Phoenix runeword question

Just wondering what builds uses Phoenix and what are the important stats?

Redemption aura that important in terms of rolling the worst to best? Its probably important when it comes to resale value but also wondering if it has a significant difference between 10 vs 15.

Many thanks!

The difference between 10 and 15 is 25 hp+mana healed per corpse it eats and 11% chance to eat said corpses.

Phoenix can roll up to 400% ED. Personally, loving it for bladesin.

What do you think are the important stats? It seems like higher rolls on the ED and fire absorb is more important than the redemption aura? I guess this is more subjectivezz

you’re correct, the redemption aura isn’t worth that much and for some builds that may utilize it may actively harm it. Probably not so badly though.

I’ll be using it on a Bladesin after 2.4 patch.

I always thought Phoenix was just for pimped out characters. I’ve used them and have seen them on Javazons, Sorcs, Wind Druids, Trapsins and even Hammerdins. I think the constant Redemptions heal is quite nice for survivability and when you’re rolling around with Enigma, Anni, gc skillers, etc you’re most likely doing plenty of damage so losing out on some +skills and fcr bps in PvM really doesn’t mean much. The max light & fire res are nice bonuses too.

phoenix is great for all those people who don’t like pots and have infinite sustain.

Builds that technically benefit from phoenix stats and not only redemption aura:
1h fury druid
Fire sorc
fire druid

Chars that benefit very well from redemption because they are too mana hungry:
wind druid
Lightning sorc
cold sorc

disadvantage of phoenix is that it has no resists and no fcr. So if you use phoenix you often need other sources of fcr (circlet, amu, rings) for casters

Phoenix is one of my favorite item in the game. I got a cheap one with terrible rolls but I use it on casters so it doesn’t even matter.
For melees the %ED is of course important, but for casters no stat is important. The aura level makes no difference in reality.

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Thanks for the input everyone. Just made a Phoenix and came out

12 redemp
394 ED
350 defense vs missile
21 fire absorb.

I think it rolled on the good side?

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on ED very good yes.

the problem with phoenix is that if you ever want to sell it, people only lowball the hell out of you.
I couldn’t even sell my crappy phoenix for a jah rune :smiley:

anyways, ED in a monarch is mostly useless (except fury druid, which mostly uses eth tomb reaver)
Phoenix with high ED is mostly interesting for zealers in a 45 res pala shield.

but nevertheless it can be used.
okish roll on redemption. Whatever the roll, pretty sure you will like it

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Im using a phoenix in a monarch for my javazon, mainly because of mana issues. She has infinity on merc, means no insight for mana reg. And besides attacks, she loses mana from teleport.
Also redemption’s heal is nice of course.
So phoenix is a very good choice for javazon, no need for dual leech rings, go straight for SoJ/BK + ravenfrost.
Only downside is that she is pretty squishy, no FHR and low resis.
But for teleport i use wizardspike+spirit on weapon swap, which makes here tough again. So just need to play careful and all is one-shot.
I rolled a lvl 15 aura but im pretty sure 10 would be close to no difference

Ok got it… to bad i rolled in a monarch… i did have a pally shield to roll in but needed it for more versatility… for sin and zon specifically.

I use this in Zon right now and I love this. Honestly much better than Spirit. I will try it on procsin…made a Rift as well today :slight_smile:

Sorry for not reading all previous comments.

The Phoenix runeword has very little actual use. Ive rolled a perfect one on the old D2R classic servers like 2years ago.

To answer your question finally:

  • Lv10-15 Redemption Aura: both
    Phoenix main attribute is the redemption aura. It uses entity corpses to recover health and mana. This is the obvious gain from redemption. Aside from that however the ability to dissolve corpses is powerful against nps like Nihlathak who can 1shot you with corpse explosion as you’re eating up his bombs, so to say.

  • 40% Chance To Cast Level 22 Firestorm On Striking: both
    This is bad because it interrupts your attack animation. So practically you need to attack to get your procs on the firestorm, but you cant have a fluent flow of firestorms because you always interrupt you attack flow. Using it for meele characters is more of a disadvantage than anything else.

  • +350-400% Enhanced Damage: both
    The only shield item in the game that gives ed. Great for smiters yet again keep the firestorm in mind.

  • Ignore targets defense: sword
    Great attribute for meeles, yet again firestorm.

  • 28% fire resist to enemies on hit: both
    Can compete 1:1 with the direct damage amplification from the Spirit shields +2allskill and uses resistance piercing as a passive means to increase your damage output rather than raw force. It is a nice thing to have for fire based casters(or auradins, but then you want to use Dragon and hand of justice)

  • 20% deadly strike: sword
    deadly strike is D2s way of saying critical hits. Yes nice, but firestorm.

  • +5/+10% max resis: shield
    very nice to have, +% max resis gets you from 75 up to 95% as hardcap. max resis+ is rare and extremly powerful both in pve as well as in pvp.

Overall, meeles do not want to use it due to the firestorm proc being a nerf more than anything else.

Usual casters have little use for it.

Fire casters may consider it as a slightly more fancy, potentially slightly more powerful spirit alternative ignoring the loss of +res and +fcr at the expense of being one of the most expensive runewords.

Hope i was a little useful. cheers.


never really noticed any interrupt, also the firestorm does actually do a little bit of damage, not much compared to main damage of course but it can be helpfull vs immunities

have you ever tried to zeal? its hardly noticable in single hit blows(still existant) but more prominent with zeal, multikick(assassin) whirlwind yadayada

Actually re-thinking what you’ve said i should probably have mentioned that my “knowledge” is D2-Lod as per 1.13D knowledge. They might’ve changed mechanics regarding this that im not aware of.

2.4 will fix this. So it will be more useful

In 2.4 patch, fire bowazon could use Phoenix. That would be a cool build.

Maybe im just getting old really xD. Like you know you learn the meta as a kid, it doesnt change for 12years and then bam, resistance piercing can bypass imunities like cold mastery yada yada and almost everything uve learned turns invalid^^. i like it tho its a nice change.

anyway if they really change those mechanics in 2.4, phönix might be worth a re-evaluation for meeles. Lmk how it performs pls :P.

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that is because zeal is uninteruptable, except on the first hit. so you hardly notice it.

fury on the other hand can be interrupted and it is pretty bad

in 2.4 they changed the firstorm(druid) now it doesnt interrupt interruptable attacks anymore.

i am plannign to build one in a paladin shield.

good to know, although fury felt pretty terrible to play in d2r and I don’t know why. the animation of fury is so trash compared to classic