Public Test Realm is dead

Imagine how much better the game would be if you did not have to stay away from the group? Everyone could farm together with separated loot. Sound more fun doesn’t it? The majority of us that have helped D2 get a remaster all have full time jobs and responsibilities now. I do not have time to farm 24/7 anymore. The people that do are botting.

For once I want to play with a full game and not be worried about having to 1v1 everything because I’ll have a team to fall back on.

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They need to provide an incentive for people testing out their game. They are so cheap to hire a team, so at least give people a shako to start ladder if you played PTR

If there aren’t that many people on PTR, why are the pings so bad lately in multiplayer? Every time I check the lobby, not a single game has green ping indicator (they’re all empty and a couple red).

I logged in once just to see a terrorized area. Left unimpressed.

I think you are majoring in the minors.
Personally i see no issues

Public Test Realm is dead

maybe because this update is so good player can not stop playing :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: