PS4 NEEDS /players 8 ASAP!

/players8 for offline char only? What’s the purpose of that? How many offline players Diablo has? I thought Diablo was supposed to be mainly online. Now I have to forget all my 14 online chats and create 1 offline to play on my own?
Totally not what I expected…

That’s all players 8 has ever been

Wait i dont get it
Why dont i swe that tab in offline ? Is the patch even out yet…???

Only available if you have PSN subscription. Still no fix.

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I was coming home from a business trip and was super hyped about the patchnotes.

Update the game… No players settings tab!

Wtf is wrong with Blizzard. They announced it in official patchnotes and dont even have it in the game? Hard to curb my disappointment right now…

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they fixed it but the fact that they locked an offline only feature behind online subscription is just f-ing lol

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Its fixed.
Only took almost 3 months before i could finally play the game and enjoy

Going to wait a long while before ill get D4 after release.
This company has zero credbility

You can add me choppzui were 4 players right now

Does the game settings (to set /players8) are still behind the online subscription?
I want to play D2R but not gonna pay online just to change that.

The setting is for offline play only.

The game is months old now and this was the thing holding you back from playing it?

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not much good loot, too much work, not much time to farm = left the game on pause since November

What I do is make each kill personal. Not even fallen escape.

After enough blood has been spilled. The gods of death bless me with an item worthy of further slaughter.

And so it goes… :skull: :hourglass_flowing_sand:

/players command or a minimum players threshold slider belongs in every form of d2/r

can’t even get true single Player, and when I had the game for 30 days on Nintendo switch was no way to put in commands at all, I figured it would’ve had a virtual keyboard you could bring up on the screen to punch in the players command, it’s obvious that this Product was just a cash grab fraud and so many people fell for it same with d4, The Diablo franchises is dead, American and European video game publishers cannot be taken seriously anymore.