Quick cast its pretty good

Didn’t think I would need it really but being able to just apply frozen armour or telekinesis a box open makes it worth using on its own ty devs.


For the rest of us they broke mouse wheel up and mouse wheel down binding, games unplayable for a lot especially if you are hardcore.


Huh? What are you talking about.

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They removed the ability to rebind mouse wheel up and down to an ability on this patch even has a convenient popup “Cannot assign to mousewheel”

Multiple threads about it on forum, made game unplayable for me. (15+ years mental and muscle memory teleporting me to my death on hc)

I would link other forum posts which are all over about it but… locked out of links unless I forum grind T.T

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have you considered trying mb4 and mb5 as a replacement?

those buttons and bound to run toggle and uhhhhh, something else equally non essential so you dont lose anything


Direct keybind is faster & safer still. If you play hardcore, its a step to consider seriously

You just have to get used to it,. shouldn’t take more than a few hours at best.

They still have to be fixed though for people who like to use scroll wheel of mouse.

I use all of the hotkeys will give a list
mb4 telekinesis
mb5 town portal
scroll up blizzard
scroll down firewall
middle click enchant
q static
w glacial spike
e ice blast
r frozen armor
t (energy shield orb swap for nith)
a battle command
s bo
d fireball
f teleport
z hoto active / natures peace / whisp
x lower resist (swap)
All have situations in which I need to use them, my mouse is one of the fastest most comfortable inputs I have which they have removed.

15+ years of muscle memory with mouse 1000+ hours I now teleport into packs to my death thinking I will use a damage skill.

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this list looks like you play counterstrike, league, and starcraft all at the same time :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

i am such a minimalist apparently lol

Put CTA commands (BO. BC) & non-critical skills on Function keys, & have more essential ones on “a” & “s” in their place

Use one of the side mouse for firewall. use “a” or “s” for telekiness.

Its sucks to reprogram muscle memory, but a few change & you may even like the change. Its better in long run IMO. using the scroll wheel to rotate is just slower.

I used FPS keybinding too, Fortnite player, the most keybind intensive shooter due to the building part.

if you rest you left hand on the wasd spot you can reach quite a few keys I have not run out of keyboard spots yet

Never mind just saw your list. You use a lot more stuff farming than I do.

I used to try and reduce my sorc to teleport and a big damage spell on the right button and something like glacial spike or fireball on the left. Makes it easy to play I hear you about the muscle memory though but it’ll disappear after a bit of farming especially if the new system is better or more efficient, which it is. I might even bother to static field now before I drop a blizzard :stuck_out_tongue:

For me teleport is w I also made charge on my pala w

So you’re in the beta of it…

The quick cast bar is supposed to automatically be above your current action bar with slots for things and it’s not there. If it was in the game right now you would be able to see it above the current action bar.

You add a hotkey like w for teleport then when you press w it does not swap the active skill on your mouse button to teleport anymore it just casts it.

That is quick cast is it not?

We get the point. So do the devs. It’s a known bug and is being worked on. I wouldn’t expect it to remain for a lengthy amount of time.

NO the quick cast bar are slots above your current action bar where you drag skills into it…at least that’s how it’s described.

But it obviously has not been added to the game yet because it’s still in beta so only a few people have it for testing.

if it was in the game already you’d automatically see slots above your current action bar…

It’s in the game. You have to set it manually in the Gameplay section of the preferences panes. It’s controlling toggle is directly beneath the toggle to enable Quick Cast. Be warned though that toggling this shows all bound keys, whether they are used by quick cast or not. A more streamlined approach would be to only show the icons for skills specifically enabled for quick cast, but since it’s currently all or nothing, it shows them all. Hopefully that gets refined in a near future patch to reduce lost screen real estate.

You’re the one misreading things. It’s in the game. The visual toggle for keybinds above the primary skill bar isn’t for quick cast specifically in its current form, it’s for all binds, and as I noted, it is in fact in the game. The person you quoted, twice now, is correct in how quick cast actually works. You are not. It works exactly as he describes: you set a keybind of your preference to a skill, and when the quick cast toggle is enabled, pressing that button will cast the assigned skill (temporarily overriding your RMB skill icon for a split second to indicate you’re quick casting a skill) and then you instantly regain use of the RMB again to cast the skill that was occupying it before you used a quick cast ability.

Note: There is also a bug where using quick cast with any ability will stop movement. You have to click-hold to move again after the quick cast ability fires off. There is also a secondary bug wherein if your quick cast skill has a cooldown and fails to successfully cast for any reason, you trigger the skill’s cooldown even if it didn’t go off. You can cast it again via the regular keybind > RMB method, but if you try the quick cast method, that skill will fail to activate until its normal cooldown period is over.


Thank you I have not got the time for this today so ill leave you to it. Your doing a fine job +1 :slight_smile:

They never advertised it as automatic.

Right there in the patch notes. Not automatic. Requires being enabled.

From the actual preview blog:

You’re batting zero, sluggo. If you can’t keep up with two week old preview notes and the patch notes that came out with the client updtae, it’s time to go back to the minor leagues.


You’re the ONLY one having difficulty with this.

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I love players who fail on all ends to take the actual announcement and show it because they cannot stand to be proven wrong. They’re taking the after the fact knowledge they currently have and trying to pass it off onto and into a place it doesn’t apply because they couldn’t have known about it at that time.

They can only use this now because they know about it, They’re now trying to use this to say it was explained. That wasn’t the advertisement so they wouldn’t have known where to start looking.

Shut up none of you know anything about this so just stop.