People keep trying to scam me

Ah ok. Thank you for explaining it :slightly_smiling_face:. I played D2 like more than a decade ago or maybe a few years after D2 LoD released, there was an instance someone did something similar like that but I think in D2R, the models for the uniques/sets are kind of different(?) maybe? I am not sure for all of them but some of them look different (like the icons I mean).


You have a reputation there. That’s why.

And proven scammers get hammered hard and fast.

Lol not on diablo 2. If you are dumb enough to put your items up and accept trade without checking than you probably deserve it bahahaha

Looks like a lot of people are missing the point. OP did not get scammed. He double-checked the items before trade.

He is tired of the scam ‘attempts’ because it’s a damn waste of his time.

Most players are wary of simple scams like this by now.

Sure, you won’t fall for it but if too many trade attempts end up with someone trying to scam you, you eventually just get tired and frustrated. Good trades are already hard to come by with this crappy lobby and these pathetic scam attempts are just insult to the injury.

Again, the solution is third party trade websites like D2jsp, traderie, whichever you prefer since Blizzard doesn’t really provide a robust platform for trading.


If we had an auction house I’d actually do something with the 5 mules of uniques I have.

Starts running from pitchforks

“ctrl left to link plz”


Instead of an “auction house” which lists items for gold/money, I’d rather they did a “trading post.”

You list an item or items. Someone else comes along and offers item(s) in return. A listing can receive multiple offers, only the seller can see them. All items listed or offered in the trading post leave the player’s possession while the listing is active.

You go in and review your offers and accept or reject. If you reject, the offered items are returned to the buyer’s stash (they don’t have to be online at the time). If you accept the items are instantly exchanged and show up in the respective stashes of the players. Once you accept an offer all other pending offers are auto-rejected. There would probably have to be a special stash tab for traded items.

Anyway all of this is pie in the sky and unlikely to happen for D2R as I doubt they’d devote resources to something like this, but maybe we can hope for a better trading system in D4.

Yeah. You’ll also see people repeatedly open and close the trading window trying to time it with your click so the item drops on the ground.

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That sounds very reasonable also. I get for some people they love their AH simulator/scamming people or whatever brings them joy. But just being able to easily exchange items without having to use some outside tool would be amazing.

you essentially described an auction with less features

Meh. Call it whatever. Call it Bob’s Bartering Barn. I don’t care what you call it.

My point was that the term “auction house” as it has previously been used in Blizzard games implies trading for a currency such as gold or RL money. That’s not Diablo’s trading model (as evidenced by the unmitigated disaster the AH was in D3), so it should be a system that facilitates trading of items instead of currency.

Surprised how many people fall for this actually even in classic d2…like the item leaves the trade window…why wouldn’t you check it again.

you know, money was invented so we wouldn’t have to trade items / livestock for other items / livestock. Currency is easier to carry and easier to value.

And even here in D2… runes are an unofficial currency. It’s common to say an item is worth “2 Bers” for example.

It’s like trying to re-invent warm water.

Maybe the simplest solution is to have an AH only currency (a la “forum gold”) but you can’t use RL money to get it.

I like these kinds of interactions to be honest. I hate the safe-space streamlining garbage. The world is sick. That’s how it is. I don’t need a game company to try and mollycoddle under the umbrella of their subjective ‘values’.

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unfortunately as long as there are online games where players can trade there will always be players attempting to scam others

Fortunately there’s diablo2 (dot) io, which is much better than d2jsp because there’s no BS “forum gold” currency. It’s just item for item, the way it should be.

Sure. Doesn’t mean that’s a feasible model in Diablo. People don’t trade in game that way currently. The only “official” in game currency is gold whose value has almost no relation to the value of items.

Unofficial being the key word there. It’s understandable that the community wants a common language to gauge the relative value of one item to another. But even then there will always be variability. Let people decide what they think their items are worth.


If Blizzard wanted to do something like this I’d be okay with it. If it remains in the hands of third-parties (e.g. D2JSP), then no. Not everyone uses that.

ITT: OP needs something in place other than his own commen sense.

the idea is that it would be through Blizzard. No 3rd parties involved.

again, pointless. We went from exchanging sheep for cows, to sheep for fancy jewelery, to sheep for gems, to then sheep for coins, then sheep for dollar bills, then sheep for credit on a plastic card… the items of trade got more convenient with time.

Same exact process happened in D2. Item for item, then item for runes, then item for forum gold.

As long as there’s no way to BUY the trading currency (aka, using your real life wealth to manipulate your in-game wealth), then using a currency is literally the same exact system of trade… just more convenient.

The only real issues with D2JSP are the money involved, and the fact that your forum gold won’t reset across ladder seasons.

Accumulated wealth make ‘wealth class’ mobility harder (basic economics; this is the issue of real life too, with the descendants of people enslaved 200 years ago still being poor because they lack accumulated wealth.)

Theres also the scam of putting a real item and asking for x p gems or runes. They then check at the speed you are placing the items then close the menu before you place your final one causing you to throw it on the ground.

This is esp annoying if they are asking for say 8 ists and then they check at the speed you place each one and time it so you throw one of them on the ground when they close the menu. Control+click wouldnt work cause if they close it at the perfect time you throw the item on the ground and they loot it.

They can also fix this by putting any item on cursor in trade back into inventory so you cannot get scammed that way. Kinda dumb they left that the same