Please revert FHR to patch 2.3

emergency maintenance


Please revert FHR change back to 2.3


I haven’t played any PvP in D2R but I hope they listen to you guys, the FHR change was well intentioned but very poorly executed and it’s nearly universally hated from what I’ve seen.

I agree that the PvP FHR changes should be reverted.

I also think the block interruption change should be reverted as well for both PvM and PvP reasons, block interruptions are a part of the game that the player must account for with tactics and gearing (FBR).


If devs were interested in having us test variations on the intended system that would be GG :smiley:
For now yeah this is worse than it was before


I have 2 min/maxed PvP characters, and 1 budget fpk druid. I came back to d2r specifically for the pvp and the 2.4 fhr change has made it so I don’t even want to log in - despite dumping many hundreds of hours of playtime since release. I suppose I got my ‘money’s worth’ but it was never about that… I just wish I still wanted to play my favorite game again and right now I don’t.

And to people saying this in ONLY a pvp problem: What PvM people don’t understand is that all that sweet gear they are trying to find/sell will be worthless without PvPers buying it to min-max. You can clear the game with a naked blizzard sorc almost as fast as a fully min/maxed ‘endgame’ lightning sorc. And both of them are far out-stripped by a hammerdin w/ a teleport amulet. Who would pay gobs and gobs of HRs for that perfect gear you’re trying to find?


revert changes & bring back the concept of wsg under a new model as a healthy intended feature
= only option

any discussion about nerfing / buffing certain frames is nonsense to begin with anyway
since given frames to a particular mechanic is not based solely on one mechanic alone but of the interaction between every single one
so if they dont wanna code the game from zero its pretty obvious what has to be done


Honestly this patch is a disaster regarding FHR.

It’s so frustrating to make duels now because most pvp mecanics are useless (stun locking like Smite foh, Shockwave + volcano, mindblast obviously etc.) and every offensive moves are not rewarded anymore since opponents escape after first hit.

More than that now if you take risk and become aggresive (by making chainlocks) you will most likely be outanked by your opponent that doesnt suffer from fhr.

The game ends in a defensive fest with random spamming.

Also Trap assasin are completly dead useless because all their gameplay relies on stun.

If this patch was made in order to help PvP and solve stuns problem from mindblast then it’s so wrong because it basicly removed stun from the game.

The real solution to the initial problem (mindblast stun) would have been a solution similar to the old WSG (Weapon Swith) in D2LOD.

Like for example an new hotkey that you have to press multiples time in order to shortly break fhr (1-2sec) and escape stuns.

And not a stun immunity for every single hit in the game.


aaa you’re reply is false pvp is part of the end game.


Yeah the new fhr system isn’t great, not sure why you guys wouldn’t just go back to wsg which seemed to be universally loved by the pvp community. The ptr server would’ve been a bit more of a help if there was better gear supplied to actually test the changes.



false antecedent, therefore nonsense consequent.

wrong again.

Cool. So let me get this straight, Blizzard differentiates between people playing killing monsters instead of fighting in duels therefore only you have a voice? gtfo idiot.


PVP LAWL out of 300k users prolly 2k or less actually PVP for real. No one cares.


curious where you got these numbers? 300k users?


Irrelevant, unless you’re trying to say that there are more pvpers than those that play pvm?

In which case, I can ask the same question.

Point is, there are fewer pvpers, which means they are a minority and game developers should never listen to a minority of players, EVER!

how is it irrelevant when it only affects pvp dude? the number of pvm players don’t matter.

The point is, PvP doesn’t matter, because there are too few of you to cater to. PERIOD!


well the point is moot because this is purely a pvp design choice. so obviously they did cater to pvpers when they made a pvp only change.

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PVP Community: Hey guys you messed up FHR please revert back this is only a PVP issue.

Grown a** men who play PVM on bliz forums: LOL LAWZ BAN TELEPORT GAME IS PVM ONLY K THANKS BYE

PVP community: The PVP update damage pvp please dont ruin it

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They changed it and you don’t like it, which means they didn’t cater to you. LOL!

And to be honest, they never should, as I said. The fewer of you guys that play the game, the better.

I mean, I don’t know why you folks play this game at all, since there are better pvp games out there where you don’t have to make up your own rules for it to function.

The wild part is this doesn’t involve you at all and yet you are inclined to troll video game message boards that dont even relate to your own issues. Like PVP people are suggesting they ruined the pvp part of the game in their PVP update.

Yet you have the need to read and sh*t on everyone who wants to fix their own issues. Go kill baal for the 250,00th time I bet you the next drop will be great! Penny slots do the same dopamine to your brain you are just a victim of gambling RNG.

I dont know why you play this game at all either. Is it challenging? Is it rewarding? How? I only find difficult games any interesting, which includes PvP

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Then play a pvp game, not a game that you get to make up your own frickin’ rules and moan and groan because something changed to make stunlock not a viable strategy in a system that relied too heavily on stunlock.

Either change your rules again, or play something else. But please quit spamming the boards with 5 different topics on the same bullspit issue.

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