Locate Nihlathak with the red eyes on wall makes no sense

It doesn’t seem you are finding your answer here. If you want, you can join me in a game and I can show you. We could even do several runs so you can see that the correct wall with eyes is the way and not some kind of map hack.

Could someone with TL3 status post this link…
So TXan thinks it’s “on this forum”?



It reminded me of this conversation.

Maybe some of this is helpful.

Why are you guys feeding it, this is so obviously Boggs/Stanner trolling on a christmas account. >.>

Think of it in the eyes of the moderators reviewing why the thread is flagged, and seeing that the community was attempting to help him, only for him to keep the trollercoaster rolling on further.


“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”
-Sigmund Freud

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Yep. It seems that Stanner/Randy finally decided to ooze back onto the forum.
New account with the same old personality.
I wonder if he’ll make a video…


Well, it seems he doesn’t trust any website other than the official D2:R forums. So he can make a video all he wants, but he’s going to have a hard time posting it.


Thanks for linking the picture… There TXan, it’s on the official D2:R forums… It’s safe now. lol


It’s the same exact same way he argued about the patch notes – he would only accept patch notes if they were the ones linked in the launcher. He wouldn’t accept the patch notes if they were posted in the forum, BY Blizz, and he would accuse everyone who was posting a link to the pinned post of trying to slip fake patch notes past him, even though they were the same exact patch notes linked in the launcher.

OP must have been a great student for his teachers. His ability to socialize and use free resources to answer his questions is exemplary.

This game is over 20 years old. Besides TZs which a buffoon should be able to figure out and a couple new runewords, every bit of info for this game has been posted on d2jsp, arreat summit, various d2 wikis, etc…this forum is just for discussion, it isn’t for resources. Use the whole internet.

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There has to be 3 sets of eyes on the walls north of the door for it to be the route to Nilh, as it can spawn with a single set but it will not be the route to him.

I’m sure a student afflicted with Dunning-Kruger was a joy to deal with, as well.

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You didn’t ask anything. You complained. Asking means you have a question which would be indicated by a question mark. You have 0 in your posts.

You are an awful person, whether you are trolling or serious, you should really learn some manners.

let’s find his ingame character and help him out, mercilessly


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When I read his threads it gave me the same Stanner vibe. Glad I’m not the only one. :))
Too bad we won’t be able to enjoy him before he inevitably gets silenced.

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But you just shared a link that sends us outside of this forum…
Why the double standards!?


actually not needed…alway start up left then go clockwise…dont need to see more than those 4 walls if u do it like that…as soon as the first pair of eye is found its where nithy is(if you started by upper left side check then did clockwise if first check was a fail)

Why should people go to your screen shot link if you’re unwilling to go to their links? At least Guitars used the formatting trick to make the link easily used, unlike you.

Why should someone have to type it all out over again for you when comprehensive guides exist?

As others have said, the eye method IS true, you just have to know which tiles to actually look at.

Arcane is purely random.

Which is exactly what you’ve done in 2 threads I’ve seen so far. Ask for help in a way that comes off as overly confrontational, then refuse to accept the advice or look at outside sources people use to try to help you, then call them trolls for trying to help you while you act super entitled. So you’re repeating the same cycle over and over and expecting a different result?


Yeah you should just give away all your gear and uninstall.

OP just want to let us know that he cant properly find nihla with the eyes patterns and

time to move to the next topic

Wow you’re a clown. Which is probably why you can’t see why the red eyes work in game.