Personal loot confirmed?

Personal loot drops destroy the item economy. There’s a reason nobody plays borderlands anymore

wouldnt say that, borderlands has another problem, the core game mechanic ( FPS ) didnt allow that much diversity then any other ARPG

no set items, no runewords and so on

and personal loot wouldn´t touch the economy that much, cause personal loot doesnt mean higher droprates, and even though, seasons are much shorter then before - so why not?

I have nothing against personal loot, but I don’t really plan on playing multiplayer with people that I don’t know (just a personal preference).

For me, the best option would be to be able to choose whether you want Personal Loot or Shared Loot, just like we have on Borderlands 3.
This way, you’ll always have control over the option that you want to play in.

Also, if you’re joining a game, you should be able to see if the Party Leader choose Personal or Shared Loot, meaning that you’ll know before hand if you do want to join that match based on their loot preferences.

It doesn’t affect drop rates but it does pump out 8x the amount of loot when you play in a full game. The item inflation would be huge

it does mean higher drop rates as there are more chances for items to drop

That idea is extra silly to me because its divisive of the community. My favorite thing about D2 still to this day when I join on ladders is the community/playground experience compared to modern games is way more fun. Splitting the community on such a polarizing issue in game is really attractive on paper but counterintuitive in practice just in my respectful personal opinion.

A lot of people suggest having the same amount of items drop but simply assigning the loot to different players in game, which doesn’t change the drop rates and keeps the economy in tact

I am still completely against it for other reasons though. Namely that a HUGE part of D2 is people getting rushed and or just screwing around in games hanging out at the side of Baal/chaos runs and everyone fooling around doing their own stuff while some people actually participate in the fights and chop through mobs and run around the area killing stuff and these people have the benefit of being in the action to pick up the extra loot that having 8 players in the game causes to drop.

I think given the prevalence of leeching assigning loot to players standing around on the side getting experience while the players who killed the mob see an item they can’t pick up is a totally ridiculous dynamic. Some people might counter this argument by saying we need to design a system that gets rid of players leeching but now we are ovehauling multiple systems to implement this change and its exactly the slippery slope changing to personal loot presents that has me so ardently against it.

I can already promise you this will not satisfy the D3 crowd currently yelling about public loot

Diablo 3 fans should not try to destroy Diablo 2 of their terrible ideas.
This is why Diablo 3 is a bad game, not even a masterpiece. Diablo 2 is one of the best masterpiece in history, don’t try to mess it up. Thanks!

what will happen the time someone die he will get is gold auto loot from other player ??? no more gold drop the time player die ??? sometime minor change link us to big change , the pvp reward and pk reward is to loot the gold of other player you kill ???

I think the more you play D2, the more you realize how useless storing gold is. The only decent use for it is gambling, and the odds to get anything good are insanely low. You can gamble Rings to craft with at lvl 93 I think.

Even so, for 99.9% of golds use, like buying potions, reviving mercenary and repairing, you can go kill a few monsters and be able to afford it with ease.

If someone is stockpiling gold, I think the last thing on their mind is going with it to pvp. Just dying removes a % of gold from your stash and wallet permanently. Not sure if that applies to pvp, but why gather max gold just to drop it in pvp?

If you consider gold a reward, then you aren’t really playing D2.

This specific gold pickup thing I think is a non issue… you were going to have to run over to the gold where the player died to pick it up and click on it anyway I don’t see any imbalance with it just auto looting when you get there instead of clicking on it?

The likely situation is that they just disable gold that dropped on death from being auto-looted.

having superior item with charge or skill cost a lot of gold to repaire not everyone are in end game with a lot of gold (reply cooler )

if you think guy gold is not a big deal , why make the effort to change the game??
always you make change in a game this bring other impact in the game , i`m a pk player and i kill so many player that drop a crap load of gold this always bring a smile on my face the time he die and earring the sound of is gold droping and i can bet other player get mad :slight_smile: changing a classic game just remove all the magic

I just wonder how much extra loot is ALREADY generated on realms when players play by themselves and DON’T play with a group except to level. I’d speculate that personal loot in an 8 player game wouldn’t be the “OMG The SKy IsFaLLing!” event that people might think. You might get a better no drop rate in the 8 player game, but how much of that extra drop is garbage or “just another isenharts on Hell Baal.” Heck, they could even lower the no drop bonus without touching the item drop tables themselves. In any case, they have not confirmed nor denied personal loot, but I feel that the devs are weighing this heavily with adding controller support to PCs, as well as the fact consoles are going to be playing online, with perhaps a possible future of cross play.

I’m hoping the loot is personal. So I can play online without worrying about losing a single item. If the loot not personal I and probably many people will not play online. And before anyone criticizes me, I played all the Diablos that were released.

I’m willing to bet there will be many more d2 fans that won’t even buy the game if loot is personal

I would still love to see some discussion or even some counter arguments beyond simply the economy in regards to how individual loot would integrate into gameplay for some perspective on here.

There’s no vote kick option its not a streamlined endgame in Diablo 2 and it’s 8 player games. I don’t see what makes people think that players won’t join public games and literally just follow you or other groups around and literally kill nothing and risk nothing in actual combat while just casually collecting their assigned individual loot drops that players who are actually fighting miss out on because it assigns it to the other player even though they are standing on it.

I am 100% sure it is exactly what will happen with individual loot half the online community was always experience leechers in your games which was always cool because more loot dropped with more players in the game but now half the people playing will just be loot leechers too lol.

Lmao this is literally the most important aspect of diablo 2. The fact that D3 players can’t grasp that is why we don’t care to hear your input on the game

I’ve already bought the game, and even if it doesn’t conform to my wish list, I’ll still get my money’s worth with the first season, then whatever future times I play I bit for that nostalgia hit, or for future changes or mods. If someone’s value on the game is broken over such an archaic system being replaced, their life must be pretty hollow and there is still the actual current version in all of it’s archaic stagnated glory that they can play.

Now, if they were to say change actual gameplay, and remove skillpoints and change skills to generators and spending, or something that drastic of a core deviation…then by all means, bring out the pitchforks!