Quick Cast Skills stops the character from moving

I move the character while pressing the left mouse button.
If I use quick cast, the movement stops even if I keep pressing the mouse button.

For example, Paladin often changes aura skill while moving.

I don’t want the Quick Cast to stop moving while pressing the mouse button.
In gamepad play, the aura skill change does not stop moving.
I want a similar experience with gamepad play.

Additionally, if the item’s name and monster overlap, the Quick Cast does not work.
This is in contrast to gamepad play, which is easy to target.


auras seem like the last thing you need quick cast for lol

what item? like anything on the ground?

If the name of the item on the ground overlaps with the monster, I cannot attack the monster with a quick cast.
“auras seem like the last thing you need quick cast for lol” What’s that mean?

oh boy if its not working due to item spam that’s a big ol problem. i haven’t played with quick cast yet

re auras: i mean why bother putting them on quick cast when you arent casting a projectile.

quickcast isn’t as good as i thought it could be. to me it is pointless on paladins, I would just not use it for any of my pallys.

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I have tried quickcast on all my characters, it appears if you choose quickcast on a paladin and you’re trying to switch auras like between concen + vigor it does indeed stop you. pretty annoying

Please do not bump troll threads and posts made by Stanner, Sekscalibure, vicVinegar, MEZKd2r, NOOBLMAO, Sareyene, Mifesto, MrEos, NeoRizer, RandyBoggs. Thank you from the D2R community.


This is bad, it’s every D2 lovers worst nightmare. They caved to loudness and tried to add too much D3 crap, now it’s compromising the traditional ways of playing.


You are correct. the movement stop if you click a new aura.

The solution now (you have to change your habit) is to spam left mouse, instead of press and hold or long pause between clicks, while you are changing aura. Once aura changed, you can switch back to how you move.

eh it isn’t “bad” on a couple chars like my trapsin quickcast has its uses. the biggest thing is it is easy to turn off. but i agree, this should show the cry babies who want all these changes that it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows…

Please do not bump troll threads and posts made by Stanner, Sekscalibure, vicVinegar, MEZKd2r, NOOBLMAO, Sareyene, Mifesto, MrEos, NeoRizer, RandyBoggs. Thank you from the D2R community.

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I’m sorry that I made you feel bad.
By the way, it sounds like the one who wants change isn’t D2 lover.
What’s the traditional ways of playing?

For your information, I started Diablo 2 in 2001.
and I don’t know much about D3.


Came to see if somebody made a post and good to see there is.

Indeed very annoing. Quick cast sounded very nice but when you walk on a hammerdin and switch to vigor and back to concentration you instantly notice this. Very annoing… turned it off again.

I really wonder when i find this in like 20 sec… do they even test their own game at all?


Why do you need quick cast for auras? They work just fine with the traditional f1-f8 keys. Paladin hardly even needs to switch skills - about the only thing I could see as useful on quick cast is holy shield, but since I weapon swap to cast that, quick cast doesn’t even help me there.

20sec? you are so fast lol. They need a tester like you.

Yeah I tried the “quickcast bar” or whatever it is. I don’t like it. I just use my old-school muscle memory.

Do you think everyone will play in the same way as you?
Each person has a different preferred way of playing.

Sure, but I don’t understand the use case. What is the benefit to quick cast the auras? I get it wanting to have quick cast for, say, static, blizzard, fireball, teleport, and maybe another spell (frozen armor?), but of all the classes I never wished for it on my Paladin.

Use teleport, use charge, holy bolt, zeal or whatever skills without the need to toggle, Its not hard.

QUick cast for Pally isn’t just for auras. He wasn’t using for Aura. He is using quick cast & aruas has some minor issues.

also quikc cast allows you to use normally RMB skill without needing to switch back to an arua after using.

of course it does, your character need to do the animation of casting dude.

Do you play paladin with just one aura?
For example, don’t you run away using a vigor in an emergency?
Don’t you use Cleansing aura to reduce poison time or curse time while moving?

Never change aura. I set one and forget it -a sample of my frost zealot build:

20 holy freeze
20 resist cold
20 salvation
20 zeal
20 holy shield