Profanity Filter

Would like there to be an option to remove the profanity filter, it’s stupid.


whoa whoa watch your language :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Oh holy banana rocket, what bird droppings will you do about that?


No, minor stuff does not even get reported because people don’t care. The Blizz folks don’t go looking for violations. They only act on reports. Dang, damn, and such are not going to get anyone in trouble.

People do get Silenced though for swearing - and the WoW CS forums have posts pretty regularly about it. Of course, then the Blues remind the person why they got Silenced to begin with. Heh. When angry, just take hands away from the keyboard.

even if they remove the filter it is still reportable and you can still get Silenced for it. That applies to all modern Blizzard games. They have had the policy in place since about 2004.

I am not “defending it”. I am simply telling you how it works so you can avoid penalties.

Just keep the colorful stuff to private games with friends who won’t report you.

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all iam sayin is

fiddlesticks !!! i just wanted to play some jolly coop instead of dilly dallying around
turn off filter for more :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


There’s Blizzard games other than D2??


Early Access and Open Beta had the “Mature Language Filter” option under Gameplay. That option has been removed and D2R is on auto “language” filter.


You’re missing the point. I am not someone that even swears often. But the point is that the ‘colorful stuff’ as you put it, cannot even be said at all without being censored into symbols. It’s absolutely asinine for them to not at least enable a toggle/option to disable the filter, when the original game did not contain this feature. #NoChanges


i think you are missing the point, if you don’t say the words that are technically not allowed by blizzards EULA you wouldn’t even see a profanity filter changing any words into symbols.

This is rich coming for Blizzard.


You are missing the point entirely. People say these words. It’s literally part of their every day vocabulary. I’m against censoring things like this at all, and if people have a problem they can toggle a profanity filter on instead, then. Colorful language, again, is expected in rated T for Teen and higher games.


Go into D2R options from the launcher.

Friends & Chat Menu

Filter mature language from chat checkbox.

Might work? Or is this option launcher specific?

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Literally every person in this thread missed the point. Every single person. All I wanted to know was if there was a profanity filter or not because I couldn’t find it. Don’t care about ya’ll crusades.


You started a revolution m8, no backing now!


First one who understands the thread. Thanks.

That’s launcher specific I think? Not sure entirely, but I’ll check that out.

As far as I knew, there was no option but the post above just maybe found a workaround for it?

Just tried it, it only works for launcher that I could see, not in the game itself.

I guess I will have to start swearing in Swedish now xD

Or make up my own swear words like Necroscope86 guy.


Worth a try.

We all know despite a filter or lack of one, people are going to use special characters and find workarounds so they can be profane.

At the end of the day there’s a difference between me dying in HC and saying the F word, and a guy joining a pub game and spamming N bombs.

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hope these dudes like misscheetah never consider a career in government