Poison or summon necro

Hey all

I’ve never played necromancer before once you hit level 75 or so is it viable to go poisonnova necro or should I stay summon?

My idea is to farm terror zones and casual good farming routes like CS and the pit until I get GG poison necro gear.

But is all those late game items mandatory to shine as poison necro?

I’d leave it up to personal preference, but they both do their job well of enabling Corpse Explosion which will be your go to for clearing mobs. Poison Necro dps will indeed be more gear-reliant though.


I’ve always liked summoner… There’s just something awesome about controlling a huge horde of skeletons and revived monsters. Always a fun lazy build, perfect for when you have some :beers:.

They kill, you loot. :smiling_imp:


summoner can kill all the ubers with literally no gear

Summoner, because Poison Nova is bugged.

Summoner because it’s great for leveling also.

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Yeah I saw that one and the work around for bosses is to shot a poison nova then run out of range and then back in and shot another nova.

I can live with that until a potential fix for this bug

Summon necro and they come in many different flavors. Some summon necros are focused on max Corpse Explosion and some are focused into bone spells. Many say that Skeleton Mages are bad and you should only 1 point it. Some argue that max Skeleton Mages is necessary for the boss killing speed and Infinity merc giving the mages a boost for fast boss kill. 1 point into amp/weaken/terror/decrep is a must for every summon necro and always been the cookie cutter for their curse options.

It’s all about preference. You can find guides on different forum websites to give you an idea on what path you want to take. Or even make a post in the Necromancer sub-forum here. I wish you luck on all that :smiley:


I would stay summon until you get good Poison gear, or just remain summon.
Poison Nova can become quite strong and CE will do the rest, but if aiming for high content you’ll need good gear with it and it has a bug as well.
While summon should be able to clear everything even with bad gear (not sure how TZ will work with Revive but good chance the revive’s will be quite strong).

summoner is the better i think
i usually go max skele, mages, corpse explosion, mastery
anything else up to you, ill buff up summon resist if lack of gear cause i dont want them to die which they hardly ever good unless a mage gets teleported solo and picked off
i use blood golem except for bosses then i use clay+decrep for ultra slow boss - if minions can handle it then ill go clay+amp

edge runeword on a a1 merc works well - still using all my mostly normal stuff as lvl 86 in hell
can farm all areas no prob and its fairly fast - even with my crap gear only like 1 or 2 will die to travincal lol

longest kill is baal by far - no crushing blow on merc so takes a good 2min or so lol

Just farm up to 85+ and switch then. You have more points and get hit less. Makes it easier to play poison without gear. Summoner with CE is absolutely fine to do that in short time.

without the gear the psn nec isn’t that great in my experience. But if you want to play necro, it doesn’t need that much to be faster as summoner.

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Alright thanks guys

I will start as fishymancer then switch to psn once I got some gear. I guess I will be able to farm TZs as summoner aswell.

It looks like skeletal mages got buffed in 2.4 yes? Maybe they are the go to then.

CE looks like a no brainer to go for

Mages still suck. Spend your points to improve first corpse speed

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Alright thanks :slight_smile:

How important is the revive skill for a fishymancer? Or are merc, golem and melee skeletons enough?

Revive is great if you want to kill bosses. You can get some cb mobs to kill baal for example


When leveling and going threw normal and nm etc should I play as summon then or go with bone necro?

And isn’t the revive skill duration a problem? If I revive some CB monsters they might have disappeared before I reach the boss if I don’t got enigma and have to run there.

I’m not a fan of PvM Bone necro. Sure it’s nice to have him porting throne and he can do CS, but I don’t think that Bone necro is the best choice for PvM.

So I’d start as summon necro and play until I have enough gear and lvl to respec to psn.

You get your revives right before you go into baals chamber.

you can clear the whole throne just before and then go act4 to get some urdars for cb

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My favorite necro build is maximizing Corpse Explosion as high as it is possible, and then using Revived monsters (Skeleton Mastery up too) and Amplify Damage. Mercenary needs to do the initial kill to get revives going. I do not summon skellies at all, they just get into way of the revives, very much like summon druid should leave Spirit Wolves unsummoned if there are no physical immunes.

Notable gear pieces would be Flickering Flame, Enigma, White with +3 CE. Infinity and Might aura with mercenary.

Then just let the mercenary do the first kill, get some revives up, and then start blowing up whole screens of monsters with just couple of CE casts.

Good thing here is that there are still many skill points left to use wherever you like.

Well, this is my favorite anyways. Haven’t played it yet in D2R, but I’m thinking perhaps in the coming ladder season I could roll one.


Correction, they kill you drink!

What would be your point allocation and in what order?

max Corpse explosion
Max Amplify damage?
max Revive
max Mastery?