Public Service Announcement: P8 setting exists on bnet NL/L today. Now. Right now!

It’s called multiboxing. And its not against the ToS. All of the spoils of this blizzard approved system have already found their way into the economy and changed the “social aspects” for all users.

  1. In reality nothing would change if P8 added officially to bnet game creation

  2. Anyone who says P8 setting is a bad idea is also saying that the current game is a bad idea.

You cant be against P8 unless you are also against the game that we currently all play on battlenet.

This is for anyone who ever said a single word against P8. The only way to not be effected by it is to uninstall D2R

We are all P8 tainted.

Just so there is no illusions. Only facts are posted above. Despute this, please. So you can next say the air we breath is not actually air.


You are trolling. We’re actually just overrun by the legion of bots. No one needs common goods anymore. Only botters and wallet warriors can afford the truly exceptional items.


Ber rune down again to five bucks!

Yes 8 players can play together to get p8 bonus. Mindblowing that it took you 20+ years to find out :smile:

But you ask for a command so one individual in game will have that setting. Thats very different thing.


And this is why exploiters and cheaters are against /player x command, when people like us can go as far as even removal of trading/ dropping items with an incremented drop rates D2R version. Pay-to-win and false elitism attitude to make for failing in real life.

One party actually plays the video game, legit and fair, and the other cheats and exploits and trade with other exploiters thinking they are achieving something. No wonder first party is asking for fixes and changes.

Sad part is this has been explained many times, by me:

… And by many others. We said it even before first Ladder, even before this game’s release, and even during OG D2 timeline. Let’s hope Blizzard listens and fixes drop rates and exp, while adding difficulty scale.


You do realize that command can be exploited a lot right? Its exploiter and botter dream to have it online.

If you give me /players x command online, i can get enigma solo selffound in 3 days, week at worst.


The big wallets agree… P8 exists on


“If there is a will, there is a way.”

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No because they already abuse it, did you read OP? It’s very easy for them to have it, it’s not for legit fair players that’s all…

Yeah no I don’t believe you, it would make the grind less but where’s the problem at that.

a house to 8 mil cost more the a house to 1mil, who whould have tought.
You can buy 1 apple and you can buy 8 apple. dont be mad at people who buy more apples then you.

Worst trol post by op so fare.


I used to think only players who use jsp, and bot had bis gear. Then i got good at the game/trading. NO longer feel that way at all.


There are people who feel that cryptocurrencies are simply a ponzi scheme to redistribute wealth from those dumb enough to invest to those smart enough to control the market. Then there are some of those who took the plunge and invested in it, made some money from it and now their opinions have changed. (I’m sure many opinions have changed with the cryptocrapstorm that’s going on now.)

Are you sure “appel/appels” are the words you wanted to use 3 times?

i have only one blocked, that The Troll and multi account bot/rmt user MicroRNA cause he keep stalking me like the crazy ex.
now i se more hidden messages from him.
For the 100 time. stop stalking me thx.

Stop clicking the hidden posts to expand/read them… Otherwise why do you have him muted? Just to give your mouse clicker a workout?


i ditten click… i can se they are hidden. and he is the only one i have muted/bloked

its the same for many threads. hidden messages . like the Ex who stalk you, and know wher you are …

Well if you want to get sophisticated with your adblocker, there are ways to make people and their threads disappear from your screen. It can cause issues with the forum working properly though on your end.

If you do not click on a hidden message, it is difficult to know what was stated (assuming it was not subsequently quoted). Putting someone on ignore does not remove other’s ability to post nor should it.

Oh nooooooooo!!! :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

So you “got good” by trading with botters and exploiters to get your HRs. We get it.


so can you make you mind up. Do botters trade in game? or use RMT?