Public Service Announcement: P8 setting exists on bnet NL/L today. Now. Right now!

Interesting, attack the person not the concept? Someone is scared of this logic. You cant even say a word about it just spit some mix matched out of context attacks.

How does ANY of your words have to do with the favt that we are ALL in a P8 battlenet world? It doesnt. You are terrified to lose your multibox/FG/RMT value. Thats why you exist here. And why you make personal attacks. Itll never change until the average person has what you have. Then you become irrelevant. Its coming. You’ll enjoy it

You found your voice again, troll!? :))
You have zero credibility.
Let me remind you only two of your quotes, mister switcheroo as the wind of greed blows:

Eagerly waiting for your reply. :angel:


Soo… you mean people that use player settings to multibox???

Literally the thing i posted about. So t
You proved my point while calling me a troll in 2 lines?

hahahahahahaha what a clown :rofl: :joy: :clown_face: :clown_face:

you cant make this stuff up

How is it different? I have several friends who boot up their BOslave and 1-3 other chars to break into P3+ every. single. game.

They live on d2jsp and ignore traderie or discord. This describes a massive amount of the remaining player base.

Like how is that different? They PAY to get P8 i dont. I dont believe in mods or cheating. So i will never have the real game. Its just not right or fair for the kids that want to play. One of mt coworkers who started playing w/ his son - i think about them.

Its wrong. Nothing like this existed on D1 when i was playing at that age. Its the start of the corruption at blizzard- fix your ways blizzard! Remedy this mistake. Fairness and equality for all.

Question for player 8 online if you set the game to p8 on that’s solo if you get to say 7 you can have a friend join to make it 8?? So if you have p8 with 8ppl shouldn’t that be p16???

Maybe just maybe the solution is infinite p8…. Just set the game to how ever high you can farm and just keep going make it the end game and just more Affix’s / suffix’s to items to balance out how hard it would be??? So what a maras rolls with + 6 skills 40AR 6 all stats ??? Oh wait that would make the game hard and purist can’t have that all so instances loot kills forum gold and RMT

The player count needs to be removed from how many players are in the game.

So you could have 2 friends in a game set to p8, and another one joins its still p8

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Just another troll post from you.
You use the word purist all the time, but you dont know what it means.
reminds me of some of your multi accounts.

Mario Teaches Typing, or Forum Teaches Typing?

:thinking: Tough choice.

Why can’t we all just get along?

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Purist means people who failed this game because they did not want change does that help you?

I find it so funny that the biggest troll on the EU forum paired up with the biggest one on US. You’re gonna love Danutz.
Priceless. This is Jerry Springer level of insanity. :))


I’m serious though I want like a scaling end game with instanced loot??? I’m the biggest troll in North America I did it?

Look I want rare charms
Rune words to be made in unique magic and rare items

Poe is great but d2 is d2

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Purists are the guys that abuse game mechanics to hold false empires built on lies and cheating. FG/multiboxing/botting etc. They so terrified to lose what they have, spend more time trolling than checking their trades on d2jsp or playing their boxed accounts.

Blizzard chips away at this disgusting group 1 season at a time. When they add P8 it will be the nail in their coffin forever. Freedom for all

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Change a couple of words and you would make Marx proud. :))

P.S. You owe me a reply, Todd boy.

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Spend a lot of time focusing on me, while i spend my time focusing on the concepts that create imbalance and unfairness.

I owe you nothing. You only desire to attack what threatons your RMT/fg/multiboxing

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Joining mules not nonly cost money as you have to buy new accounts, but most importantly it takes considerable time to join the mules to a game. Its really usable only for longer games. Also you can change /players X on a whim vs your mules have to be present in game or not so you to manipulate with them constantly.

Can you substantiate your statement?
Bring proof! This is what started this vendetta. You making allegations that you cannot prove.

I called you a liar and I brought proof. Where is yours?


This is not true even a tiny tiny bit. I watch one friend who does a P3-P5 setup every few minutes/games to farm terror zones or chaos sanctuary. It takes him seconds to boot up his slaves. All this was taught to him by d2jsp’ers

This went downhill quickly.

p8 online hurts botters, item sellers, and d2jsp users with accumulated fg since

  1. legitimate players get more items, increasing supply and reducing demand
  2. illegitimate players get more items, increasing supply
  3. since supply is up and demand down, item sellers suffer