What are we testing??? This will have none of the promised new features this is not the 2.4 PTR lol
We’ll be testing the new database saving procedures that they had to rewrite for global use since the old code was meant more for regional use. I’d imagine some other stability measures as well. This is so that they can get rid of the rate limiting and login queues they had to add to not make the servers constantly crash.
I really do hope that there are other stability rewrites, because 3 months for a save file coding change does seem a bit long.
Sounds boring let me know when the real PTR starts! I am dying to play diablo 2 with some balance changes it is dead there was 5 games in nightmare today , i am havin d2 withdrawls
Even just getting on and trying to mass create games in quick succession would help test the system. What would be nice is if we could use our existing characters and everyone farm Pindle! MASS PINDLE RUNZZ! Heheh
The bigger question I have is whether or not this will result in Blizzard fixing the number one problem with finding games right now, which is caused by each region having been sharded into sub-regions where each half (sub-region) is unable to see the other half’s games. It’s a really broken system currently and if left in place, no amount of database fixes will make players happy when finding games is difficult to impossible.
As for combining the database stress test with content testing on the PTR, that’s a tremendously terribad idea as it spreads resources too thin for either test. You want the focus to be on one issue at a time, not multiple issues. The number one rule of troubleshooting and/or testing is to narrow the number of variables to as few as possible, and stacking database testing with content testing does the exact opposite and would result in a vastly inferior product for players. It also produces additional crunch, which is never good for quality production.
now can any 5Head person figure out ladder release date from this?
3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years?
- Remove the masked profanity from your post.
- The answer is: The timeframe depends on how well the new implementation holds up under a full stress load. If it falls over again, ladder gets pushed back further. If it succeeds well enough, ladder will come sooner rather than later. But it will come no sooner than mid-February regardless due to the time it takes to integrate the new database structure into the current global infrastructure and further vet it in a live environment before committing to a firm release date.
5Head is a profanity? its an emote representing high IQ. why would it be profanity?
im genuinely surprised anyone could see something negative about an emote with a big head.
*mid february sounds good to me. just quick enough to save some hype
It’s posts like this that make me doubt the “I’m not a blizzard employee line” mscheetah
hint It should sound more like bro science. Not so professional
That WAS my unprofessional “simple” version!
I was pretty angry at release that they had made such a poor judgement call on the database architecture. I was following very closely as to what they would be doing to fix it.
I also know that a major database change + content changes at the same time may screw up testing data they need. First things first. Get batch one of data, then move forward with the exciting front facing content stuff. They will probably still be doing database testing in the background of that based off whatever changes they make from the first test results.
I don’t even know what that is
MissCheetah’s posts are the way they are because she gathers the information as it trickles in and keeps it in an orderly fashion. It is designed to dispense information in a neutral manner. Posts like mine, while technical in nature much of the time, are formatted in a way as to be part of a discussion rather than looking like it was read from a script. People can be neutral or professional sounding without being part of a company and vice versa. It’s best not to conflate style with intent.
so this is just testing to make sure that chat is still not working half the time?
How do I join the PTR?
think its a bit more than that. waiting lines, etc. should be affected by that too.
When it opens tomorrow afternoon Pacific time you open your Launcher and on the D2R tab is a drop down menu. Use that to select the PTR.
This is a perfect example of where games are at, by
today’s standard.
They are released with bugs, or have features missing, and
usually not very well optimized.
Game was released months ago, and still has long loading things like way points
and TP’s.
Most of this stuff should have very quick load times.
Anyways, I hope things will work better in the future, especially for
on-line play.
I play off-line so my experience of lobby’s and finding games is
non existent.
But other issues I do experience.
It will probably be like D3’s PTR where you have to download it as one of the choices that you make when you play D2R. Then you either can create characters or copy your characters over if they want to go that route. I can’t see why it wouldn’t be identical to what D3’s PTR is.
Agreed that the forums are like the redheaded stepson.
ok but then where is the official guide to D2R?
Where is the official announcement?
And more important when is the exact time ?
What about consoles ???
Will there be a PTR on PS4, do you need to download something or what ???