Please revert the 1/5th nerf to Conviction and LR

Just let us play one season with the current Meta. An 80% nerf to a super hard to attain rune word is too much. Someone us enjoy the fantasy of being overpowered and one shotting everything. The point of Sunder charms, at least I thought it was, is to increase build diversity. Now the cold sorc looks like the only and best choice.


-res for broken immunes always had 1/5 penalty. It’s the only reasonable way.


Do not revert this change blizz.

Have you heard of Diablo 3? Check that game out, it sounds like something you’d enjoy (-it wasn’t for me, but that has more to do with the story than anything else).


What are you not 1-shotting on P1?

We don’t play on P1, we have a dedicated group and a lot of us are not happy with this change.

How do you play in a group if the first person just 1-shots everything?

Its a good thing they reversed this change, or your group play will be less fun.


the op is why i need a downvote option on these forums…
i literally wasn’t going to play season 2…
with this fix… i am…

I’m honestly lucky i kept checking back >.>


Gap to melee is being increased, why would you think this? Just more casters. Same old.


Split framing.

Just going to have to play Blizz sorc since she is not punished by this stupid change. :wink:

*She is not yet changed.

Blizzard already stated that they won’t change cold mastery. They are ok with the way it works.

hopefully on that “yet”
they need to hit cold mastery as well, but i mean still, at least we can PLAY melee now.
i’ll be able to actually reach the monster and get an attack off before it dies if it was immune

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All this did was make infinity 80% less useful, there are now other weapons we can use for the merc and I am ok with that. As long as I get to play my OP meta classes I am happy.

Oh no… I thought the Conviction and LR was reduced BY 1/5… they were reduced to 20% of the original value?!

Only if they are either above 99% resistant to an element or sundered by a sunder charm.

… its only 1/5th pently IF they were previously immune and their immunity was broken by the charm.

this is the same penalty conviction ALWAYS had when breaking immunes, they are just making the charms no longer ignore that 1/5th restriction

its a -17% resist on immune monsters and then facets+ gear instead of -85% and then facets + gear

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doesnt seem like a change but a fix to something they missed


alot of people don’t really seem to know how immunties and the items around work together yet asking to change these and that.


Cold Mastery still needs a nerf.
Cold skill tree is still too good, but this last change is a good or rather said “better” direction for the game.
They just need to nerf or remove Terror Zone drop buffs.

yes… cold mastery should also get hit by the 1/5th when breaking immunities idk why they excluded it, i hope they hotfix that in.

but based on my knowledge of the games coding they may not be able to.
cold mastery is a passive to your character and not the monster itself and therefore like facets was never affected by the 1/5th penalty… it just never applied because it could not be used to break immunes.

in LOD game is a monster COULD have its cold resist broken by convtion or lower resist ( which most couldnt) cold mastery WOULD work at full, which is what its doing now

on “on monster” effects can bypass immunties and work with the 1/5th
like conviction, lower resist and skill like rabies ( if it were to be given an ability to lower poison resist on the cursed enemies)

that being said… cold mastery WAS bugged on launch to work with 1/5th…
and these charms aren’t a “on monster effect” so maybe they can.

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