Please add vote kick

Learning to deal with people online has clinically proven health benefits for your skin. It also lowers your blood soy levels, which in turn, prevents acute testicular degradation.


Come here on the forum and go looking for a group, join friends on discord, alternatives to find people to play in a password room are plentiful, just your good will.

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But the problem is just one person ruin quest of 1-7 players, majority wins, mf players can use search option to look for mf games or he can create a game and wait for other to join, when i want to mf i join games like " i cow u mf" things like that, it is easy.

trust me this already discuss in so many thread, i think blizz wil not change that, and the purist or old player from year 1998 wont agree to this. put limited max player are only the way. keep it small.

thing is you have to make a game A, then troll player kill the boss quest,
then you have to make game B with password, and chat/organize to other player that questing, the game A is wasted time, thats the point

not to mention i seen player are PK ing low lv player, and heck he not leave the game so cant freely chat the password in game chat, that player are very arrogant

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Its funny so many new players haven’t figured out what this game is about lol.Its pretty sad.This game wasn’t built on being nice and playing fair.You fend for yourself in this game by all means necessary.Thats all there is to it.Complain about people griefing you and your going to get negative feedback.Thats why they make this game with passwords BTW.I used to make a free game in LOD in normal and say they needed to group up and find the items in the blood moor.They group up and I hostile the entire party and slaughter anyone passed level 9.Then they go grab there high level players and it turns into a big PK game and was a lot of fun.This game isnt the game for you Santoro.Time to move on.The funniest thing about this is the things that happen in D2R are small compared to what people did in LOD.Why do you think the game lasted for over a decade with massive amounts of players? Because they build the game with Teddy Bears and Big hugs for everyone when they logged in? No,it lasted so long cause the game was competitive.Now its a bunch of people whining about small things.Sorry but your going to have to put up with people griefing you.Thats why people make fun of threads like this that are OG players cause your complaining about something you shouldn’t


What kind of psuedo-intellectual psychobabble is this?

You’re basically saying this:

If your mind automatically jumps to your child burning their hand on the stove you must be a child abuser.

Or this:

Good job, you caught the serial killer Bob, but now we’re sending you to counseling and giving you a two week suspension.

Do us all a favor, be for or against /kick, but keep your 1 semester of community college psychology to yourself if you’re going to use it to assail the mental morality of everyone opposing your point. Don’t call people abusive because they disagree with you.


That won’t happen because scamming or annoying others in D2 is likely what keeps a lot of folks from commiting sui…de.

Like, sometimes I feel disgusted for playing this game, because I know for sure what the archetype D2 player in 2022 looks like.

This is the worst idea ever until the game is balanced

While I agree

It would become useless if the devs were actually smart and creative

First: add a Pvp point system that grants greater reward for mutual hostility and minimal to player killing

Second: to counter game invaders due to lack of player command online, just give meaningful endgame that isn’t empowered by playercount…-there-is-still-plenty-of-room-and-need-in-d2r-for-additional-endgame-activities/141750

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proceeds to bash forehead into desk and/or keyboard in frustration

The gimme gimme entitlement never ends.

Set your damned game session’s level limit and you won’t have this issue of people sniping quest objectives. It’s really as simple as that.

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Toxic players can just invite a mule to the game and prevent a vote kick. There may be many other ways to get around vote kicking players. Best to password protect your games or ask for p5 in solo online play.


This isnt the game for me hahaahahahhaah im not newbie, i play since 1.0, i played diablo 1 multiplayer, every multiplayer game has toxic people, lol, dota, overwatch, etc… even dark souls, if u like pk low level characters or ruining low level games its on u bro, i never wasted my time ruining other people games. Majority play nicely with the group, grind with group, trade, u are talking about a small number of players, so who are u to judge me? U are here saying that diablo 2 experience is getting a sorc to steal other people quests? Lol, pk and trolling is not the same.

Yes i hope "gimme gimme " never end because d2 is old and we stayed here for years with nothing new, u dont want qol? Balance changes? And other things too? U can always go back to d2 lod because d2r will keep moving.

People demanding super advanced and thought-out game mechanics in a game from a time when ‘‘gaming’’ in the PC world didn’t even exist as a valid category.

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say whatever you want lol, I dont believe you.You knew what you were getting into if you in fact had played d2 before.Now you somehow seem to have a problem with it but anyone who has played since classic knows these are parts of diablo 2 and learned how to deal with them.

BTW Im terrible at those games.

No, its just what you need to expect.The problem you are facing and if they devs stick to there word is they said they wont change any core mechanics of the game.Yeah we have sunder charms,some new runewords(I wish they would add better unique items) and TZ zones and a few small things but they havent changed any core mechanics and if they add a kick thats a core mechanics.You know how this game works, you can choose to be griefed by other players and just sit back and take it or you can return the favor.Ive had players come in and hostile me while I was doing Chaos Runs.Little did they know they were hostiling a fully built PK auradin lol.Thats always fun.If your wondering no,I dont group parties up and kill low level players,I dont steal quests and I never actually did.That was LOD and Vanilla stuff when we were kids.I actually give a lot of items away.If you tell me you werent doing at least something in Vanilla and LOD to troll people in some way you are lying lol. One thing you might recognize and I thought was bizarre if when your in a PK game and they say go before they go out.I have no idea where that came from but its not like that in LOD cause I play D2R and LOD

Adding a complicated mess of rules, exceptions, and systems to allow vote kick vs the simple functions in the game now where players adapt and use the tools they have

I know what one I’d vote for. Newer more complex systems say modern day ones does not necessarily mean “better”

Im saying the truth, i play since launch, i just not asked vote kick because d2 is too old and that time another things are needed first, im not against pk because it is fun to fight back, im just against steal other quests. Some players go walking instead of using sorceress and that takes much more time.

The simple solution is Blizzard add an option where players can’t go to areas the creator of the game hasn’t made it.

Or just put level restrictions on a few from what level you are.

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all of this is resolved with a /players

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