Profanity filter nonsense

I guess the countess bathing in the blood of 100 vigins is ok lol. But the word Jewel? Nah that’s taking it too far.


“Spicy” is hardly a profanity… even in context. There’s a fine line here and the point remains valid that the censorship has gone to an extreme. If said ‘establishment’ becomes intolerable then it stands to lose its customers/patrons as well, not just the other way around.

We’re not here on alms, we’re paying for a product and the least said establishment can do is not treat its customers like children.

And YOU dont get to decide that. Much of modern standards are entirely artifical and top down enforcements.


My grandmother passed away over 25 years ago at the age of 90. I think you have your generations messed up. I told you I am old.

Oh look, someone who has issues with others who don’t agree with their opinions. Can I call you a feral human? If you are unable to tell the difference in types of communications and when/where it is appropriate then you have not been introduced properly to society.

I honestly think what I just said is an exaggeration. But if you are going to do so then I suppose I can too?

If being nice to people that I don’t know in public is being “establishment”. I am ok with that I guess. I will say what I want in my own house and among my friends. I don’t think I have the “right” to inflict my language on others though - unless they chose to be around me when I am acting that way.

No, I don’t. In this case Blizzard does. At work, my bosses did. At school, the school system did. I certainly went through a rebellious phase like most kids. I got past that though…seeing as I can do what I want in my own home and nobody can tell me otherwise.

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My friend and I joke when saying “k” “ok” “kk” and you see where this is going, yes that’s right, 3 k’s in a row is censored, lol. We’re not even associated with any of that, nothing bad or negative at all, we just do it as a funny way to say “ok” but even that’s censored. Absolutely bonkers what’s being censored in this M rated game. All the blood Gore guts you can handle, Andariel with her basically naked chest bobbing up and down, yet 3 k’s in a row, whoa now! Whoa!

That has actually been very bad for a long time… Also not part of any real word. I don’t have to explain that one further I am sure. Sadly yes, people do use game platforms to recruit and spread propaganda :frowning: It sucks.

But here’s the problem with that logic. Blizzard is not on par with a boss/employer etc, because we are its patrons, we are funding it and paying for a product. It should serve the customer, not the other way around. Being treated like children after paying for an M rated product is not the same thing as enforcing rules on private property/at work etc.


Huh? We had no problem typing it in regular/old D2 Bnet.

Also we’re literally just saying (or trying to say, used to be able to say) “ok ok ok” only with less effort. It really should not be a banned letter/phrase/whatever, even by modern day ActiCensorBlizz. My friend even calls D2 now “D2 Recensored” and he’s as old school a D2 player as it gets. It’s just sad all around (to us anyway)

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I got the idea that you meant people who swear are low class from this:

“Manners” and “civility” aren’t universal.

And this next quote, is 100% certifiable discrimination:

I think you have some assumptions to challenge.

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20 years ago there were no rules online to speak of. At all. Companies have changed in that regard since then due to legal threats usually.

You are paying for access to Blizzard “amusement park” so to speak. Yes, you do pay for it, but you have to follow the rules of the private property park you entered.

That is how it works. If you don’t like the rules of the entertainment property you can skip paying and going there. Even trashy bars have rules and kick people out when they cross them. I am not sure where you have been that you think you can avoid all rules and responsibility just by throwing money around.

ok ok ok, I guess you got me, I forgot we all live in a sealed and purified bubble now

oh my bad, it was “j_a_p” not “kk”. sorry!! it´s still same outcome… he uses it for ja–>german yes

i guess it correlates with japaneses? is “ger” also filtered?

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Though I do wonder why the game is still rated M, then? Why still the nudity/near nudity? All the blood/guts/gore? Wouldn’t it be safer and more sterile if we got rid of all of that as well? That way we can play and enjoy D2 in as safe a space/environment as possible, so that no one gets offended or upset. I think Blizz should go even further with the censorship, don’t you all think so too? Because it makes me really upset seeing Andariel and her chest, and when I kill enemies and the red gooey stuff comes out, it triggers me, I don’t like it, can Blizz please add a “Kidz” mode for D2R? Thank you

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I don’t think that’s a fair analogy. If the rules of said establishment are understood by all attendees to be rated M, and then said establishment actually censors things and presents you with something completely different, the customer who has already paid for the “ride” has a fair complaint to make. Sure, the only option might be to leave, but thankfully in the digital age people can also ask for a refund.

This game’s censorship isn’t just about language. Have you seen the new character models? Apparently hips and legs are now not allowed, in an M rated game. Beautiful female faces? Dangerous! God forbid cleavage or nudity. Even the statues had their breasts covered. It’s farcical at this point.


I want to revisit this…

  1. Employees make $$ for the employer. You do them a favor by being a good worker. They relax on their yachts and then retire to their mansions. They pay you a pittance so that you don’t leave and go else where. Please, never think I am good with corporations.

  2. If you go to Disney world based on the rules and reputation - you expect to find a pleasant and clean place. Not a place filled with sewage because some portion of the park attendees trashed the place. You would expect Disney to enforce the rules so that the park is the place you expected.

The issue here is that D2 had no rules at all. None. It was the wild west and some folks are having some adjustment to the changes. Most game companies have rules now to avoid law suits about their “toxic” environment. Many are even more restrictive than Blizz.

Last part on this - Blizzard does NOT currently go looking for things that break the rules. The filter is stupid, but does not suspend you or anything. If you keep your more colorful banter to private games with friends, they won’t report you. Blizz is not scanning the chat logs looking for any violation. They only act on what is reported, at this time.

The player rules are not M. Player interactions (names and chat) are rated separately and are subject to the policies of the game company. That is true since 2000 even. The only thing ESRB can rate is the stuff they can review, which is what is programmed. They can’t review all the things a player can think of, which is why the game company handles that their own way.

And you did agree to the T chat rules/name rules. Even if you did not read the EULA or policies. Not saying you have to LIKE it or anything, but it is what it is.

Just keep it to private games.

The origin of “swear” words comes from medieval nobility looking for another way to separate themselves from peasants.

The censorship doesn’t even serve its stated purpose, preventing “threatening or harassing another player”. Play D2 and chat with players, you’ll get insulted all day long in countless ways. Can’t call someone a dumb*ss, but you can call them unintelligent in the words that college educated elitists would approve.

I’m looking at a post on reddit. Posted 6 days ago with profanity filter censoring an actual in game item.

I mean cmon now. This is all i mean when i say this filter is nonsensical. I understand censorship of actual slurs and swears. Not this though. This is taking it a little too far lol.

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Yes, I know. Bastard sword is filtered. I told you, I agree filters are not smart at all. They filter things that are illogical. The reason the game gets away with it is that it is used in context and that context is reviewed by a board.

Humans on the other hand can use the very mild insult other ways. I would not have filtered that but they don’t ask me.

I think we are in agreement all filters are rather hit or miss which makes them less effective and often annoying.

A Jewish person cannot even identify their religion under Blizzard’s over the top and completely unnecessary censorship.

So much for freedom of religion.

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I still need to know what Activision Blizzard’s justification is for blocking English swear words but not other languages’ swear words.