Personal loot confirmed?

Just repeating myself, but look at devs QA on youtube. It is same game with that graphics above it. All math, logic, even items and 25fps animations - they are working in old D2 game that is running right now underneath. And after that new 3d engine just visualise it in new graphics, it doesnt do any math or scripts or logics. Its just a makeup.

“Us” would be the community that is reading you post. I simply asked that you backed up your facts and as predicted you dodged the question and made it personal.

Let’s look at the definition of the word “lesser”: “not so great or important as the other or the rest.” Source: google search. Man, you are really stepping in it by classifying a whole community to such a word… But again, you have every right to your opinion about this statement, even if its wrong :wink:

I simply said that in my opinion, I believe that they are in the minority. I never claimed this to be factual or pretended to offer factual statistics.

I am not familiar with those mods, but I assume this is your opinion.

I don’t know all the mods out there, but PlugY was not a part of the original game and if that’s your argument to justify share stash space, then let’s go all the way with all the other great changes to D2 via Pd2 and other great mods.

Anyway, if you like mods, just play mods.

It will be old D2, they are not making new game on a new engine. It just graphics and visuals. They are not even changing some old bugs that can be OP or game ruining, exept of some instakills and stuff that is clearly unfair. What we are even talking about here?

D2:R is a tweener. Best of both worlds IMO.

If I may make a suggestion, don’t tell people what to play if its not in line with what you think is right. I do play mods; I do play the original and I also play D3 among other games, which in my opinion gives me great perspective.
My intention is not to get your riled up, but I am sure you heard that the D2R had said that if enough players ask for a change during Alpha and beta testing they are willing to consider changing things for the better. Most streamers that I know have already communicated game changing mechanics they want to have added to the game. I agree with such changes because I think it will benefit the game and the community. For example, Raxx wants “force move” to be added. In my opinion, he has a lot of weight when it comes to persuading the D2R team and through his community that supports him.
The bottom line is that the more options there are the better it will be for the game and its community. They are not forcing anyone to play any type of game mode. If adding improvements to the game beyond graphical overhaul, brings in more players, then I fully support it, because then they are encouraged to support the game even more.

Completely agree.

I do when it strays too far from the original and changes the experience too significantly. For example I’ve seen people asking for infinite stash like PlugY so that they can still do holy grail runs. That’s way too far to me, great as a mod, but part of the vanilla experience I enjoy is the limited stash space that forces me to make decisions on what is worth keeping.

Perhaps I misunderstood.

To me it came across that this was an argument for changing pretty much whatever they want and the purists who want it to stay the same should just go and play the original and miss out on the fantastic remastered visuals. Which, imo, is not a win.

I agree, but I think moderation is important. I’m very reserved when it comes to what they should or shouldn’t add.

Yes, but the issue is I, and a lot of others, want the new visuals with the old content. Minimal changes. I don’t care for adding a bunch of new content to my 20 year old game, I can go to mods if I really wanted that. I keep coming back to Diablo 2 despite it’s lack of updated content, and that’s the Diablo 2 I want them to preserve for the remaster.

I’ve watched/read everything they have on D2R several times now.

I’m not trying to discourage feedback in any way, I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion. I’m perfectly open to these civil discussions like this where Diablo fans can talk about their opinions as they like.

In that way they can only done that can be done in D2 engine. Because they do not change it.

I hope not. Author should decide what to do with his creation, not people who will use it.

The thing your missing is that personal loot is not a small, QoL improvement, it’s a major, fundamental change to the game system and mechanics. It’s not as easy as you and the other people who support it are making it out to be. Since the devs have already said, time and time again, that they are not looking to make major changes to how the game works, personal loot is almost assuredly off the table. I could be wrong, the devs are smarter than I am and maybe they know a way to do it without fundamentally changing the loot mechanics and economy, but I just don’t see it happening.

After reading your response, I can tell we are not that far apart. In the example of infinite stash, I too do not want infinite stash. But hypothetically speaking, if that was the case and I wanted to enjoy the restrictions of the old game, I can always simulate that playstyle for myself, somewhat like SSF players do. I can impose those restrictions on myself. I don’t get angry or disappointed that others don’t get to experience this restriction that forces one to make better decisions.

I propose two arguments to this. Some players find D3 to easy because they got lucky and found perfectly rolled primal and are able to steamroll the game. That has happened to me once before. I can always not use those primal and enjoy a harder challenge.

Wudijo has a lot of fun challenges he does that are outside the norm too. My second point is from a business perspective. If offering infinite stash (which I think it kind of crazy) brings in more players, and Blizzard sees this as interest and decides to allocate more resources to officially support this game, then I will take one for the team and let it happen with no complaints.
If a change, any change, bothers me so much that it make the game unplayable, even with updated graphics, I currently have the option to play the original. That’s not to say I don’t appreciate D2 as it is now with all its quirks and bugs.

In the end I tend to gravitate to playing mods when they become available because they cater to what I like and offer new content that I love. I also enjoy being part of that type of community.

The author has every right to do what he/she wants, but everything they do has to be approved by leadership in a company that is controlled by investors that mostly care about profits. I the end the consumer is the one with the most power via use of their wallets to buy your product and or services. In my opinion the majority of people want more QOL from what I see on the forums.

In my opinion they not. So let’s just wait for alpha. We don’t even know when it starts.

To the people saying “if you don’t like the changes and nerfs that we’re suggesting, then just play the old D2 game”, you clearly don’t have any understanding of what a remaster is. It’s the same old game with new graphics. The developers have already said that besides a couple of small qol improvements none of the game systems or mechanics are changing from the original. This is not D2.5. This is D2 with a new graphics skin on top and the same old systems underneath. One of the biggest reasons why D2 is such a great game is because of how brutal and unforgiving it is. It’s not something you see a lot in games these days and a lot of people love it. If you don’t like the game now you won’t like this either so go find something else to play. They are not going to soften D2 up just for you. D3 and WoW are still available if you prefer the systems in those.

My take on personal loot is that it would make me feel like I’m being coddled in a multi-player game. Like “here’s your special loot just for you”. Not appealing at all. Also, it would completely break the game mechanics. The whole reason why there’s a higher drop rate in p8 games is to drop more loot for people to pick up because there are more players. If you had personal loot you’d then have to decrease the drop rate back to p1 in 8 player games or you’d have 8x as many high level items dropping for pickup. It just makes no sense whatsoever in the context of this game and it’s not going to happen.

I don’t think it will happen, but I would prefer personal loot. It isn’t a deal breaker, just something I would like.

100 Baal run in shared loot = 100 baal killed = 100 drops
100 baal run in personal loot = 800 baal killed = 800 drops

it changes the game economy

No, personal loot is just a name for a concept and is not tied to any particular implementation. You take the current drop implementation and randomly distribute the loot. It is that simple. Sure the type of player that took advantage of that system by feeding off of lesser players will see less HRs because other players are getting them. But they can always toggle it off if they are creating a game where they are carrying everyone in it.

Larloch, I don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying. Regardless of implementation personal loot fundamentally changes the game mechanics. Even if it is just Moster Drops X items, divide X items by number of players in the game and randomly assign each item to players. That means each player will see less drops. The less drops a player sees, the fewer opportunities they have to obtain the item. It’s not as simple as just flipping a switch and calling it good. Every aspect of the loot drop system and mechanic would have to be looked it because personal loot changes a fundamental way it works today which would effect every other aspect of loot drops.

again, personal loot drops are already in the game…single player

Ofc online there will be no personal loot… They said, they won’t change the mechanics, such that the experience differs qualitatively. No shared loot would be one of the biggest changes you could ever make…

I would like to vote in favour of personal loot. It was the first thing that came to my head when I heard there would be quality of life changes, and I’m surprised by people’s objections.

If there are 2 people in a game they both can’t both pick up 100% of the loot. Maybe they pick up 50% each, but far more likely one person picks up 90%. The 9:1 split may be due to reasons such as ranged vs. melee or mouse vs. controller. It really isn’t the best experience for the person whose loot consists of stuff the other player didn’t want.