Profanity filter nonsense

Can we talk about how utterly stupid the profanity filter is in this game? I couldn’t make a sorc with the name “Spicy” or a mule named “Jewel”. Anyone else have examples? This is an M rated game is it not? I’m sick of this woke trash ideology and censorship. Are adults not considerd adults any longer?


i agree it is a bit overboard but meh such a small gripe to me and it has nothing to do with gameplay. sadly everything will have some political influence.


Blizzard are just displaying how much they hate freedom of speech.
They now fully endorse censorship.


No, you have to follow the Code of Conduct. It is pretty much T rated. The GAME is rated M for what the Devs programmed into it that was reviewed. Blood, Gore, violence. Blizzard Support - Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct

My very conservative grandmother (RIP) would not consider being polite, not using profanity, and not using racial slurs “woke”. She would have backhanded me or washed my mouth out with soap for using any of it. Today parents/grandparents are not allowed to do that (I agree with that part - it was pretty much abuse).

You don’t get to blame everything in life that requires you to treat others respectfully “woke”. Manners are age old. Nobody should actually HAVE to tell you to behave that way around strangers.

The filter is rather annoying, but the name filter is something in all modern Blizzard games. Has been since around 2004 when WoW came out and in every game since.

The filter is not very smart, but it does get the point across most of the time.

I find I am old, but not at all offended by a filter… I am also mature enough not to think using profanity or slurs is “edgy, funny, etc.”. There have always been rules around strangers, if you did not want to deal with consequences.


lol, i mean, it is a fact in relation to ‘blizzards forum’ and ‘games’.

But, isn’t this the most ridiculous answer. O,o

Sorry, carry on.

You don’t have freedom of speech on private property, but you probably know that. Maybe you were just being sarcastic though. Hard to tell in text.

The Govt can’t arrest you for what you say about the Govt or politicians (outside real life threats). That ensures a president/politician can’t arrest political opponents, voters, protesters, etc. That still happens in other countries.

Private property is covered by the rules you agree to. Nobody can arrest you - but they can certainly enforce the rules, and ask you to leave.

Try standing in the middle of a store and screaming profanities and see how long you last before they have you removed.


Spicy and Jewel are profane words?


Yes, technically we are adults, but unfortunately some adults still don’t know that there is a right time and a right place for things. Strangers are not the place to test boundaries and what not. I am polite to strangers/in public. At home with friends we certainly might be more colorful. I also behaved at work, school, etc. Most adults know that, but some seem to be stuck in that perpetual “rebel teen” phase.

The first parts of those words can be used in prominent hate speech and slurs.

The filter is VERY stupid in that it does not know the difference between harmless use and use in slurs. This is a common issue with filters.

Just like the word grape was censored on the old forum filter.

With regard to the overall rules, it makes me want to post the link to XKCD Free Speech comic but I got in trouble for that last time. It is not appropriate for the forum. heh.


Ok… MVP here to defend blizzard all day. I am not arguing against profanity filters. The point is the profanity filter is utterly stupid. This is something you would disagree with? I’ve played blizzard games all my life and it was never this absurd… Jewel nor Spicy are profane words. I am sure there are other examples. Don’t be a teachers pet.


I already covered that. I told you why it gets filtered. I think I posted that while you were typing this reply.

There are parts of it I agree with. Other parts I don’t. Most filters are stupid and get in the way of normal chat. They annoy more than solve issues.

The larger issue of peopling being really abusive jerks on the internet? Eh…I am old. You just don’t treat people like that when I was growing up. It is not even offensive, just like dealing with feral humans who were never taught manners.

I am not really here to defend or attack the policy. It is what it is. Most of the things it filters would have gotten me fired even 30 years ago if I said them at work.


Swear words are a part of many cultures, including English culture, which has just about all swear words blocked. Yet, you can swear in other languages.
For example, you can’t say “bastard” but can say " 混蛋" (hun dan) which is the same thing.
This is a discriminatory policy.


I’m pretty old too, and been gaming my whole life. I’ve never seen a profanity filter this aggresive. Stop defending laziness on Blizzard’s part. It’s not hard to get a dictionary of words together. But it sounds like we are on the same page, and the topic of discussion being how nonsensical this games profanity filter is.

It’s not really ok though when normal words are censored. I’m ok with profane words to be censored and swear words. That is normal and we’ve always had it, but not ok when normal words that aren’t porfane words, whether they are close to sounding or looking like them are censored.

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why is actually “kk” filtered? some friend of mine uses this to say ok. i got so confused.

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lol wow, god forbid someone says kk. It might make someone cry. unbelievable lol.

Lack of manners is cultural, sure. Inablity to know when and where to use certain terms may be due to many reasons.

Yes, a choice was made to include filter English in a game that was created in English.

You are not going to get anywhere trying to convince generations of people for hundreds of years that “culture” allows a lack of civility in public around strangers.

Part of culture is knowing when and where to behave certain ways.

I mean, I guess you CAN do that - but they are allowed to have the culture they want - and can exclude you from it.

The two you picked are pretty good examples of words that are have parts that have been BADLY misused but are also totally fine in the normal form.

The first 4 letters of spicy are a slur for a hispanic person. With all the immigration debates that is somethng tossed around in some circles and used to make pretty foul names/comments. Same goes for Jew. While it is not a bad thing alone, WW2 and the champions of it have made sure to keep the negative uses alive :frowning:

The problem is a filter can’t get everything it should because it is NOT smart enough. Then it does filter words that should be find when taken in context.

Example again - you could not say grape on the older Blizz forum software. The filter there did not take context into account.

You also can’t make a name in D2R that starts with “Se”. That is probably related to adult content sites? But it seems really really overly aggressive and stupid. Like fine filter the 3 letter adult version, but “se” ?? Silly.

Is that filtered? I have not tested that. It is just when said alone or in a word?

As for why, add one more… I am sure you can figure that one out.

I find it super odd that the word h e t e r o. is filtered. What’s up with that?

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I don’t know, but getting into that topic on the internet rarely ends well so I am going to exercise some judgement and not go down that rabbit hole.

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No, just you are saying that. I think you have made that argument in other threads. Nobody but you has said that in any way.

If you were not the one making that argument then I apologize and there are two of you who said it.

Your grandmother is from the generation who sold out their grandchildren’s future for cheap goods and spicy food.

Nobody uses profanity or slurs to be “edgy”. It is called communication. There are no “bad words”.