As title says no change is worst than that for pvp in my opinion.
Yes. Assa’s mind blast stun lock is way too strong atm
Yes. Barb leap combined with mind blast (team vs team) is a no go.
This change will resolve the two things above, breacking lots of current dynamics and builds.
-smite + foh combo (for pure hammerdin build) will not be as good as it is now, so probably won’t be worth anymore the struggle to learn how to properly use it! Foh casted right after smite won’t put the opponent in fhr animation, making the move almost completely useless.
-druid’s shock wave combo (essential vs es fire ball sorceress) won’t be usable anymore.
Those were just a couple of examples but there are many more.
Talking about playstyles:
At the current state having an offensive playstyle requires more skills for the player ( try to teleport close to the opponent, or try to stay always in his screen basically) , but can be still rewarding (and fun), this because the opponent hitted by certain skills will be locked into fhr animation and eat a lot of dmg. Of course this is not easily obtainable it requires practice, cause staying close exposes the player to the opponent’s dmg.
This is kinda balanced at the moment.
With 2.4 FHR changes and no fhr animation lock players will just stay as far as possible one from the other and spam skills trying to kill each other without taking the risk (not anymore rewarding) to approach.
So basically u worked to remove “edge cases” of permastun, changing the whole mecanich allowing a 24/7 defensive no skill required playstyle.
My suggestion is to work directly on “mind blast” and “leap” and keep the mecanich as it is.
Also " * Add a default active skill for all classes that resets hit recovery when spammed (like wsg)" suggested by zuno can be the solution