Queues on a Monday morning?

I think the NA players should be protected… the amount of players in Asian server is always going to flood the NA server, where is our right?

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they’re limiting the amount of logins GLOBALLY

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Currently trying to log in right now and I’m stuck in queue at 138… been 30 minutes and no changes in queue… what gives?

No I was wondering the same thing if I wanted to switch stuff from the shared stash to another character personal stash…

We only get the queue to enter the Online play character selection screen. After that we can play all we want…except if the game crash -_-

Pure bull crap blizzard, you suck, these ques are absolute stupid answer you came up with for a game that i just paid for? your pathetic


D2R does not work at all like D2 (2000), D3, WoW, etc. D2R is a Global connected Region, not separate “Asia, EU, Americas”. That is why the database keels over during high traffic times. It does not handle the influx of data. The queue limits the logins and the game creation timer slows rapid game instance creation.

The world is very round and time zones are a thing. We all connect at the top to the Global Database - and it is afternoon in EU and evening in Korea/Australia.

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The queue timer does not update in real time. It goes from starting number, to some other number, to IN. I find it takes about 25 mins to get through.

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I’ve decided that queue times this early on a Monday says the main player base is adults. To me, this also means that Blizz is probably not concerned about fixing these issues as generally you market to a younger audience and hope/assume your older customers are already hooked in. This is 100% pure supposition, but it makes as much sense as anything.

dont forget, retards also implemented a cooldown for game join attempts too. if you fk the pw or gn you have to wait before trying to enter.

Game crashed. Now 40 minutes in cue.
I will send Blizzard the invoice for lost time.

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It’s Monday morning and I just made a cup of coffee. Thought I’d sit down and knock out a few MF runs before I get my day started. There’s a queue and my position is 169. That doesn’t seem too bad. 5 minutes later, position 169, I better go check the forums and see if something else is going on. See this post. I’ve literally have never made a post on here. Why does this have to be my first?


Tell that to everyone that has been in queue for more than an hour. And when they do get in lose connection mid game to get stuck in a long queue again.

Myself included. I was in a queue at 180 at 0648 EST. got in just after 0750 ish. 30 minutes of play got booted and stuck in queue at 287. After 45 minutes or so Iwas only at 210. I called it quits.

I have spent nearly 2 hours in queue with only maybe 30 minutes of game play. I know I am not the only one.

And you find it only takes about 25 minutes. Key word there “you”.

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Remember when Blizzard was the gold standard? Yea i don’t remember that either to long ago.

Was at 174 about 10 minutes ago, now at 71. Wanted to check myself to see if servers were down :roll_eyes: Unfortunate I have to check forums if the game is playable before I wait.


They need the funds for their legal fees!

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" The two sides agreed on a deal, and the acquisition became official in 2008. As a part of its purchase of Vivendi Games, Activision became the owners of Blizzard Entertainment. From then on, the company was known as Activision Blizzard "

Activision is who you should be mad at

Schools in session and right now it is history lessons from 13 years ago

It’s been 2 hours of waiting for me. The first time it just switched to offline after it finished then had to start it all over and the queue isn’t moving.


Go suck the devil in hell.


150 que. checked back 10 minutes. still 150. ALT F4


It will only lock you out if you get off of battle.net in the game. You can change chars freely, but if you crash your toast.