Position in Queue!

Just tried logging on 336 in the queue. Good thing the game crashes on connect sometimes for me. Should be able to play by tomorrow if I am lucky.

I just hope they quit selling copies of the game since the people who own the game can not currently play!

you cant charge people 35£ a game and not give sht about having enough servers they should give refunds

I’ve been in position 357 for at least 3h57min and F***YOU seconds

What the actual f"#¤ are we paying for here!? If you pay for a game you should be able to play the game without haveing to wait 1-2 hours to log in their f"#¤ing que! Where is the blue posts? When are you guys gonna fix this!!! Ive been stuck for 30 minutes at 253. The number doesnt go down. Name me another game that has 1-2 hour login gue just to play the game youve payed for. BUY F"#¤ING MORE SERVERSPACE SO THAT PEOPLE CAN PLAY THE GAME THEYVE PAYED FOR!! That bluepost last week basicly said they werent prepared for all the players playing the game at the same time. So its our fault you dont have large enough servers? WTF!!! Thanx for nothing Activision! This is the last game i will ever buy from you company. This is fraud!

811 i guess im not playing diablo 2 today

362 for the last 20 mins here

My highest queue ever today, 289. Luckily Linus has a new Lanshow to watch!

3 hours in que and get a cannot connect to server error. now at position 450. serious question, how do you request a refund? i paid for a good that is defective.

2022 is upon us and here we are waiting in Queue’s…absurd.

i’ve been in queue for an hour almost and i’ve gone from 406 to 220. i get they’re having issues, i really do, and i rarely come on the forums and actually comment, but this is ridiculous. i mean like horribly ridiculous. most of the people who bought this game are f’n adults, not the 10-20 year olds we were back when the last game launched. we don’t have time to sit in queues this long.

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362?.. 419!!! 3 hrs later… 419. WTF this Rate it will be Monday before I can play

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I started the queue at 254 around 184 it sent me to the offline character screen and when i hit online it put me back to 344, i waited around an hour to go to the end of the line

If I add the 2 back-to-back queue’s together i’m at 600+… that is, until the 3rd back-to-back queue starts. Maybe I’ll make the coveted 1000+ queue!

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More like:

  • Wake up 3 hours early to try and get some time in before an entire Saturday of kids’ T-ball and basketball games
  • Start up D2R; 387 in queue
  • Ok, fine. Got 3 hours. Get kids up and make breakfast (30 mins); 387 in queue
  • Go to store to get snack items for kid’s team (it is our week) (30 mins); 356 in queue
  • Pack said snacks (30 mins); 356 in queue
  • Ok, watch the Blacklist with wife (30 mins); 326 in queue
  • Mow the lawn, yard work? (45 mins); 208 in queue
  • Cool. Time to go. 3 hours. Zero D2R time.

Brutal. They really need to do something People gonna quit

What pisses me off the most about these ques is, it puts you in offline mode, when you switch back to online, you have to wait in another que. seriously? thats so lame

or the game crashes due to poor client and buggs on blizzard end.

Chillin’ at US 367 for… a half hour now. I’m going to go climb and see if I move by the time I get back.

Edit: I’m in!

wow I’m 383 in line guess ill just go play steam and try again tomorrow :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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About the refund! Blizzard just answered me. In Brazil, they refund buyers who request until 7 days. After that, that’s it. Play offline or wait for 2-3 hours to play on weekends.