Ploot = Diablo 3 outcome

Any system that affects the items could affect the trade. Why take chances on the new system. The old system was fine. The only people who complained were the ones who couldnt click fast enough. So what if you were slower that time. Next time click faster.

Well, I mean if this could be explained then you would have a point. But I have yet to see it illustrated how this makes sense. The only change is who is assigned the loot. That, translating to economic impact, seems irrational.

Next time click faster.

The D2 community should not have to settle for competing with scripts, or being pressured to use scripts themselves to get loot.

People will do whatever they want no matter what. Don’t fix something that isnt broken. Instead go after bots and cheaters.

I’d prefer that but Blizzard has made it very clear they will not be effectively do anything about them. This is a compromise; a passive fix that might be appealing to them.

The only thing that I disliked the most was duped items. I had many many sojs and other hard earned items simply vanish

Ploot is a insane horrible idea for D2. I can see a item roll for parties makes way more sense to me than increasing drop rate up to 8 times. I think keeping the drop rates is very important for D2. But if you want to add roll for item in parties that makes the most sense. So no matter wether you are range or melee everyone has a shot. For me I just prefer to MF solo. It just feels so much more rewarding when I find that GG item.

Yes that would be horrible. Luckily that kind of D3 type instanced loot system isn’t being suggested. No one wants that. This system is just the same drops that would hit the ground in a normal FFA game, the only difference being that each item is randomly assigned to a player in the group. But only for like 5-10 seconds. If they don’t pick it up, it reverts to FFA.

I hated the idea of ploot too when I thought it was the 8x things. I get it.

I mf solo too. If something drops in a cow run or uber and I dont get it oh well, not something I would loose sleep over

I doubt it had much of an affect on either game at all.

but that’s not Ploot; that’s increased drop rates. Two separate concepts.

Ploot is just evenly splitting the loot, not multiplying it.

I can’t see the correlation between casuals and Ploot and account bond items. I see ploot benefits both hardcore and casual players in that everyone who participates gets something. I wouldn’t say with minimal effort since you have to be around the area to get drops.

I kind of would argue that account bound items actually hurt casuals because now their friends can’t give them loot or go trade for it. For someone who doesn’t have a lot of time to play the game, they might have liked the option to get it from other folks.

In terms of minimal effort, same can be said of FFA loot. Someone can come in and deck out in MF /Defense gear and just wait for folks to kill stuff and just prepare to click for stuff. In fact, FFA might also go the other extreme, where it punishes folks who contribute to the fight by using range build/characters.

Ok, and lets say you happen to be the first to click on that rare item and ended up getting it. Would you feel bad about it?

Personally, I would just be happy to get a rare item. But that would be the same if it was ffa or ploot. It’s rare, I got it, YAY!

Now if I was playing with some range dude and he just never got anything. I would go damn, I feel sorry for him. Probably go drop him some crumbs.

There you go. I see why ffa loot may frustrate some players but the joy of that moment when you finally get that item first is so much more fun and feels that much more valuable. I would even tell my friends about it.

Eh? I said I would get the same feeling ffa or ploot. If it’s a rare item, I would feel equally as good in either loot format, just due to the rarity of it.

You can go back to D3 vanilla. It had ploot and I got Mempo of Twilight helm with crit chance (not max roll) and max att speed on it. I linked it in public and immediately got gold/RM offers for it. One of the best finds back in the day and I still remember that feeling. Even though it’s trash now, I still have it in my inventory as a momento. That crap was hard to find with only a few selling on the RMAH at any given time.

But say we got FFA loot. Group members misses out on that drop and I got it first. Oh, I’m sure they would remember how bad that felt and it’ll leave a bad taste in their mouth. Instead of feeling how lucky I must be they would instead be cussing themselves out for playing range or not better preparing for the drop.

ye ploot would be the last nail on da coffin for D2R…the game would not be the same after that anymore

Purists are so dumb. Every ARPG has private loot now days, the difference is D3 has no trade so drop rates are significantly increased and tailored to your class. People are asking for loot similar to PoE where you can chose between short allocation, permanent allocation or FFA.

well better than nextgeneration gamers that wants every game to be exactly same lul…again this is remaster not a remade…so have a nice day

Thats why those arpg have barely any players. And if those games were so great you would be playing those games and come here to d2

Have you played any remaster before? because i have played many and most of them have modernized features.