Players /8 command for online char

/Player command will devalue high runes because of more rune drops. Thats why i am againts /player command in

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Typical giant brain responses like we always see in these threads, along with “create a password if you don’t want them joining your games”, as if people don’t make public games with a purpose…

If hi-jacking people’s games and creating faux Baal runs to get people into your games qualifies as “social” then clearly something is wrong with the system itself. That isn’t “social” gameplay, that is just selfish and toxic gameplay. It’s actually detrimental to social gameplay. People like you, yes you, join games with no intention of playing with the people in it. You’re simply using them and their game. It’s annoying.

As for “find seven friends”. No. Absolutely not. I don’t even have seven close friends let alone seven friends who want to farm for hours on end in Diablo. Get. Real. And I’m not going to find strangers online who play in the the middle of the night like myself. Want to know what is a lot easier? You guessed it… abusing other people’s games. Yes, that is the best/easiest solution, but some people still can’t see where there’s a problem.

I love this game but the white knights on these forums just can’t admit some systems stink.


I completely agree. D2 was not built for farming co-op in mind. The game plays fine in traditional story mode co-op, but it’s a mess with 8 people trying to farm the same boss.

What really pisses me off is when people say “Find 7 friends.” Of course, that’s so very realistic. How about we add guilds in D2R so we can start creating D2 farming teams and have the loot be split among it’s members via Loot Council. SCREW THAT.


This would do more harm than good.
It is basically implementing monster power similar to D3.
That is a bad thing that will limit the already limited character build options even more than it is now and force everyone into the meta even more than now.

Complaining about the game being too easy… you know what ? Maybe don’t play the meta then ? Try some other build ? Easier game allows more build diversity.
If you fit the difficulty on the meta builds, all other will be useless.


No there doesnt need to be player 8 commands for cookie cutter GG Gear meta “+skills fcr mf pump vit” builds and its inflation spiral.
Instead they need to be nerfed into the ground or you guys rocking that gear just need someone to tap you on the back and say “gratz you won the game now enjoy doing something else”.

GG means good game.

You ppl are dodging all the challange in D2R by playing these builds to begin with and then whine that there is none to be had when you actually wanna enjoy the game once u have GG gear that u spend weeks to farm in a way that is minumbingly boring for any sane human being with 1000 bosskills the zeptasecond.

And then u cry that its not fun to wipe any screen at 1k screenwipes/s the button press?

What is this?

To put into perpective:

Its like lvling on Rats in an RPG selling the meat to hobos for 50 years to buy the most powerul articats in the phantasy world and then being dissapointed when u onehit the dragon.
Do you guys even know that fun in games for most people and in real life comes from being challanged?

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I agree. Add players 8. Right now I host ITeleChaos games. I tele to chaos, make a portal, then go solo baal, or do key runs and come back into chaos and pop all the seal bosses and skip to the next game.

I don’t want to have to lure noobs with misleading game titles so I can play the game solo on the hardest difficulty with the best no-drop rates.


I feel you, people who say it discourages co-op play, end game is already entirely anti-social, if you want drops, you have to be alone or go wreck public games where people are trying to progress, and kill the bosses by yourself. At least give us players/3, solo drops are terrible, 3 makes it more fun and bearable while not having to sort through the pile of dookie that is humans to find 2 other decent ones to roll with. And if the neck beards cant get on board with this, then how about a public game option with individual loot. Just an option, not all games…the loot system is archaic and discourages multiplayer, the only reason to play online right now is to trade with botters who have farmed up good stuff.


Wahhh people like playing the meta and ruin the game for me. Tell me how the heck do you enjoy D2? Do you just farm Baal runs for exp? Do you just delete your character after completing hell?

Literally, the end game of D2 is getting to the “GG Gear” and then farming GG Gear for other classes. If you are not even playing the end game then please shut the hell up because casual trash like you has no place for these kinds of discussions.

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I want to play only with my friend rather argue with strangers about dropping items !!!


Not many are enjoying this game with strangers !!!

It is implemented for online play. It’s called a full game, you and 7 other people. If you want the single player experience, play single player. See you issue is fixed all on it’s own, by you. Wow what a thought and concept.

Why play on battle net then?

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Because they took away IP/Lan games so Battle Net is literally the only way to play with my buddy neighbor.
Which accounts for 2% of our playtime, but it’s the most “important” playtime we both have.


If this option never existed people wouldn’t demand it. It doesn’t exist in bnet and it has no place. So stop asking for it. Single player is right there.

I don’t understand you people. You don’t want to play single player because you prefer online play, yet you don’t want to play with other people because you prefer /players command. Make up your mind!


It’s not like everyone playing with online chars, actually prefers that. I for example don’t care about trading or playing with random ppl. All i want is to play with my roommate without having the worst droprates in the game.

So yeah i’d like to have the players command too. It wouldn’t destroy economy anyway, ppl doing 100+ or 1000+ runs a day of any kind are ruining that already - so it wouldn’t hurt anyone but add more fun for ppl that just want to play with 1 or 2 irl friends.

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Its quite simple actually.

Bliz has the chance to go in two directions with this:

Either they introduce Players 8 for single players and encourage no lifers getting joy from mindlessly grinding until they get a fake feeling of power because they manage to doge any real challenge. And staying as anti social as they are.


They actually reward Team Play, being social and cooperation.
Reward custom Builds for Group Synnergys instead of rewarding copy pasting an ancient solo build that basically only says +damädge +stronk +invincible.
(That what you call Meta is one of the most boring and uninetlligent things i have ever seen in any game)

What I enjoy in D2R so far?
Ill tell you:

I just enoyed making custom Builds and completely outfitting a Team of 4 Players for a total Budged of Jah
and smash anything in the game together.

Tbh we wouldnt mind to increase that difficulty to 8 because it realy is too easy.

But i do firmly believe that D2R could become something much more beautiful and more enjoyable for People that e.g. have a Job and have Kids now and want to enjoy this together instead of again making it into a no lifer antisocial cringe fest.

True, maybe i am a casual by your standards but let me tell you the news:

Your definition of a Casual is how much time you invest into playing a Game.
My definition of a casual however is someone who doesnt think and doesnt accept neither challanges nor overcoming them in a Game.

I might not have invested your kinda Time in D2 or D2R but i am by no standart a “casual” by any definition of the word.

Tbh it is most likely that you cant even come close to what I achieved creatively or skillwise in my two decades of playing all sorts of games.

And yes i know D2/D2R kinda ancient and solid base not really the wild west of invention.
Lotsa dope minds thinking lots a discussing alot etc.
But my joy exactly come from testing my mind and creativity against solid ancient bases like that.
Kinda my Job irl too.

And yes when you kinda players want something or do something that will decrease my or my teams joy in playing a game. I will argue against that any day.

Its rly ridicolous.
You cant find people you can trust? Cant organize 8 People to be civil and not be overwehelemd by greed on a fictional item some part because because they all need the very same thing because they all play the same thing?
Where do people like you even live?

The current setup encourages players to play alone because loot is shared so if your in a party of 8 and everyone is looting the same thing at the same time then your chances of getting something is now 1/8, worse if some of those players are using a controller then can just click a turbo button and fill their inventory before you can even blink.

So no, I do not play in groups for magic finding as I never get anything good that way. For something like cows it is better cause people spread out and are not all focused on a boss so that is tolerable.

But the way organized players do it is join a game and then individually farm different areas/bosses so that they each have a 1 to 1 chance of collecting what drops.

The ‘social’ experience of online then is not magic finding, never has been, never will be, so long as it is shared loot. The social aspects are trading and pvp and just normal progression through the acts.


On the internet, apparently.

Please let us have /players command so we can play solo games yet still be able to trade with other online players.
Very much please, it won’t hurt anyone and makes for more depth in the gameplay regarding gearing your character.
For the ones that are against the idea, think about it and go spend your forum gold in some other game please, d2jsp is unhealthy for diablo it ruins the experience for new players and ladder resets with their forum gold system.


Sigh purists. Saying /p8 is antisocial while defending shared loot. What a joke.

/p8 for non-ladder would be great.