PTR tomorrow (Jan 12 22)

Well it would be nice if they let us upload characters or use existing ones to legit try to overwhelm it. There is only so much you can do with a brand new character, depending on the length of the PTR.

Allow us to do high speed pindle runs or full baal runs, cow runs, ect at rate, and then you get a realistic test that they even admitted they werent prepared for.

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I’m going to log onto the ptr and if it’s a clean start just start creating and leaving games over and over. Thats the true way to test the stability. Although, assuming we can use this char when the new content drops in the ptr, it might be beneficial to level up…

It wouldn’t even matter. The volume or people logging in won’t even cause the server to hiccup. Don’t forget, the D2R HAD a PTR that didn’t catch any of the problems with the D2R servers. Which is why I take issue with this:

Because doing these separately doesn’t encourage anyone to test anything, really. It has to be the same PTR. It’s reasonable to try ~2-3 days of server stability before putting in the 2.4 changes, but if it’s different PTRs I believe it is largely pointless. Same PTR but staggered does make sense, but it can’t be too staggered because no one will want to test and they won’t get a half decent data.

Personally, I’d just throw it all into the hopper, on a PTR, together at once. That way if the server is gonna catch fire, it’ll catch fire, but they’ll get a decent test. Be very stressful for the database guys to fix, though.

i don’t know why they removed the pin from this before the ptr/patch but these posts talk about the changes they are doing to the server/db backend

of note is rewriting the server code to work as multiple micro services instead of 1 huge machine that can break at any point and take everything down.

as well as changing how the db handles character saves and how frequently they back up to the global server.

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I was hoping to see patch 2.4 with the new multithreaded server/database code on PTR launch.
But hopefully we will get the patch very soon after launch tomorrow

  • Database/Server Update PTR

Hopefully we see a massive improvement to the game-list tomorrow, that would be perfect.


a step in the right directions i welcome all change :+1:

We gotta do this right. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON PATCH NOTES ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


lol yup, PezRadar says they will be summoned tomorrow.

Nice, give patch notes, can’t wait for druid changes.

did the mention the time it comes out? Im so excited :grin:

Normally early afternoon Pacific time. They rarely give times for PTRs. It is “when the QA team gets it stable and available”. heh. It can also go right back down if things go poorly.

Such is the nature of a test environment.

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No. Maybe you should listen to the long interview they gave and then you wouldn’t be so baffled as how this is going to work.

Yeah, i hate this dude. Why we cant get info here on official D2R forums. It sucks to being forced to check multiple places to get news. I dont want to honestly being bothered by some twitter.


Arreat summit is for Legacy d2. not for D2R i guess.

From what I heard, the guy that ran Arreat Summit, is no longer at Blizzard as well. I wonder if a new AS is in the works, especially considering we are getting balance changes, new cube formulas, and updated set bonuses.

I dont think we need it, there is many places with info about d2 now.

It’s nice to have, and I still use it myself since while it is dated looking (and running), everything is organized pretty well.

Look up Sarcasm via google. Have a nice day…