PvP is at its peak and I hope Blizzard won't revert anything

Shady alt accounts and people who are just doing this because DHA talked to their favorite streamer who told them to do that. Most of them don’t even play D2R that’s why they “like” a post but not post themselves.

Majority are happy and enjoying it, that’s why they are not here in forums whining.

Proof so people don’t say I am “toxic trolling” (which is ironic when they are doing that manipulation):

They even told them what to post, copy and paste!

You are right for once.
He cant even remember hes own words.
He always said. Yer 10 peopel likes my post, So the majority agrees :slight_smile: called out hes own lies yet again…

proff of that or just another lie? Hard to belive so many people watch a D2R stream. and dont play D2R in any way. He literly stream pvp content… Zahramar is a troll.