(PTR PvP Feedback) About fast hit recovery, wanna roll-back this changes

It seems that Blizzard lacks understanding of character lock using the stun system.
There is a specific way to do or avoid lock using stun, and destroying it will break the pvp system.
We don’t just want to play a dps measurement game.


Asian server 1 vs 1 pvpers played the game without using WSG.
Because WSG destroyed the game in a fight between top players.
Character lock using stun can also be avoided without using WSG.
In the old version of D2, 4 vs 4 team pk, WSG was allowed and necromancer ben.


WSG just hitting w is not the right way.
You need to read the timing of your opponent’s attack in advance (the exact distance you can reach with two teleports on the minimap).
It should be w key smash while holding down the skill first.

Anyway, WSG is a thing of the past, and it doesn’t exist anymore.
And we welcome this in Asia server.


yeah, especially not one that involve def spaming and hoping your opponent get killed before you do. That already work like that in some matchup, and they are generally not the fun one…

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You said you don’t even pvp, you really shouldn’t bother commenting on these topics when you don’t have experience nor participate.

Have you tried to wsg within 3 traps and mb? It actually takes skill to do damage + get out while taking minimal damage. It’s calculated trade-offs.


I said currently. It doeesnt mean i will not. So I have right to have opnion about it too. Also I do player killer so thats kind of PvP :smiley:

you call it skill I call it smashing W but ok :slight_smile:

Let’s duel on a free private server with free items and lvl 99, and see how well you “mash a key” to win a duel. You’re watering it down substantially.

I’m just pointing out that you’re like 99% PVM and 1% PVP… on hardcore. We’re not the same.

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I dont play old d2 anymore. I only use it for some modding. I dont have need to prove something to you in duel. Not to mention that WSG is gone for months now. So how does it matter anyway?

So what? It doesnt mean I wont be doing PvP in future. I just hate the fact that you are forced to spend hours of item farming to get items for PvP when I mostly prefer to play hardcore.

We’re fighting to make your futuristic pvp experience much more balanced, but you’re in here commenting without knowing how to balance it. Who would have a better idea of balance, someone who is hitting monsters for hours on end or someone who streams dueling 100% of the time and faces all matchups?


Thats funny, when SGW was removed I had huge fighs with PvP purists calling me names for suggesting stun nerfs names. They cried how blizzard killed PvP and said to me that blizzard will not fix it. Now they did, they basicly did what I suggested. They nerfed effectivity of stuns. In different way than i suggested but result is pretty much same.

So yeah I knew how to make PvP better, actualy more than so called pro duelers who were so stubborn to admit that they are wrong. So yeah, nobody is fighting for my future PvP, certainly not these PvP purists here on D2R forums.

They are not fighting for anyone , they are not willing to change and want their flawed old ways of dueling.

Btw, Cooley is dueler and streamer right? I think he mostly like the fast hit recovery change. So does many others, with excpetion of PvP purists.

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i like this change again stun lock to dead , i dont see any skill to hold the mouse button to dead

i have np to reroll the change but stun lock to dead need also to be fix

i think the one again this change are the class that abuse stun lock

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It means no more stunlock EVER. You wont be able to stun lock your opponent with any spell. Fireball, tornado, whirls, whatever, this wont work, so the game will be broken. Please dont talk when u dont know.

:joy: :joy: :joy: oh boy the logic right there

if you cannot stun lock someone to dead the game is broken :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :joy:

It’s changing a mechanic that has been with us since day 1. You should not be messing with inbuilt formulas like ias, fhr and cast rates. Those are the corner stones of pvp builds since the beginning. Right now you essentially just deleted one of the stats. Imagine if they just made cast rates the same for all characters. They said they want to preserve the game as true to the original as possible, right not they literally are trying to delete a core mechanic from the game.

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a lot of mechanic from day 1 have change

exemple my Whirlwind mechanic change from 1.06 to 1,10
frenzy ect…

same with running mechanic become useless the day enigma come in the game ect…

spamming mind blast to dead dont look a healthy mechanic to me ,anyway is only 1 guy opinion

Changing one skill is not same changing a game wide mechanic. If a skill is bugged or doesn’t work properly it should be updated. Fhr was not bugged it’s working as intended by the original makers. This game was sold as a faithful recreation of the original, we didn’t sign on for it to be d3ified in 3 months. Enigma didn’t change the run mechanics, show me which formulas were changed. You’re making a false comparison.

It’s not just mind blast, barbs won’t be able to tri whirl, no more tele stomping with druids, Smiters etc. basically it’s going to be super defensive builds spamming high damage spells and hoping they hit. A lot of the finesse builds that requires tele stomping will be at a handicapped when they’re skill cap is higher to begin with. If mind-blast is the issue why not put a .25 second casting delay on it instead of nerfing fhr to the ground.

Problem here is that without the ability to stun or FHR to matter at all,
the character with more raw damage/tankiness level will win always. Like Early D3 pvp style until it became perma immunity fest.

For example trapsin would be useless. Just tank few hits and kill her. She cant stop you anymore and she deals low dmg if you got hit 2-3 times and then she dies.

Several classes function only due to stun mechanic. Or for example Bonemancer will just tank you and spam Spirit until anyone dies.

This will turn PvP into
A) be the most defensive never on the same screen character
B) tank everything kill them in 1-3 shots
C) FHR trading where the one with more DMG per measly FHR frame wins

Either way 0 skill involved in many matches.

i understand you there , on the other side of the coin other skill have other type of stun lock
mind blast is fcr but leap spam from the barb with knockback ect ,

fixing every skill will ask a lot of time and knowlege , and think the dev team working on the game and budget is not that big d2re is only 1 buy game ,

this fix look the most logic for them , i understand is not ideal , but what you propose ??? what you will bring on the table too fix the issue ?

Nice arguing on the smiley spam. You just showed how clueless you are about pvp and the PTR experience. You are obsessed about mindblast as expected. I told you already this system affects not only the stun skills like leap or mb. And no, im not a trap player.
So let me tell you, on PTR, a druid 0 fcr 0 fhr can get out of 4 trap + wof + mb with 2 cast of teleport. Also now a barb 30 fhr get stunned more than a barb 0 fhr because they messed up the basic mecanic of FHR and now its just broken : Yes . Against some spells, the more fhr you have is the more stunned you get. But yeah its just normal right ? I got videos for all these if u are interested.

Just nerf the outliers a bit, we know leap and mindblast are the strongest stuns because of their range and spammability. All other stuns requires you to be top of other characters already. Put a small nextdelay on leap and a small cast delay on mb. Small enough that it won’t make the skills useless but big enough to give other characters a chance. It’s just really 2 spells that stand out above the rest, I don’t think is a big ask to balance 2 skills.