Looks like blizzard already took a vote on it before Condor was even aware. This was quoted by the blizzard employee.
If the company executives paying your check takes a vote do you think your vote really matters. It’s like them offering you a survey on how to make the company better, it’s a meaningless PR stunt.
It matters because at the time the decision was made by Condor they were an independent studio. Condor had alternatives if the publisher walked away. The Condor vote was far from meaningless. Sure, Condor most likely would of had to pay the publisher the money they invested but Condor would have kept the Diablo IP. Being forced into something means you have no alternatives. Last I heard is that 3DO was one alternative at the time.
Except it does matter, you were contracted to deliver a different product.
If you sign a contract with a car carrier to move your Hona Accord, the car carrier company is not required to move your 3 ton pickup truck if you change your mind about what car you want moved.
They were already on the hook for $300,000 and at the time of the vote he was already asking for more money. If Condor reneged on the deal they most likely would have been sued and lost the IP altogether (I would assume the contract stipulated this as well). I seriously doubt Condor was in the financial position to buy themselves out of this contract as he was already asking for more money to begin with. I’m pretty sure post contract and blizzard fronting the money that they would have not been very happy with Condor just up and deciding to move the publishing of diablo 1 to another company. Blizzard invested that money with the intention of making profit, not breaking even. This would have most definitely wound up in litigation, not a mere ‘exploring our options’ as you put it.
If Condor’s vote actually meant anything then it would have come from them to begin with, the vote started with blizzard and even their staff saying that turn based for this game ‘sucked’. Did you miss the whole part from blizzard about the ‘velvet hammer’ and ‘because all the changes that needed to happen with Diablo had to be sort of negotiated’. Operative phrase here is ‘sort of negotiated’.
Even if you wanna argue that he really, really, like ridiculously wanted a turn based game, when asked what he would do differently why doesn’t he say that? His very short list is Stamina bar, auto gold pickup, and individual loot.
I’ll let you believe what you want even though what you believe doesn’t fit with reality. I can only provide the tools to help someone improve their knowledge. I can’t force someone to use those tools.
This is wrong. Please read the articles that were quoted. If you have a contract to provide product X, you can not be successfully sued if the the other party changed their mind and now want product Y as long as product X is delivered.
Secondly, the changes had to be negotiated. The reason why a “sort of negotiation” was required is that it fell outside the scope of the original contract that was agrreed to. Condor had no legal or financial obligation to comply with S&S/Blizzard’s request. If Blizzard could legally force their will on Condor after Brevik so no on multiple occasions, they would not be negotiating or taking internal votes, they would have lawyers intervene.
Looks like you all aren’t interested in facts when it goes against your fictional view of reality. I have provided actual quotes from both condor and blizzard. Go ahead and keep your man on his perfect pedestal and arguing any and all criticisms. I’m sure he is reading this forum right now and really appreciates it.
Since you already admitted to making multiple errors in this thread ranging from Condor having a parent company at the time of the vote to simple probability calculation, our track records speak for themselves.
This thread in my opinion was based on a false premise and a lack of logical and analytical reasoning. As another poster said better than I.
Blizzard and condor also spoke for themselves as well, I guess you reject their statements too.
Don’t miss the forest for the trees, blizzard acquired condor very shortly after fronting them a substantial amount of money to develop diablo and this happened even before diablo was released. You all are holding tooth and nail to a point that is largely irrelevant in regards to the bigger picture.
Its your side that is producing a bunch of unsubstantiated “facts”
Wrong, blizzard put up $300,000 after condor pitched them diablo 1, he was asking for more money to do realtime.
Wrong again, blizzard took the first vote and then told condor to change the game to realtime.
And yet wrong again, actually blizzard put it to a vote first and then told condor to change the game.
How much was the cost to develop diablo 1? How much money total did blizzard give condor for diablo? These two factors are required to qualify your statements.
Here is a very simple way to put this into perspective for you.
Condor wanted turn based.
Blizzard thought turn based sucked and wanted realtime.
How did the game end up?
To be a voice for the people who don’t want to add ploot or any of the other changes that the ‘fairness’ crowd is asking for like making PvP consensual, increasing drop rates, adding bind to account loot, etc.
Also so they can’t just point to the forums and make up their own facts like this-
The best solution I have seen so far came from JoannaDark and this would have my vote if ploot just had to be implemented.
We do not know the precise numbers who favor adding optional ploot. We can say factually that there was a widely advertised survey with amost 9,000 respondents where >99% self-identified as d2/D2/LoD players. Of these respondents, only 38% voted to keep D2R FFA only.
for clarification Joanna isn’t claiming responsibility for that. They stated it was the best idea that they heard. If I were to be more specific back in like june/july ish was when the idea for a separate totally diablo 2/R server for new ideas or changes was first stated. As to who that was I can no longer access that.
Thinks about statistical sampling a larger population and statistical power calculation. We already talked about this. The sample size is statistically sufficient (in fact it is way overpowered to detect even a relatively minor difference between the sample and the population).
If you want to argue about sampling bias that is relevant. Statistical power is not relevant.