Awsome thanks for this
Do you just revive the monsters that you kill at the moment or do you hunt for specific monsters whenever your current revives expire?
Awsome thanks for this
Do you just revive the monsters that you kill at the moment or do you hunt for specific monsters whenever your current revives expire?
lol no and no. I can assume you are trolling here. Revives only have a 3 minute duration. As for amp, if I ever invest more than 1 point into it then I would only invest like several points so I can have the screen range I’m looking for. The main focus is Skeletons and Mastery.
depends on what do you have, and do you play 1P? do you plan to do uber?
if not to doing uber, no need revive,
both poison and summon necro are u need to fast first kill this is your main principal goal, invest good gear on your merc.
both summon / poison, damage dealer actually the CE so max it.
the pro and cons too much summon on your side > const your merc harder / cant hit the enemy, instead weak skel are damaging them. pro are you are safer,
myself (playing majority P1/ if bored multiplayer P3 max, not doing uber) maxed out skel mastery and summon skel, but i never raise skel >4, ( i tele somp stomp near mobs, do not tele stomp on middle fanatism aura mobs specially cows ) as the more mobs you have, the merc harder to hit enemy, due block by your summon, the longer merc kill, the slow you clear with CE
from my point of view, you only need 1 amp damage, rest are from + skills, i distribute along golem mastery for tankier insight golem, and few point on boneshield.
if you still new and dont have enimga i think its saver to raise skel & sumon mastery max
You can’t really start this one like that. You need to first level skellies and mastery and perhaps even mages. Diablo and perhaps also other Normal bosses are handled with Iron Maiden Curse and Clay golem. But once you get to at least, say, level 40, you can use act I reset quest reward and start allocating skill points anew. But if you like you can keep going with skellies longer if it looks fun and feasible.
Once done the reset, you should first max skeleton mastery, one point to summon resists, and one to blood golem to get healing going. Then invest revives so that you can get at least 15 of them going, this ofc depends on how many you can keep up at once with their expiration time in mind. Once you have many revives, skellies only bar their way, so I wouldn’t summon any of them. Depending ofc what monsters you revive, they are still generally way more powerful than skellies.
Then build up Corpse Explosion and put points to Amplify Damage so that it has about the same radius as your CE. All these also depend how much +skills items you have. Try to shop a white or grey 2 socketed +3 corpse explosion Bone Wand from normal act II. It can take some time, several hours running even to get one. You generally run out of town, then back to vendor, and out, and back, and so on. If you get a Bone Wand with +3 CE and 2 sockets, great, if not, you can use act V quest reward to get the 2 sockets. Just remember only bone wand in the act II selection can have 2 sockets, normal wand can only have 1. Make DOL + IO runeword out of your wand once you have the wand and runes.
Once the build is coming together, the way to go about is to curse mobs with amplify damage, then blow them up and usually always revive the good mobs. Zombies and other slow ones are generally not worth reviving if faster ones are about. Keep in mind tho that Mana spend is huge before you get 4 socket polearm and Insight rune word to it with your merc.
Revives used to be quite impossible to play as they were easily disappearing before their time was up, but nowadays they should teleport to you and keep up with you for their whole allotted time.
This is not the easiest build to get into without any decent equipment. Enigma and Flickering flame really kick this into next gear. Sadly Enigma rune word is something that all players can maybe never get, so without it, thinking ahead what monsters to revive and how easily they can follow you is important too.
Just remember that as you get the 3 x reset quest reward, one from each act I, you can run with other builds first and test them out while you collect better items. Nowadays it is in many cases not feasible to just start with the build you are eventually aiming for.
There are many other things to keep in mind, but I leave them for you to figure out.
Thanks alot for this really helpful!
I will manage to get Enigma eventually I got a couple of thousand jsp gold aswell to spend from farming before ladder season 1 started.
Summon. No problem leveling, Can solo walk from normal to Hell.
No immunities to deal with if you use Mages. No infinity required. (But makes you SO STRONG)
Go with Max skeletons, Max Mages, Max Mastery, Max Summon Resist, 1 to Corpse Explosion and Prerequisites, 1 Clay Golem , 1 Decrepify for bosses and prerequisites, 1 amplify damage for EVERYTHING. Rest to Res minions.
Stats. 0 energy. 156 to str, about 150 dex for max block. rest to vit.
Keep bone armor up at all times. Amplify damage everything. Use CE to clear doorways and cow mobs, deny enemy resses and nihlathuk corpse explosion… Or whenever you desire. Res Wraiths for arcane sanctuary, Depcrepify all bosses constantly.
This class can go from no gear to being a provider for all classes. An EXCELLENT starting build.
Excels at full area clears, slower but very reliable farming. Safety. Can farm anything.
Enigma and Infinity are nice, but no means necessary.
Not good for pvp. Arcane is slow and painful sometimes but very doable. Your best softcore wand is arm of king leoric, and has a nasty habit of random cast bone prison trapping you with fire and melee enemies.
Wand. Arm of King Leoric. Too many skills to choose anything else and it’s cheap. If Hardcore than Hoto instead.
Shield Homunoculus Worth a larzuk to socket. Put an Um in it.
Helm. Shako
Belt. Arachnids Mesh.
Gloves. Trang claws or high chance guards.
Boots. War travellers.
Armor (Budget) Trangs (Best) Arkaine’s OR Enigma
Ring 1 Bul kathos
Ring 2 Stone of Jordan.
Amulet High maras or a +2 skill all res amulet.
Act 2 nightmare might.
Weapon (Budget) Eth thresh Insight. Mid range (Eth thresh Pride) (Top end) Eth thresh Infinity.
Helm. Guillamies Face
Armor Duriel Shell or Fortitude.