Quick cast its pretty good

He quoted from this blog article. But you knew that.

The link to this was pinned to the top of the General Forum from November 18 until December 2, and can still be found by scrolling.
Stop with your faux indignation; it’s pathetic.

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That isn’t a valid reply because it’s a well known fact that game devs announce things and never see it through all the time so what you replied with isn’t valid or credible in any way it means nothing.

those are also not the released patch notes. and the current released patch notes that count don’t even have the word manual in it anywhere, never mind what you’re all trying to push

Typical Stanner response; get proven wrong, babble some nonsense in return.

And yet, all of the people foolishly trying to explain this to you SOMEHOW figured it out.

But you can’t.

The problem here is YOU, buddy.


It’s interesting how you will refuse to go to the launcher and click wher e it says patch notes, and scan through it for the word manual yet you will continueposting your nonsense about how I’ve been proven wrong…

How did you prove me wrong when The word manual isn’t anywhere in the current patch notes and to see this all anyone has to do is go to the blizzard launcher, click patch notes and see it first hand it’s not in there

Once again people on this forum spreading misinformation and lies…

Tias highlighted the relevant paragraph from the blog article, and I posted the link to the full article when you essentially called his post fake news.
The article was posted on November 18, and a link to the article was pinned to the top of the General forum at 1pm EST on November 18.

The relevant paragraph in that article says we’ll need to enable the option. Anyone with two brain cells would interpret that as “manual.”
You seem to be the only one struggling with that.

The patch notes, which are also pinned to the top of the forum, tell us where to go to enable the option.

You do NOT need the word “manual” in order to grasp that what they are telling us is that we need to manually enable the option in game settings, unless you are a simpleton.

ERGO, you are wrong.


I love how you’re not only NOT using the patch notes to prove your argument, but also Trying to tell me that this random article, is supposed to known and read by everyone. That isn’t how it works there…

Furthermore the blog or article is nothing but preliminary which means no official decision has been made and it’s just talk so it has no actual substance or worth.

The current patch notes are the only thing that matter so it’s irrelevant what is in the blog. the bottom line is this, The devs didn’t mention anything about this having to be manually turned on anywhere in the current patch notes. If it’s not in the current patch notes then it doesn’t matter what any of you are saying.

You also keep trying to say the word manual is in the patch notes when it’s not.

You are such a bad-faith actor…

As I said, the patch notes are pinned to the top of the forum.

These ARE the actual and current patch notes, Brightboy.
The launcher is not the only place to view them.

The blog article states that we will be empowered to enable the option.
Nothing changed since the option was first mentioned in the article.
The actual and current patch notes state that we can now enable the option:

You simply can’t read if you see that I said the word “manual” in is the article patch notes.
“Players can now enable…” means that we have to manually switch the option on, in the game settings.

Why don’t you go do that, instead of being purposely disingenuous and obtuse?


i would suggest not responding to stanner and just flagging his posts he is just trolling and spreading misinformation to get a reaction out of people he has quite a few accounts he does this on.


easy way to fix this issue is use left and right mouse buttons to replace scroll wheel up or down and D and set the scroll wheel you didn’t use on left/right to D then turn on quick cast same number of spells no need for the scroll wheel assignments.

for instance blizzard on right mouse button, fireball on left mouse and firewall on D then use quick cast and you will always have them on left and right when not using another spell.

Gotta love how each and every one of you are purposely ignoring every thing I’m saying. Because none of you have a way to argue around the current patch notes I said to use, you searched for a set you want to use just so you might have a way to argue around me. That isn’t how its’ going to work.

if you are goingt o converse with me on this then you are going to use what I said to use, not whatever you feel like just so you can have an out…

See I very, very, specifically stated 4 times go to the current patch notes I SAID which are found by going to the launcher and clicking PATCH NOTES. and instead of doing that, what did you do, ignored it and did whatever you felt like it. Does not matter what is pinned on the forum or what you claim That is the only patch notes you are going to use when talking to me about this is the ones I said to use, not what is here on the forum, and not some article you keep trying to peddle.

If you do not use the current patch notes i said to use, then I do not care what you have to say. and you have no credible replies.

I actually don’t think he is trolling.
I think he is just such a clueless malignant narcissist that he believes he is correct about everything he spouts off about, and simply can’t stand to have his beliefs challenged.

no he is trolling he even has fights with himself (on different accounts) when he isn’t getting enough attention. He is just a needy child who’s parents didn’t care enough for him.




Ok, buddy.
Whatever you say.

(psst… they’re the same patch notes in both places…)

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yeah idk why they removed that imput if you have any type of gaming mouse/keyboard i just bound mouse wheel to 8 and 9 and made a diablo 2 mouse set of keybinds, annoying but swapping profiles isnt hard, idk whjy they took that bind out thou

idk why you assume just because he uses mouse wheel he doesn’t use side buttons, I use mouse wheel and side buttons for skills so using 4 and 5 isn’t a fix as i explained I just remapped mouse wheel to 8 and 9 and made a daiblo 2 mouse key binding, there was no reason to remove mouse wheel as an input anyways. They removed a feature just because some were added doesn’t mean that feature wasn’t removed for no reason at all…

i never said to use 4 and 5 he already had those bound to other skills. i said to use lmb and rmb because when you use quick cast those swap back to default after using other spells.

actually if they removed a feature because some were added by definition that was removed for the reason you stated which was because other features were added…

whether or not they should have removed it is beside the point for that to be true.

Mate its been 3 days since they added the bug (MWU/MWD) the game is unplayable for a lot of us and your acting like blizz fixes anything quickly without community pressure.

I have played legacy and waited in a 4,000 person que before to make games, D2R has a plethora of game breaking bugs that aren’t fixed so stop acting like they fix these problems quickly. Soft DC’s (character staying in game and dying with client refusing to close), zoning onto wp’s and into area’s with mobs stacked and waiting, clients that cant trade with eachother without black screens, people dcing when there are too many hydra’s.

There is a list of bugs longer than any game I have ever played but I need this one fixed or the game is completely unplayable for me, I am going to keep talking about it until it gets fixed and your going to like it or I am going to list the lengthy amount of time bugs that are all over the game.

This bug stays at the top until fixed I am a squeeky wheel who will get it addressed.

This is binding to one skill btw, not scrolling through the cycled list

i can’t believe people actually use that as a method to change skills, i always have to unbind it.

Quickcast is pretty good… Took a bit to get used to it after playing the original controls for 20 years. :stuck_out_tongue:

Running a Blizzard sorc, lmb=glacial spike, rmb=ice blast. Diablo dies fast. :slight_smile:

Makes CTA buffing easier.

Have you never played another game in your entire life? Just use a different key binding.

I swear to god people will cry over anything, even when it’s clearly a good change.

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