Petition for console lobby/server list

Are we playing D2:R Alpha or D2:R Beta?


Can we get a blue in here to respond to this thread? We’ve been asking for basic features like lobbies and text chat for well over 3 months now. These are basic features that should have been included at launch. When are these issues going to be resolved?

Fix your game, Blizzard!


The logic behind the whole “pick your quest” when making/finding games is completely asinine. If I’m trying to progress through the game, am I supposed to create a new game for each quest I do? Like who TF thought this was a good design, and have they ever actually played the original game?? The other really stupid thing is that you can’t create a game for a quest you haven’t “activated” yet, with the sole exception of Den of Evil. Like for example after I kill Mephisto I can’t create a game for Act 4 Quest 1 Izual unless I first activate that quest by talking to Tyrael in town. In some cases you can’t even create a game for a quest without basically completing the quest already, rendering it completely pointless.

IMO here’s how it should work. Scrap the whole notion of associating a game lobby with a quest. In games where people are questing (as opposed to doing runs or trading, PVP, etc.) the game server should be able to track which quest the players are currently on. Like for example if I’m in Act 2, it should be able to throw me into a game with other people doing quests in Act 2, even if the creator of that game was originally in Act 1 when they created it and then progressed to Act 2 in that game. I shouldn’t have to pick which quest I want to do and hope that someone else is doing that same exact quest at the same exact time.

Doing runs like Baal, for example, is also a very frustrating experience because of the current design. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve joined where the run was already over but the game was still up because someone went AFK or started MFing or whatever. On PC you can see open games and also how long they’ve been up so you can decide beforehand whether it’s worth joining. On console it’s just a total crapshoot unless you’re playing with a big group of friends.

Another annoyance… there’s a setting for max # of players in public games in the preferences screen. This seems to be completely pointless/ignored, and every game I join I have to change it back from 4 to 8 (at least on xbox). Or do I? I don’t even know bc the UX is extremely clunky. Like is that number only taken into account if I’m creating a game, or does it also effect which games I can join?

Come on Blizzard, please at least acknowledge that the console experience needs work and that there is some plan to improve it. Stop treating console players like second-class citizens. We deserve better…



Shut up Marius you will do as you’re told. You’re frustrations fall on deaf ears. Crawl back to putrid hole from whence you came foul worm. Be gone with you.

Signed lobbies are needed


It’s currently impossible to trade for specific item in-game (without relying on forums).


Signed. Just bought the game, was exited to play it, now I wish I bought a different one. cant even play the game ive been waiting for the most. Now i dont even know what to do and I am confused how did you guys manage to make it nearly impossible to play with ANYBODY on console?

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Signed again. Joining a game is nearly impossible on the xbox. I want to party with more than 0 (most of the time) or 1 other player! Never had more than 3. So lvling above 90 takes a loooooong time as well

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Bump. I’m just solo farming in the hope I find something worth a trade towards the ber I need for enigma.

Why must game companies be publicly traded?

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Signed. D2R on Switch even with “cross progression”, without lobbies we can’t trade or even know what’s for trade.
ActiBlizzion games are just f*ing pathetic at this point in time.


100% agree. It significantly affects how you play the game. It’s so lonely.



Please fix this blizzard. None of my friends play on console anymore since we can play on pc ans get levels and do runs/trades. I have played since launch and have not had one successful public game on ps5 or switch.

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Signed. Let’s make it happen!

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This is the only thing that makes consoles unplayable finding games is just awful I stopped playing because if you don’t have friends on when your on you can’t find games

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Signed. Jesus Please! Y’all didn’t think this was a core aspect of the game? Does anyone at blizzard play D2R on console?? Is the problem that you’re not good enough technically to add the lobbies, or that you’ve calculated that it’s not worth spending the money?


Signed, fix this crap. And load times while you are at it… come on. How can you sell a game that is only 50% playable

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Signed it makes trading a 3rd party process instead of being easily done internally.

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Signed. I would rather have the lobbies like on pc, but even some tweaks to what they have COULD help. For example, as soon as Baal dies, that game should never pull someone into it again, that way if someone wants to afk in that game it doesn’t keep pulling you into that game when u try to join a Baal game. Trading would be much better with lobbies instead of people using d2jsp and Facebook. This should be addressed before ladder is even talked about being release.

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Signed please give us lobbies

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Signed please give us lobbies

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Signed, lots. Of. Signed

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