Ploot = Diablo 3 outcome

Diablo 3 has ploot for all the ploot lovers. Then why is there only 15000 players? Ill tell you because items feel worthless. When items feel worthless, farming becomes boring. What else has ploot Torchlight 2? How is that game doing?

100% fact. i hated Ploot in d3 and TL2. FFA FTW

I’m just curious where this number comes from. I’ve been trying to find the number of active D3 players for awhile now but without much luck.

And where does the data point that the failure of D3 is because of Ploot. I mean first, you have to prove it’s a failed game. Seasonal themes are still coming out for a game that is around 9 years old game. Second, if it’s a failure how do you know it’s with ploot and not something else, like lack of gear customization or skill diversification or lack of end game content?

playercounter dot com

Diablo 3 Live Player Count

15,253 Players Online

Ive been playing D3 lately cause bored and its deader then ever.

I think the number of players speaks for itself.

Guess it depends on the type of activity you are doing. I’m still finding pug bounty groups in the middle of the night.

Also how does that site figure player counts? Does it count just PC players or also console players? And what would be a good player count for a game of this type and age?

It counts all active players. Also on the contrary look at GTAV. So many people play it, thats why we cant get GTA6. GTA 5 Last 30 Days 121,270.6 +8,275.1 +7.32% 214,591

Nice, pretty cool tool. Does it show how many players play a game over like a month or day rather than just as this time? That’s an interesting statistic since player based at any given moment will fluctuate more depending on the time of day/time.

I don’t know about comparing D3 to GTAV. Different types of games right?

They won’t add ploot no matter how much the terrible bads cry. They will lose far more than gain. And it’s all about $$$$$

You miss the point. Number of players decides if devs want to keep the game alive or let it slowly die. If D3 had GTA5 numbers we would have D3 new expansion coming out. But instead Blizz decided to go back to D2. Why is that? Diablo 3 had ploot and everything you guys want then why is there only 15k people playing?

What is the player count of D2 in comparison?

Also, how is player count actually calculated? Does it list all servers in all regions? Does it include consoles?

D2 is a 21 year old game. Its like asking what is the player count of Atari’s pacman? On Sep 23 we will know. I would think that its calculating logged in players. You know all the third party requests in the battle net agreement, do you read all the pages or click accept?

No, I’m just trying to learn more about that player count website. Like what’s the player count to a game like Grim Dawn that is more similar to D3 maybe and relatively newer game that was popular?

And I still don’t see the connection with D3 and ploot as a failure. From what I’ve heard, the main failings of D3 is the lack of builds and character customization through gear. In terms of top end items, folks to this day are still finding it hard to get those. Most of the post in D3 are about how hard it’s to find gg primals.

The other thing that D3 lack is that gg primals seems to be hard to get coupled with the fact you can trade with it outside your immediate party members.

So again, how can the failure of D3 be attributed to ploot or ploot alone when it could be a combination of factors?

I guess that’s the point of your argument that I’m missing.

And I don’t work at Blizzard so I don’t know why they stopped on the expansion. My guess is that they wanted to release a game they can monetize more like through micro transactions rather than through expansions.

I also don’t see Blizzard as going back to D2 with any relations with the poularity of D3. After making so many remakes/remasters it only makes sense to also do it for D2. See Starcraft and Warcraft. They are actually moving forward with Diablo Immortal (micro transactions) and D4 (state of microtransactions unknown).

So D2/D2:LoD is not listed.

It will be interesting to compare to D3 release numbers. We will see if it surpasses D3 first year sales.

I did read it.

It is vague. It analyzes network traffic. It is not clear how it would handle D3 that had multiple regional servers as well as consoles.

It can’t. D3 had 30 million copies sold in less than the first 4 years which dwarfs D2 sales.

He is speculating and it directly contradicts what Blizzard’s insiders have said. See:
The Past, Present, And Future Of Diablo (

True and they even re-released with GoG the original Diablo and Diablo Hellfire before doing D2R.

Not just ploot. The game was made simplified to attract console players. When you level up in D3 the stats are chosen automatically. The game pretty much plays for you. Its also made in a cartoony style, my guess to attract younger audience. The whole theme of dark and gritty feel was gone. Lots of flashy glowy attacks added. Account bound items, trading non existent due mostly to worthless abundent items. The list goes on

I would agree with the above that’s why I couldn’t understand your title that seems to imply the failure of D3 was directly related to Ploot. If D3 is a failure, it’s hard to say if Ploot played any part to and if it did, how big of a factor it was.

In my opinion, if D3 is considered a failure, it would have to do more with lack of indebt game systems. As you mentioned, points are auto assigned and there are only a few affixes that one cares about on gear and in it’s current version, most of the damage is tied to just a few sets.

From my experience every run in D3 with ploot, I would get tons of uniques, sets and all kinds. Uniques and sets became so common that it wasnt exciting anymore when something dropped. D3 became polluted with high end items that come too easy. Example: just started playing D3 brand new sorc an hour later an ethereal indestructible occulus dropped. From that point I had to switch game to torment 2 while I was like lvl 12 or something because I was way too op

D3 style instanced loot is not at all what is being suggested by this community. It has nothing to do with anything.

I don’t think that was the direct result of ploot but the result of increase drop rate of rarer items over time that eventually made them not rare at all.

D3 had ploot from the start but whoa back then, good loot was hard to find since it was rare. Remember how many folks had to rely on the AH/RMAH to actually get geared? If you found some gg item back then, even with ploot, most folks were excited.

Today, yes, the rare loot is easy to get but it’s still hard to find loot with both the correct affixes in combination with the higher state rolls. Finding the item itself is less than half the battle I say, and the major part of the grind is finding the correct affix with max rolls on them. Most folks are content with just finding the item itself since the overall game play of D3 is pretty thumbed down. However, this isn’t a failure of D3 with ploot, it’s just bad skill/gear customization.

So again, looking back towards the release of D3 where stuff was actually rare, even with ploot many people had to resort to AH/RMAH for gear. The problem is the drop rate of stuff has significantly increased since then.

Ploot, account bound items and all that was made so that casual players are happy. Everyone gets something with minimal effort. It completely destroyed normal trading even after auction house was removed. All the new systems they implemented were failing. First they wanted us to value rare and magical items and then we got polluted with unique items.

OK. But none of that is being suggested for D2. The timed assignment idea (ploot) helps get over the need to use pickit or compete against it. The game wasn’t intended to be played that way either. This is a good fix. And the best part is it’s completely optional, so it doesn’t matter at all if someone doesn’t want to use it. Has no affect on their game experience.