It was always part of the game to adjust your to the shared loot situation. It sucks, when you don’t get to pick up dropping uniques, but that’s part of the game.
I want to emphasize, there is also a positive to shared loot, other than “it was always like this”: it is way more exciting, when loot drops and fits perfectly in the dark and unforgiving world of d2.
This again comes down to don’t play in pubs. Join a clan, get friends or play solo. Sometimes you may get lucky and find nice people in pubs, make new friends because of loot.
Balancing personal loot sounds like a nightmare, not to mention if loot is fractioned off based on players in a map it’s only going to hurt you more to find eths, socket items, whites, etc
I absolutely would get a refund if thats the case. Thats the fun of diablo 2, stopping attacking on bosses and trying to snipe stuff, its rewarding. I also dont see why people would complain, i mean the only real way to see stuff get grabbed by other players is in baal runs and usally the TELEporter gets baal LOOT anyways.
So, I’d have to agree that personal loot (as suggested) may change too much, especially to the economy. That said, I absolutely believe a pure FFA is crap, too. I’m sorry, but not everyone feels “excitement” with an FFA system. Many of us feel frustration and anxiety over it.
I think either of the following two solutions could work, imo, to avoid the FFA nightmare while also respecting the original’s economy and not having to make other adjustments:
Someone above mentioned a personal loot system where it takes the same/normal amount of item drops and just doles them out to players like a deck of cards. So overall loot amount does not change, but it’s not FFA anymore, either. I’d add to this (based on a comment in a different thread I saw) and say that there should be a timer added as well. If players don’t pick up their personal items before the timer expires, then anything remaining becomes FFA.
As with other games, when someone attempts to pick up an item, a dice roll system pops up. Everyone picks either Roll or Pass (or a timer auto selects Pass), and then the system compares all the rolls with the highest winning. (Honestly, I think going so far as to have Need or Greed options are unnecessary.)
I’m definitely on the frustration and anxiety side of things, if preference in the community is split on this then providing it as a game option would be best as others have suggested.
Balancing/distribution shouldn’t be a big issue at all. Each piece of loot is assigned to a random player (or in order as suggested above - not per monster obviously). The total amount doesn’t change and it’s fair.
I like the idea of having a short timer, something like 3-5 seconds would be reasonable. A roll/pass would be way too time consuming and emersion breaking in my opinion.
Let me ask you this. Suppose you are the person in charge of this remaster. How do you justify the following scenarios?
Players using controllers vs pinpoint accurate mouse?
Melee vs long ranged characters? With lag (since we are now all banded together)
Let’s say you have all the advantages listed here but you lost the best GG loot drop because someone used Pickit (and lets assume for arguments sake that the person using pick-it is not punished for it)
How could you justify having shared loot under these circumstances?
Do you see how implementing this standard of individual loot is a much easier solution than dealing with the above issues combined? Don’t make a personal decision for what you want, do what’s best for the game for the majority of the player base for the work less required, for what will attract the most new players.
I’ve been playing diablo 2 for 20 years, did every reset, every patch, seen it all. We wanted a remaster , loot is a huge chunk of why we love the way diablo 2 works and the trading it implies. Lets say you’re doing cows, somebody finds a JAH rune , first thing you do is ask him what he wants for it, he found it, he got it because he was closer and faster.
Don’t expect to have loot funneled to you on a roll basis magically appearing next to you in game, that’s now how it works.
Lots of people have more MF than others and the LAST hit on the mob for the kill by that specific person increases the item drop chance.
Obviously there is no way that personal drops will ever be implemented games just not built for it .
The game is flawless the way it is (Bots/maphack aside) and this is why so many people still play to this day.
Diablo 3 was a flop in many of the old school players eyes because of that. You’re always free to go play the above game if you want sugar coated gameplay sir.
Doesn’t make other players experiences less important than yours.
That’s very professional of you. First thing I do I say to myself. “you lucky bastard!”
Hence the request to change it for the better (In my opinion).
D3 is not the best game out there, but it some things better than D2 (in my opinion) like simplifying personal loot and splitting MF share (with regards to groups). it’s simple, its clean and its fair. No one has to worry about who got the last hit, or the anxiety of not clicking on the item first.
In your opinion and you are entitled to it.
This is a matter of perspective. In my opinion, D3 now has improved tremendously over vanilla. It has done a lot of things right. In another point of view, and I could be wrong on this, D3 sold more and has made more profits for Blizzard than D2. In that way D3 was more of a success than D2.
If you have a perfect and agreeable solution to the points I mentioned before in my previous post, then I will stand along side you and support the status quo. If you don’t and simply tell new and other players get good or play another game, eventually players will find a good reason to complain that is totally out of their control because people will always try to gain the system with old systems like D2. D3 got ahead of this by getting rid of loot share, it has not been an issue as of today.
I just want to be clear, that I am coming from a place of wanting what is best for the game while keeping blizzards business needs in mind. I could care less if they keep it as loot share. I’ve played this game for 20+ years, but I also understand how business works. Sometimes you have to give up a little to get more in return. If the population is split 50/50 on this matter and you only cater to one half, then you potentially loose out on the other half, and that is not what shareholders want their representatives to allow. Shareholders care about profit, to reach to as many players (casuals too) as possible. Shareholders don’t care about these issues we are discussing. Do wats best for the future of the game so that more players will play it and hopefully blizzard will continue to support it.
For example, I absolutely am passionate about not playing Diablo Immortal. I wont support it. However, I am happy and hopeful that it does well enough to make blizzard a profit so they can hire higher quality staff, purchase better hardware/software and find more talent. You give up a little, but get a lot more in return, at least that is what I hope.
I’ve been playing Diablo 2 for about 18 years, it’s my favourite game but it’s not flawless. There’s definitely room for some QoL changes, which I would put this under.
Thank you for your examples, it’s helpful to work in specifics. I don’t think loot being assinged to individual players changes them:
A JAH rune drops from a cow, it’s assinged to another player, they pick it up, you ask them what they want for it. Or they don’t pick it up in 3-5 seconds and you do instead (or one of the other players who got there quicker than you).
A character with MF has the last hit, more loot drops, same as before.
Although, as stated previously, it could be a game option for people who want it.
I know a lot of players think It’s a bad thing to be the first who pick up the good item and the rest of you get nothing.
Maybe better luck next time to be the first that gets the item. No need the personal loot share like D3, this is Diablo 2 not Diablo 3.
Yeah maybe you get frustrating and angry If a good Unique drop on the floor and you are too slow. Just be a little bit faster next time, or play alone.
Look at the bright side, you get more chances. . .
This is just a remastered game and never replace anything in the Diablo 2 Ressurected, If you do that It’s not Diablo 2 anymore.
Thank you for reading, and I hope fans know what I meant.
And the game is also supposed to be regognized as Diablo 2. Not a Diablo 2 aka Diablo 3. Keep the game same as the orginal
I would hate to see personal loot implemented. Dev’s have said they are making a faithful remaster and the frustrating, competitive, annoying but sometimes exciting, and thrilling FFA loot was a big part of the D2 multiplayer experience. Changing this would completely throw the meta out of whack.
Having to deal with competitive FFA loot changed the way people played the game immensely. It fostered the community a bit motivating people to play with friends and others who would share around loot. It incentivized different play-styles in the end game. For example, MFing on your own with Meph/Andy runs or doing level 85 areas with friends was more attractive than doing Baal runs on repeat because you didn’t have to compete for loot.
I don’t at all think personal loot is bad and there is a reason so many newer gen games have adopted it. But those games also have a balanced end-game system that is designed around personal loot. Diablo 2 doesn’t have a real end game a lot of the weird random but fun stuff the community got up to was partially inspired/motivated by this mechanic.
I think the only one compromise me as a pretty hardcore fan would accept is MAYBE if there was like a loot assignment with a really quick 1 second timer that let people beat the people using PICKIT but didn’t allow for people leeching and hiding half off screen to just come and collect their individualized loot.
It’s just before I ask you guys, did you want a remake or a remaster? I can remember many fans wanted a remaster and not a remake. Changing different things from the game we loved when we all was a child will make the game not the masterpiece game Diablo 2 that we remember when we were little, a belovley childhood game. Best game ever made, don’t make changes! This is not a Diablo 3 clone.
Please make No Personal Loot
I’m ashamed of some of you who want to change things in dear Diablo 2.
When it comes to Diablo 4, Diablo 3 people do not want things from Diablo 2 in Diablo 4. But in Diablo 2, some of you want things from Diablo 3.
Leave the game as it is, and stop your awful bad ideas.
I´m curious about console versions, even though there isn´t crossplay, imagine 8 players at baal spamming A or X Button to “randomly” pick up one of the items he drops - its even more random then on pc, cause on console - i guess - the game will pick up the nearest item
personal loot would absolutely make sense on consoles
so why not satisfy both? make personal loot optional and chooseable while creating the game and a tag in the game browser, just like borderlands 3, every one can play the own way he prefers
You do realize that Diablo 2 when it started had drastic changes patch to patch, and that current live patch is a very different game from original release, right? Just because the post 1.10 patch has lived the longest, doesn’t mean that this is how the game was always played. Plenty of remasters change things. Look at the Final Fantasy ports from the original 6. 3 and 4 had actual remakes (2d to 3d graphics with mechanics changes) but all the others were not afraid to add new dungeons and items on top of improved graphics. The recent remaster of FF12 not only remastered a version of the game that the US did not receive, but added a new gameplay change (a second job board). Hell, even Super Mario All Stars on the SNES (while not actually within the scope of what we consider remasters today, but it was pretty much an update to the graphics of original games for a new platform) added battery saves to games that didn’t originally have them.