then the countess will have likely dropped 2 to 4 ral runes and you can trade for whatever sunder charm you want. Then leave it on that character in their storage and wait for season 2 to end. Then you have your non ladder sunder charm. It’s that simple, likewise, if you just ask nicely a lot of players are giving away the lower tier ones. So, it may be as simple as asking politely and making a storage character on ladder then waiting for the season to end. Either way they are not coming to non ladder until the end of season 2.

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