Petition for console in-game text chat

Every console player is absolutely furious about not being able to chat with other people online, simply because we can’t use the consoles virtual keyboard. Especially us old school veterans. This is NOT the Diablo 2 experience. I believe more than enough has been said about it already, so I’ll not beat a dead horse, but… Since they have not addressed it in any way, shape or form, they might not even be aware how bad this is. Therefore, you’ve been given a new quest!

Please everyone who’s upset over this, post here to let these guys know that this is an absolutely megalithic problem. Please, no off topic arguments or bullying. This is serious. Let’s send a message. Thanks guys.

P. S. You can just post ‘signed’ if you want.


Do we know for sure this isn’t in new update coming tomorrow? Anyway “signed”.


In game text chat/keyboard support is just as necessary and important as the lobbies we haven’t seen yet.

The dumpster that is the chat wheel is just as messed up as the missing lobby system.

Slow and steady i guess, but if it takes another 800 reply thread just to get real text chat in game, what is going on?


Keep’em coming gang let’s take it to the moon


…… please tell me that there’s a way to chat in the new update and I just haven’t figured out how yet….

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Also the lobby system looks promising…but there’s zero games on any filter setting…
I’m on switch, so either zero people in NA are playing right now, or they screwed something up…

But all of this is still pointless without the ability to communicate.
I cannot freaking beliiiieeeve they didn’t include chat.

This is basic. So effing basic. It existed 22 years ago. Every console has a built in virtual keyboard command, you’re already using it when we have to enter character names.

Just. Do. It.


At least let us customize what the wheel says.
Bags full is not useful!
Hey man bags full! Yeah bags full of something around here. :joy:


Yea lol. I wonder who came up with idea “let’s add bag’s full” :joy::joy::joy:


First let me give THANKS and Congratulations for the change on game Creation on consoles, sure this would be a massive change CHAT is the next most wanted feature for those who play with controllers on their hands…


Signed!!! I completely agree, we need a chat!


Would love to trade but sorry bags full :man_shrugging:t2::joy:


Guys huge improvement on the lobbies! But if we can’t chat with each other, its just not useful yet. Trading is one of the biggest parts of the d2 online experience. I first played the game in 2004… the need for chat to trade and communicate is obvious. Its a staple of the game.


Would love to be able to trade in this game… If lobbies and in-game chat systems help with that, im signing this a thousand times.


Lets make this the new petition now, add text chat to console

I have not been on yet since update hit. From what you all say you can name games how you want now right? So that’s already much better than what we had. Granted I want to be able to text chat in game too. For now at least name a game exactly what you are looking to do. Say I want to trade my HOZ for an Occy because I’m a Sorc and have no need right now for Pali gear. I make game name HoZ 4 Occy. No talking really needs to go down here. It is straight forward to the point. Whoever joins I would hope would offer the Occy and give HOZ. Done deal. What if they were to at least turn the mics on as another fix. I’m not much of a mic talker but for trades I would.

Pretty crazy that we lost the emote chat function with this update. (Seems this was only due to server issues. It’s now back)

I’m not certain what is best but I would like a better way to communicate. I don’t think text chat is bad but also not certain this makes it better as stopping to type with the way our UI is setup, would not be ideal.

Consider on Xbox, this would require a pop-up chat box for each message.


-Change emote wheel to number pad emotes 0-9

-Allow linking of items on consoles

  • add a form of communication

The emote chat wheel is still there. What the hell are you talking about?

Signed no chat makes trades to hard

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It stopped adding text in games. Seems to be back now that servers are working

They are listening to us guys. I sign this as well. Thank you Blizz